Sunday, 17 March 2013

Weddings and Golf Club captain

So im absolutly shattered im supposed to be doing the online shop but I couldn’t concentrate on ordering the right stuff! Ill end up with loads of cake and biscuits (bit like when my husband does the food shop). This weekend has been very busy with both Saturday and Sunday mapped out with back to back stuff! The best bit was my husband wasn’t playing football so we spent the whole weekend together (a rarity). He was also filming the wedding we went to so was apart for a little!

Saturday started with a women’s collective Community Action event! As a group we have three areas we base our event by they are the church’s values they are worship, community and generosity. We as a group were going out to our local community to clean up some areas that have been neglected! Not a huge turnout but glad some people came!  It was rainy and windy so maybe it put some people of! I then completely forgot pants had a partyL! He hardly gets invited to parties so im actually gutted he didn’t go!  So then we had to go to off to Sidcup for the wedding! A quick half hour to pack an overnight bag and sort Amis food/milk! Very stressful! All laden with cameras, tripods, toys, bottles! It was a lovely wedding although im sorry I didn’t capture any picture s of the happy couple im very rubbish at that when we go to weddings! Or a family shot another thing that doesn’t happen! It was lovely hanging with friends my husband loves to dance so with him on the dance floor Pants in the games room it was just me and Ami in the evening! I didn’t mind she fell asleep on me (I love it when she does that)!  

Sunday equally as busy we went to a church in Sidcup call New Generation that is hosted in cineworld in Bexlyheath, was really good they spoke about being a princess and being released into this and casting of lies that we had about ourselves!  Pants and Ami went off to the kids clubs so me and Matt were sitting on our own! SO a quick dash home to my stepdads golf club where he had a drive in! No I didn’t know what that was either! It is basically where he tees off! My mum had given a joke ball which exploded when he hit it! Was very funny! So we had a lovely meal! The kids played outside! (I got told of by health and safety officer for taking Aston on the course, apparently it’s against the law, we could have been killed etc.) Oh dear! But now sitting down watching a film hoping Ami doesn’t get up at 6 again in the morning! Good times!

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  1. Had to comment as you mentioned golf! It's our drive in this weekend and I'm sure there will be a novelty ball or 2 thrown in as well!

    1. It was funny my poor step dad had his hip replaced last month but did a good swing (if thats what you call it)!
