Thursday, 30 May 2013

Reasons to be Cheerful- Week 13

There are times in life where you feel like nothing good is happening (well this is the case for me!!) that everything is actually going opposite life seems to be going a out of control and youve just got to have huge faith that its going to be sorted!! And it always is so what was the worry for in the first place (story of life)! Anyway with that the things that have made me happy recently..

1- Went on a recruitment day was nice to do something other than be a mum although the downside there is a lack of jobs in our area, although im not sure who will employ me if im going to go on maternity leave 1.5 months later lol!!

2- We went to the beach the other day it was a little windy but we still went Pants even went in the sea!!

3- We had a good time at big church day out, we didnt see any acts as Pants wanted to play cage football and more football! I did see a little bit of Israel Houghton so that was good! it was so nice to see my husband who had been busy putting up flags marquees etc the last few days. Pants even got to go back stage where he enjoyed getting a free can of coke and biscuits, he is so funny!!

4- Feeling proper kicks from baby number 3 making me feel like i am pregnant as i dont look it or feel it!

5- Ami  is learning to give cuddles which is very sweet and soggy but still cute!!

6- Were enjoying the half term we havent done much at all due to weather but its nice to not rush!
Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

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Monday, 27 May 2013

Our first ever trip to Disney Land!

Always as a girl i wanted to go to Disneyland so when the offer came up in the good old sun for a trip for £9.50 we thought yeah why not!! we decided to keep it a secret from Pants and tell him when we got there! We decided to go in February we were worried before hand as it had been snowing in the UK and hoped we could get there! But everything was ok but it was so cold! the drive there the windscreen kept on freezing over, and my husband to keep him awake whilst driving had the window open! The journey took 5 hours from Home to Disneyland Paris so not too bad! The great thing about going this time of year is that the park was very quiet! there was hardly any ques for any of the rides huge bonus! but Pants didnt want to go on to many rides just the smaller ones! We went on the buzz light year ride which was Pants Favorite. He also loved meeting Donald duck one of his favorites!  We also took him on the armageddon ride but he didnt like it he cried!! He also said next time  he wanted to go to America so they didnt speak french! We had a lovely and tiring 24 hours but was defo worth it for the price of £19.50 bargain!!! Heres some picture from our day!!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

15 Things I Love

I love my life and little family

I Love my hairy husband, he makes me laugh so so much :)

I Love my children they make me laugh too

I love going on adventures

I love taking photos

I Love nothing more than sitting down the beach on a warm day

I Love spending quality time with the people i love

I love that we live our lives for Jesus

I love being in our church community

I love nursing (i say this on maternity leave)

I love to cook (although my husband would love to disagree!!)

I love to dream about our future

I love being surprised with whats next

I love sunsets especially at Minnis bay

I love my life (most days)

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Friday, 24 May 2013

Bath time baby sensory

After seeing many people on their blogs try out thease water beads, I really wanted to try them out! I thought in the bathroom there would be less chance of  me  ami or pants getting them everywhere!

So I was deciding what to do with them and i heard a huge crash Pants had wanted to see what they were and poured them out into the bath as you do!! so i collected them all up (took forever) so just ended up putting them in a tub and running a bath for Ami.

Ami absolutely loved them she like the texture and colour, she did manage to put a few in her mouth but promptly spat them out as they didn't taste of anything! Pants also loved them they were so bouncy he wanted to stay in the bath for ages!!

They were alot of fun and for £1.75 good fun for bath time! although they shrunk 3 days later all went down the plug hole we enjoyed playing with them!!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Reasons to be cheerful week 12

Well what a week, crazy children, poorly dad and the rest! we are blessed with what we have life is a great gift! The reasons why im Cheerful are as follows (will try and keep it short lol, no promises!!)

1) After spending time in ITU with my dad, ive seen that life is so so precious and i need to make the most of it!!

2) My husbands gone of to Big church day out to set up some marques we join him on Sunday looking forward to it, we've been most years its always good fun! Looking forward to being able to leave housework whilst OCD husband is away!!!

3) Pants has been a good boy at school no teacher chatting to me after school for a while!! So lovely i always fear and pick up time when the teacher comes out is she heading for me... yes the person behind me instead!!

4) Can now take proper bites out of food with her two teeth no more messing around with just gums!! (we gave up on BLF ages ago time to start those finger foods again!

5) looking forward to half term no school runs for a while and a chance to hang out with my little family!!

Thats it for now maybe come back later with some more! as doing the morning school run and i havent done my hair yet!!! Rough mum alert!!!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

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Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The Gallery - Drink

Getting my too to Drink is so hard! Well not so much Ami she will gulp that milk down, Pants on the other hand if its not fizzy or unhealthy it will go untouched! he loves water but never actually drinks it! unless you keep reminding him he can go the whole day on just 1 or 2 drinks! my mum always comments on it!! rather annoying! So sorry did end up with any photos of the kids drinking!! Sure I  could find plenty of me with a drink (not always alcholic, who do you think i am!!) I do drink tons of tea! never a whole cup more half cups!

"What Drink Shall i go for?"

"If you dont hurry up and get me a drink, im going to eat this ketchup" 

"dont worry now, gunna play football instead!!"

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Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Pregnancy week 15

Not the most interesting of posts but if you enjoy reading about pregnancy or love reminiscing about yours, or even givng advice read along!

Ok sorry guys not being going on about my pregnancy too much, mostly because I forget about being pregnant! So here i am week 15, 25 weeks to go exciting as that is. 5 weeks till we find out which sex will rule in our house! My husband would love a girl me a boy. Either im happy with a girl would be easier as we have all the clothes ready and Ami and baby number 3 would happily play barbies when older (like me and mu sister did).

 I don't seem have any pregnancy symptoms except find it so uncomfortable at night , with both the other pregnancies i had anemia so may explain why i feel so tired all the time!! I also don't have a bump yet just starting to look a bit plump! Looking forward to buying some maternity clothes as gave all mine away doh! didn't think we would need them so soon!! sadly i didnt loose all pregnancy weight from Ami so don't actually look much different! The other day i thought i felt a kick but surely its too early. I felt ami kick at around 16-18 weeks cant remember. Must start thinking im having a baby and make a midwife appointment next week!

I would show a bump picture but as there is none i will enlighten you with a bump from Ami This was me at 40 weeks!

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Busy weekend and Ill parents!

So been a busy few days, not had a chance to blog about anything nor really had any ideas on what to write about!! Writers block or extreme exhaustion was reading other peoples blogs but thats been about it!! Anyway my dad was rushed into hospital Friday straight to resus then to ITU. So been spending time at the hospital  aswell as being a mum and just doing life! My husband did a good job looking after the kids i didnt leave him with anything so he did well sorting out bottles and baby stuff out!

Seeing your parent really ill is not great fortuantly he has got better after a blimp on Sunday is now out of ITU. ITU is a scary place my dad thank god was not ventilated but was on a BIPAP machine which is an non invasive ventilation machine, but one day i was in there there was a young man in his twenties  unconscious connected to all sorts of wires really makes you think how lucky you are and how much life means! Makes you want to live life to the full, not wasting a second, you realise those little things are not worth it and i want to live my life full of love and excitement!

My dad also when awake was confused thought there was some kind of conspiracy going on in the hospital! very funny to listen to he thinks he is stuck in the film Coma! i havent seen it but have been told by my dad the staff are killing patients in the night! oh dear! Anyway i am linking this up with magic moments over at Olivers Madhouse because im glad my dad is better and on the mend! Hopefully this will make him see that he should go to the doctors when ill and not wait till your really ill and about to die!!

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Sunday, 19 May 2013

Silent Sunday - 19-05-2013

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Thursday, 16 May 2013

Such a Blessing my children

When i hear stories of people that try desperately to have a child but cant it breaks my heart because i know what a blessing they are, I do not know what its like to be in that situation but i reakon its very difficult. So when i see there sleeping faces i know they are a gift! A extremely special gift im blessed to even have two let alone another one on the way. Some days i think why do i have kids or ive had enough not because its tough, although sometimes it is but i think its the days where everything is the same!  I write this post as i look at photos of my children and was made happy! Just think what god thinks of us that just blows my mind. So funny they both are in there different ways.

Pants makes me laugh daily with his Random Stories, I love to turn the Tv of and hear him play and forget there is video games and just get lost in a world of make believe! Hes a strong character and often wonder what he will grow up to be like. I know he is going to be a revivalist, missionary and adventurer! He already at his age loves missions being on his first at 10months old he was with me during a scripture union beach mission! Very computer savvy too how can a six year old help me out on the computer!!! thats just embarrassing!!

Ami also makes us laugh alot weather its a cheeky dance or funny face expression she is everyday learning. I feel like she knows too much for such a small baby (shes not small though very chubby she is!!). She is nearly one i cant believe how quick it is going! She is very chilled out very much like her dad which is most prob why she can be such a daddys girl!! Im sure she is going to love everything be so happy and chilled just like her daddy! I cant wait to see what she grows up to be! i dont want to wish the years away but there is that little inkling in me that want to know the same with  Pants! Exciting times

Another on the way that brings a mix of emotions often forget then someone reminds me that were having another one! Im excited and scared but im sure it will be good! God makes all things work for good!

I do love being a mummy! although i wouldn't pass up a night away somewhere on my own... ok my husband at a push lol!!

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Reasons to be Cheerfull - Week 11

Ive actually woken up in a really good day, one of those days where you know its going to be a good day!! Im not sure whats in store but im sure its going to be good! Not had an overly busy week been very chilled but thats good sometimes. Im always being blessed nice to write down the little things and remember in time to come!

1) Pants has gone up another book band at school, he spent the whole of reception not wanting to do anything didnt want to read at home to loving learning in year 1! I am really proud of his achievements and how much he has learned this year!

2) Got told i may possibly be getting paid during June - August this year which has taken a huge financial burden of us as a family!

3) We had what i thought was a house evaluation (i was a tiny bit worried as we have strict landlords, i even took all our photos off the walls and painted over the holes) but it turned out just to be an evaluation ! Dont know what I was worried about!!

4) Its very sunny today so much so ive a little headache, but its ok i will deal with that nice to see the blue skies after all the rain and horrid wind!!

5) Ami has been making us laugh with the things she does, Saucy dancing (not sure where she has learnt this)   saying dadda in her sleep and just random things babies do that bring a smile to your face!

6) 6 more school days till half term, where is this term going .

7) We have another Womens Collective Ladies night on Saturday should be a good time to chill out with friends and make new ones!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

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Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The Gallery - New

When i saw the theme New i was a little stuck, what would i write about new stuff, new day, new life? I suppose each day brings new experiences and new things, good and bad! When you have children there are alot of new experiences from being a first time parent realising you cant just go out on your own to your child at schools first assembly, all new experiences all bring alot emotions you didnt expect but all exciting all the same!!  our newest thing is coping with a moving baby, poor Pants has had to move everything our of reach, he cant leave lego or his ipod out anymore! Ami who loves this freedom doesnt stop and is into everything and i mean everything. This feels new although i have been through this before when pants was a baby but its still new! also trying to capture a photo of a moving baby has become difficult so here is a few of my attempts of a newish photographer hee hee!


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Monday, 13 May 2013

My nanna G

There is some people in life you meet and you know they will make a lasting impression. My Nanna G was one of them originally from Stratford upon Avon she had a posh tone to her voice and you would never catch her swear (thats a lie she once called Camilla a bitch). My nanna passed away 3 years ago and we all still miss her loads and loads. My mum was her main career and saw her every day me and Aston would join her some days she was always such a hoot. Even writing this and she has been gone three years its still hard the memories are still fresh. When i fell pregnant with Aston as a teenager she was hopeful for me and told me people wont be as ban when he was born. That was true, she had a bond with Pants they would play, tease each other and Pants loved Nanna G dearly.

 My memory today is from my Nannas 90th birthday, she didnt want to do much as found it hard with decreased mobility to get places then there was the faff of needing toilet so we sat out side her little bungalow with her neighbours and the people she loved. She was so pleased to be outside and celebrating she always said now the time goes back and the next year she would be 89! It was lovely and one of the last memories of her before she was poorly and passed away. Both my mum and sisters still miss her, we often laugh about the different tales we have about her.Cant write anymore tears are coming, I remember the last thing she said about me before she died was "shes very happy" how true she was!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Blossom Walk

Since Pants was small we would go for a walk when the blossom came on the trees, a road near us is linned with blossom trees so beautiful! This road was on our walk to nursery so me and Pants would be late every day as we would shake the trees and Pants would pretend he was at a wedding! So to keep up with the tradition me and just pants went for a walk to shake the trees! Although i had a bat so hit the trees which did earn me a beep from a car! but it was nice to keep up with our traditions just the two of us, hardly ever happens! Must make more time for the two of us although he must miss it he didnt stop talking!

We finished to walk of with me throwing a ball for him to practice his bat hitting skills (hence why i had the bat, im not a thug!!) Good times!! took the camera as broke my phone Pants is at the age where he hates photos! shame hes got such a trigger happy mama!!

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Im going to make a tee pee tent!!!!

Ok im not a tight person i just dont like paying loads of money for something i can do myself or even get cheaper elsewhere! This doesn't always work in my favour I can tell you countless times ive opted for the cheaper/ make it my self option and its failed! I made a door stop filled it with sand and spent weeks hoovering up sand lol! Oh dear but this time im not going to fail! I want to make a Tee Pee tent for my little Lindabear! I saw some on ebay but thought yes i can make my own! Im hoping my good friend Franbo will help me (thats a hint if your reading) she is awesome at all craft, at Christmas she made all her own presents including a pair of pjs.

Anyway i was looking online an have had some inspiration to make my own!!! Im good at the ideas but when it comes to the actual doing i often start the job but never finish it! This is different Ami is going to be 1 in 2 and a half months so need to get a move on lol! reading through some blogs i found there is plenty of different ways to make a teepee all involving broom sticks and fabric!

Although this teepee requires no sewing could be a good idea not overly good on a sewing machine! i will let you know how the progress goes weather i cave and buy one from ebay! time will tell!

Im hoping its going to look like this!!

But knowing me this is what is will end up as! 

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Thursday, 9 May 2013

Reasons to be cheerful - week 10

So its that time again to look over the blessings that we have and the reason why were so blooming happy!

1) was a lovely bank holiday weekend spend plenty of time with the family loved it

2) if you saw recent posts we are expecting baby number 3!!!!

3) Were not going on holiday in the half term due to my husbands work but i also have a day to get my smart card ready for real work as of September *bites fingernails*

4) Pants has been such a good boy lately such a nice change

5) Football cancelled again this weekend huzzah you will spend time with us lol

6) Loving the sunshine as of late

7)  Ami has turned into a crawling machine she follows us everywhere such a pickle, weve been thinking of putting sponges on her knees to clean the floors!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Bank holiday Monday - Mount Ephraim Gardens

The weather forecast was looking good so to make the most of the sunshine myself and a few friends decided to take our families to mount Ephraim gardens, Before going I had said to my husband it better be good as we have to pay to get in. It turned out to be a lovely day they had some lambs and puppies in which Pants loved to stroke and cuddle, also a farmers market an added bonus! It was a hot day and Pants just wanted to jump in the pond he took great delight in collecting bread from people to throw into the pond ( he had about 30 ducks around him at one time always these moments you forget to take a photo). Ami was enjoying just eating and crawling around, Pants then was playing sport with some other children enjoying freedom of being outside! i was enjoying that too also hanging with friends and having a good time!

We then took a walk to find the lambs and puppies! there was three tiny puppies Pants waited very patiently to hold and took much delight when one fell asleep on his lap! we didint get round to do the animal trail Pants was very disappointed so we promised we will go back another time! It was a lovely day looking forward to the next bank holiday weekend!

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