1- Went on a recruitment day was nice to do something other than be a mum although the downside there is a lack of jobs in our area, although im not sure who will employ me if im going to go on maternity leave 1.5 months later lol!!
2- We went to the beach the other day it was a little windy but we still went Pants even went in the sea!!
3- We had a good time at big church day out, we didnt see any acts as Pants wanted to play cage football and more football! I did see a little bit of Israel Houghton so that was good! it was so nice to see my husband who had been busy putting up flags marquees etc the last few days. Pants even got to go back stage where he enjoyed getting a free can of coke and biscuits, he is so funny!!
4- Feeling proper kicks from baby number 3 making me feel like i am pregnant as i dont look it or feel it!
5- Ami is learning to give cuddles which is very sweet and soggy but still cute!!
6- Were enjoying the half term we havent done much at all due to weather but its nice to not rush!

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