Saturday 29 June 2013

Ami your 11 months

Ami your 11 months
were is the time going
you will soon be one 
you will soon be a big sister

This month you have had your first swimming lesson
you just love water 
you love to splash and you love to drink it
you have even been in the sea

you have finnaly mastered standing on your own
even taking a few steps 
you come to us with your arms wide
you clap with joy as you learnt how to walk

You have a deep chuckle and love to giggle
you love to be chased and love being caught
you love to play with your brother and especially his toys
you want to be centre of attention 

you are so cute you make us smile so much
you say a few word especially hellow when you find a phone
you love to see people and cry when they go
you are so upset when Pants and daddy leave

You are such a super star 
we love you so much 
you are growing up so so fast

Enjoy your last month of being a baby under one
your first year is flying by 
little baby Ami 
love you Amilinderville

Thursday 27 June 2013

Reasons to be Cheerful Week 17

So we have had a good week the sunshine sure does alot to change my mood! I love this linky life can be so tough sometimes so its got to focus on the positives.

1) My baby Ami took a few steps, argh shes 10 months and 3 weeks! I thought 2nd children wernt as quick! such a sweetie!

2) Pants had sports day he didnt do too bad, we finished the day with a swim in the sea and a atempt to catch some crabs!

3) We found out were having a boy, was so unexpected and we are so happy!

4) We survived camping we lo forward to going again this weekend (we have purchased a travel cot after an awful night with her sleeping in her pushchair compartment!

5) Last few days of maternity leave, look forward to going back to work also scared as dont really have a childcare plan yet!!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

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Wednesday 26 June 2013

Huggies Hygiene Mat Experience Day

Recently me and Ami got asked to be part of an experience day that involved a baby swim lesson and High tea! My mind was made up this was right up our street! I was glad to be chosen and me and Ami took our first journey to London on our own! We found the place and got on the right tube trains and managed with a pushchair, I was scared and excited have never done anything like this before.

We turn up and were given the Huggies Hygiene Mat, which is a new product huggies have created to help get babies and children changed when going swimming! such a great idea swimming pool changing rooms can be the worst, the best thing is that its small and can be put in a bag and its machine washable!

Not Enjoying going under

We got changed and Ami was so excited she loves swimming, the lesson was held by water babies in which you can get free swimming lessons upon purchase of little swimmers nappies! Also at the even was Karen Pickering who if you don't know is an successful Commonwealth swimmer having won many medals in the games. We finally got in the water and Ami was so so excited she didnt stop kicking her legs and splashing the whole time! We did many different things as it was a taster of a baby swim lesson! Even going under water in which Ami didnt enjoy!

Ami swimming with Karen Pickering 
Ami Loved swimming
After swimming we got treated to a High tea at the Milestone Hotel where there was tons of delicious food! It all was so good, Ami even had a huge plateful! We were told more about the hygiene mat and also given opportunity to chat about swimming and the products! We also were given an amazing goodie bag from Huggies! was a lovely day we both enjoyed it! Check out more at

All of this food was for Ami she loved it

This was the delicious food.. Yum

Heres some of the swagger in the goodie bag!

*Disclaimer: We were invited to come on an experience day by huggies, all thoughts and options are my own, really recommend the mat for older children too! 

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The Gallery - Green

This week on the gallery the theme is green and as we just had Sports day at Pants school, Id thought id share some photos! Pants was not excited about sports day, he wast the fastest therefore was not pleased to be taking part as like most other children (and adults) do not like losing! At Pants school they only hold two races per child, so after his running race he had the bean bag on a bat race! He nearly won his race but fell over just before the finishing line! Good times, we had lovely weather for sports day too reminded me its the summer! 

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Tuesday 25 June 2013

Camping Weekend week 1 of 2

So there we are were back from the first weekend of Camping! We were at Kingsdown Camping ground in Deal,  we fared well bearing in mind there was string winds and rain! boo! Our Tent didnt blow away and stay dry so thats a bit of good news, Some peoples did in the night rough stuff! I would have demanded to go home I think I was very close one day, there is only so much being cold one can take! We went along to serve New Generation church who were holding there weekender that weekend! This involved us prepping meals that were being made and generally helping when we could with two children!

Fortuantly my husband had gone beforehand to set the tent up so all we had to do is get there! and not forget anything important like some towels, pillows or a travel cot (because they are important mental note dont forget these things next weekend!!!!) We got there and Pants was of we didnt see him for ages I did see him climbing a tree and playing football! I got Ami sorted and prepared to decide how to sort stuff out for Ami dinner milk etc! Me and my husband sorted times where we could both serve so that Ami and Pants would be looked after!

So after helping with the evening meals and sorting later food out we settled to bed! Pants was fast asleep and Ami was asleep in her pushchair cot bit (big mistake for bigger baby) It was so so cold and windy I couldnt settle to sleep! very annoying then Ami woke about 3 in the morning and was trying to climb out of the pushchair! oh dear! she settled an hour later on the airbed with me! then woke at 5:30! oh dear! My husband got up with her he is so good! The Saturday was windy and rainy I was so so cold just wanted to
go home and sit in the bath for hours just to remember what to be warm was like! Finally in the after noon the sun broke through and it seemed a bit warmer!

That night we had borrowed a travel cot and Ami slept in and even had a little lie in! Was a busy weekend also great to see people really getting stuck in to what god was doing! The kids loved it too, Amis favorite game to crawl in and out of the marquee! We look forward to this weekend when its our church's weekend! going to be good were not on team so its a bit more chilled out! Hopefully better weather just need to remember to take the right stuff this weekend! Heres some photos I took when i remembered!

Thats my Kids Week 3 #TMK

Another week has just flown by last week 6 people joined up! Thanks guys!!  where is this year going! Hope your all well and had a good week and weekend! We have had a busy weekend Camping and serving on teams doing catering and helping putting tents up, busy busy!

This week Pants has been a lot more behaved! The pushing of boundaries has calmed a little! We didnt see him much this weekend as he was off climbing trees, playing football and generally being a boy! He has sports day today he has not been to happy, he is not the fastest and is upset that he wont win! Not that it matters but it does when your six, I tried to tell him that some people are better at other sports but like when its the Olympics all eyes are on the 100m final!

Ami has been a super start finally learning to wave and now doing it all the time, It is very cute! also enjoying being chased and tickled she lets out a huge deep laugh! She enjoyed camping so so much but not the first night when she slept in the pushchair waking and trying to climb out! never again! she slept alot better the next night in a travel cot! Shes 11 months next week, my baby girl is growing
 up fast!

So Join up and old post or an new post I cant wait to read your stories! Much love

welcome to the mummy madness

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Sunday 23 June 2013

Baby number 3: 20 Weeks

So reached the halfway point! hurray it has gone so so quick cant quite believe it, scary next time I see my baby he will be in my arms! In case you didnt see my post we are having a Boy! Exciting times! Pregnancy has been a little rough the last few weeks, been really sick and finding certain foods that trigger it! Gross, never really suffered with sickness in pregnancy so been a new experience!

Also been so tired even found my self after the school run lying down on the sofa having a quick few zzz's whilst Ami is entertained by Pants! Even today in tesco I just had to sit down I came over all pale like I was going to faint! I put it down to low blood sugars!  had a similar experience with Ami but was fortunate to be at work so tested sugar levels was 2.2 when it should be over 4! Got to have a break lol wow thanks!

But other than that everything is going well, he is very active kicking me well! I do love it when you start to see your belly move! I would have taken a bump shot but its exactly the same as 17 weeks haven't grown hugely, Have started with Maternity clothes just to get the usage out of them lol

Did you have any crazy Pregnancy symptoms!

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Silent Sunday

Saturday 22 June 2013

Dyslexia in Adults

All my life i have struggled with writing, weather it be because my poor hand writing is so bad cant re read it or i just dont understand things! such as there, their and they're I just dont or never will understand any difference! With all this at school i managed to scrape through with two c's in English bearing in mind i didnt know what some things ment like metaphor or things like that!  I finnaly got diagnosed with dyslexia when i was 21 at university, every essay feedback always said the same thing please proof read as some sentences don't make sense! Or lacks in grammar. Oh dear. So i asked if i could be tested (nothing to do with all the free equipment you can get like the laptop im currently typing on or the dragon software it has either)

I had to sit through a two hour test checking all areas such as spelling, reading, writing, grammer, logic and more. I was good at logic but the rest not so good! So after a few weeks heard back and yes I was dyslexic I was relived I was stupid it was how my brain worked! The outcome was short term memory loss, loss of conentraction , poor grammar, spelling and reading! This was good as I got a front sheet for all future essays at university that helped so much! Althoug most the time i dont see any issues with my writing i re read it seems perfectly fine to me, I may jump from subject to subject, loss track of what im writing but im happy with it!

If you ever thought about dyslexia and that you may have it there are plenty of tests on line where you can see if you have some symptoms! Its not a problem I still function fine with it, thank god for spell check although can still see plenty red lines under my words opps! I may get distracted easily but so be it my mind is on other things all the time lol!

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Friday 21 June 2013

Camping With a baby and friends!

This weekend and the following we are off Camping! as per usual for any trip i am unprepared, wanted to get a pop up travel cot but never got round to it! One day we may go proper camping were we will need a stove and wont have electric!

So essentials I have taken!

  • Tent ( must not forget that, dont want to sleep under the stars!)
  • Sleeping bags (for extra warmth) 
  • Blow up matress (was so good last year best sleep I had at 35 weeks pregnant!) 
  • Food (ok basically crisps and chocolate, we dont own a camping stove!)
  • baby food and milk, bottles, milton, bowls, spoons
  • Clothes, Plenty of pairs as will get mucky knees both children
  • Nappies oh year must not forget these bad boys!
  • Toys for kids and water gun (for extra sleep in the morning in the tent) 
  • Toiletries ( must get round to pack these!) 
  • push chair ( using this as a pod for Ami to sleep in) 
  • Sun cream and hats, you never know what the weather will do this weekend!
  • Children must not leave them at home!
  • Safety stuff, calpol, Plasters Sun cream
Fortuantly My husband got there last night the tent is up and all i have to do is take food, clothes and kids! We love these two weekends they are the high lights of our year! Our church and New gen church in Sidcup go camping as a huge church family! The weekend is followed by baptisms in the sea good fun! First is New Gen weekend so were going to help out however we can! Looking forward to catching up with friends, listening to the sea at night listening to some awesome teaching! Pants loves It for him its fire, fresh air, climbing and football! Lets hope the weather holds out and Ami sleeps well! 

Heres some photos of last years Weekenders! 

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Thursday 20 June 2013

Were Having a .....

So we finnally had our 20 week scan! where is this pregnancy going! before I know it the baby will be here I will be a mum of three, suddenly not so care free anymore! We both was thinking another girl, that would be good we have tons of clothes ready Ami will have a little sister. A little boy with olive skin and dark hair like his dad football mad like his brother, I was not fussed could swing either way!

Last year we were only having Amis 20 week scan where they scared us telling us they saw a shadow on her heart and we had to go to St Thomas's but thank god everything was ok! So they started the scan showing us everything, feet hands, baby yawning, all so cute! The scan ended and we asked the question boy or girl? ..... and we are having a little boy! I nearly cried really didnt expect it at all! There was a stunned silence between me and my husband! He was so sure another little princess but now another Arsenal fan! me and Ami now outnumbered were never going to watch the girly films! But im also so so pleased! next time i see my little boy he will be in my arms! i will be a mum of three... making me feel like a proper grown up!

My mum tried to persuade me not to find out, but i couldnt not I find it really helps me bond with my baby, thinking about him, getting stuff ready! I didnt want to find out when i had pants but his dad needed to know then told me an hour after the scan, Thanks! With Ami me and my husband wanted to know so we could prepare, the great thing about being in a church people are always happy to give you stuff! Now I cant wait he is going to be one handsome little chap hurry up 20 weeks!

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Reasons to be Cheerful: Week 16

This week has flown by cant believe its nearly the weekend! Although were not going to Britmums were of Camping instead! oh dear have fun those who are there gutted to be missing out!! Sometimes I look at my life and see just how blessed we are, we dont have alot of money, we dont get to go on loads of holidays but we are blessed with two little monkeys and I would swap them for every luxury in life!

1) Today we find out weather baby number 3 is blue or pink! Rather excited need to hold out till 10am!

2) Yesterday me and Ami braced the train and tubes to London for an experience day with huggies little swimmers, Ami enjoyed Swimming so much, it wasnt to much faff even in rush hour.

3) After being a cheeky boy at the weekend pants has been very chilled out this week always find he gets a little ruffled around fathers day.

4) As mentioned at the start we are of Camping! Hoping Ami sleeps well in a tent she is sharing with Pants he is more excited. Last time we went camping Pants was trying to make loads of fires after seeing them in forest school! he loves it!

5) next week sees my last week of maternity leave! boo! although am looking forward to going back, a little scared!

6) Loved the weather this week, we managed to get to the beach after school this week! much to my delight! Ast and Ami went swimming in the sea!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

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Tuesday 18 June 2013

Thats My Kids #Week 2

if you havent Linked up before Thats my kids is a linky to share and chat about your kids, what they have been up to good or bad! last week had 10 linkers! So join up and share the love!
We have had another quiet week not great weather keeping us in, tried to do something for fathers day but ended up at a local pub garden and take away pizza (husband enjoyed it)! they had a bouncy Castle and he and the kids played non stop for ages! Lovely moments to watch!

Anyway on to my superstars this weekend Pants had been a little ruffled! in one of those moods where everything they do is just to push boundaries! Im not very good with discipline really, id like to think that i was but not good at sticking with it! We used to do a jar where good behavior filled it with Skittles and the jar had lines on and if he filled it he got £10! but since Ami we have not really done it! we now do a three strike approach where he gets the three strikes then when they are gone no video games for 24 hours! Not overly effective! How do you discipline your children?

Ami she has been a little grumpy, especially around dinner time making it hard work to do any cooking, meaning having to wait till 6 or feed Ami and do dinner at the same time! no my ideal situation as she usually eats what we eats around the table but its just a phase, separation anxiety maybe! She has been good otherwise, such a funny girl loving to make us laugh!

welcome to the mummy madness

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Monday 17 June 2013

Magic moments : Uni mum

One of my magic moments, nothing to do with the kids (for once) was starting uni! i was 18 and had no qualifications but was there acting like someone my age! I had qualifications just enough to get me on the course! Anyway after falling pregnant at the young age of 16 and having Pants at 17 i realised i did not want to be another statistic! I even went back to a small waitressing job when Pants was 1 month old! I didnt want to be like every other young parent I wanted my child to feel proud of there mum, and provide for my child! i was a single mum and Pants was only one when i decided to become a nurse! I had always loved hospitals and was a stucker for gory A and E programs so i went for the interview with a bit of knowledge i had read, no real experience and i got a place! Obviously in a shortage of nurses at the time! But i thought yes this is for me! The best thing is you get paid to do the course and tuition fees paid sounded very good to me!

So here I am at uni learning not really living uni life as going home to be mum but was enjoying it,  then i go out to do the actual work and that was the first day I realised crap what have I done! I dont know what i thought nursing was? what did I think nurses did! So funny to look back now I remember the nurse saying to me to wash a patient, I had no experience I was like you actually have to touch the patients? I think I took a huge crash down from student nurse to I am in too deep I want to be a stay at home mum away from this! but I stuck it out, learnt new things, learnt alot of things! But i look back and cringe I see now that I love nursing now although still not a proper qualified nurse but will be in 10 weeks!

So here I am 5 and a half years later, life has changed alot, I Met my amazing Matty, got married, had Ami now having baby number 3! Im about to go on my last ever placement as a Student nurse, my career is about to start, lifes a bit mad but Im so so glad ive stuck it out! all those late nights writing, all the hours worked on placement, all those important times ive missed, its all worthwhile! im at the end of one journey and at the start of a new one! Life is good!

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Thursday 13 June 2013

I Love this man!!

It all happened nearly 4 years ago! i met the man of my dreams and he was interested in me! Little me, single mum me, crazy no shoes girl, he had met me and actually wanted to get to know me! Its crazy i didnt think anyone would like me, being a single mum who wants to take on a child! but Matt didnt care he saw me for who i was, he wasn't interested in my past he just wanted to be part of my future. He saw the beauty in me and for him that was enough! Matt is the most kindest man you will ever meet he is so chilled he would do anything for anyone! peoples description of him is he is genuinely nice (he loves that one hee hee!). I remember when we started dating thinking it was a joke i had been set up by someone! he was going to turn around and say jokes, but it didnt happen. Matt had waited to find someone he would marry and spend his life with! I was one lucky girl! I knew God really loved me when he gave me Matt :)

Anyway being Married to this man is fun! hes forever making short films, his dreams are to become a director! Its going to come one day although at the moment i enjoy having him around! Anyway i wanted to share one of my favorite short films he has made! I watch it every time he goes away i just love it I dont know why! I love him so much, i know im a pain with crazy pregnancy hormones and he puts up with me! Anyway here it is its called projected, he filmed it whilst working in projection in Cineworld before me and Pants!

PROJECTED - SHORT FILM from Matt Carvosso on Vimeo.

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Reasons to be cheerful week 15

Sometimes my life is overflowing with blessing its not till i see that actually im loved and thats so more important than all the other stuff that stopped me thinking that! This week has been a little quiet so the list may not be as long as usual, but i will get started and lets see!!

1) The weather has been warmer than last week no sunshine but have managed to stay outside with out feeling i was being blown away!!

2) Ami has now learnt to dance and does so all the time much to our amusement! Shes such a little star we love her so much!

3) Pants brought home loads of grass and has build a birds nest on his window seal on the hope of fresh eggs for breakfast! Sadly no takers must be the noisy boy on the other side of the window!

4) Its fathers day this Sunday, must sort something out from the kids! hoping pants will make a card from school!!

5) Were off Camping not this weekend but the following 2 with two different churches, we love these weekends one of the high lights of our year, although wondering how camping with a baby is going to go!!

6) Did my job application for a Nursing job at my local trust! very scary! After a year off im so rusty but im sure everything will be ok when i get back into it before going of on maternity leave again!

7) Enjoying family life with my growing family!!

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Tuesday 11 June 2013

Thats My Kids.... Week 1 #TMK

So Its here the first ever Thats My Kids Blog Hop! The blog hop about those little beauties we love so so much! A place to share whats on our hearts and a place to just be make friends and enjoy reading other peoples  blogs and sharing the love in the Blogging world!

Weeks can go by so fast with a mixture of school runs toddler groups before you know it your quickly washing school Uniform on a Sunday night ready for Monday morning! We have been stuck indoors what with a freezing cold wind stopping us from doing anything! Pants has been alot better behaved as of late his listening is not that great but is that what every 6 year old is like?  People say wind effects the children and we have had crazy wind the last wind! He has even been enjoying his childrens club at church which is always good to hear!

Ami on the other hand is getting more mobile moving around learning how to hit the tv, pull the PS3 on the floor or as i heard her pull my laptop on the floor! It didnt break thank god! Now need to learn to move things higher and keep things out of harms way. Now trying to adjust to having a smaller baby again! I had forgoten how much they are into everything! Even with the 5:30 wake ups she is still a joy and makes us laugh so so much!

So now its your turn Link up what your kids have done recently, or in the past! Look forward to reading all your stories and seeing the things that your little ones have been up to! There is no rules join up as much as you want! dont forget to follow me blog to if you would like to hear more! that would be grand! Anyway hope someone links up otherwise will have to link up by myself that would be a little sad!

Much Love xx

welcome to the mummy madness

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Monday 10 June 2013

One more day... Thats My Kids Blog hop

Only one more day to go!!! Huzzah! Thats my Kids Blog hop! Happening here on this blog tommorow! Please join up! Going to be Legend... dary Ok maybe not that great but still good! Get to know new people in the blogging community whilst getting to traffic to your site!

Look forward to seeing you in the Morning!

welcome to the mummy madness
<div align="center"><a 

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Saturday 8 June 2013

Shoulder to Shoulder Today Blog HOP

Yes its a blog hop not a bunny hop!! way hey got in there with a corny joke ( some of my jokes arnt even funny to unfunny dads)! Anyway today i am Co hosting the Shoulder to Shoulder today blog hop for the Lovely Emma over at crazy with Twins! She is one incredible lady and an inspiration to all (also local Celeb i saw her saw on twitter she had been recognised in town) Anyway if you havent heard of Emma and your wondering what am I blabbering on about Emma was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer, This having been the second time standing up to cancer in her life! as scary as Cancer is to cope with 3 small children i admire this lady very much! Her attitude and guts had been remarkable Emma your a star! Shoulder to shoulder today was set up to support Emma after her radiation Therapy where she would not be able to go near anyone! Let alone her 3 small children a hug could harm them (although after a day of looking after children im sure this sounds nice) I can only imagine the heart ache of seeing your children and not hugging them!

SO the time came and she could hug them again I cried whilst reading her update, hurray hurray Hurray, so now this Blog hop hopes to cause awareness to cancer! Check your self over check those lumps checked out! Also promote maggies centres and the amazing work they do to help people with Cancer! Emma is also doing Race for life you can sponser her here she is raising money for cancer research !

Anyway I had big ideas about a funny post! Was going to invent a thing cuddle cuddlearadioactivemum! was going to go to the dragons and ask for funding to get it developed!
Whats this you ask.... Well its long arms over a metre attached so you can hug from a distance! Ok doesnt sound great so i drew a picture via Paint...

.... Alright its just some sticks and some gloves on the end! good for brushing hair, wiping faces and getting high things from shelves!

And ive seen shes lost her taste buds too is that a good thing can you eat veg and pretend its chocolate! ( great nurse i am!)

Anyway hope it hasnt been to offensive lol! Anyway if you have a funny post for Emma get writing posting etc join in, donate and get supporting this superstar!!

Also here is a funny video of my husband im sure it will cheer you up!!

The Science of Shaving from Matt Carvosso on Vimeo.

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Thursday 6 June 2013

Reasons to be cheerful week 14

lWell i can say i have loved the sunshine we have been having but hating the cold wind a downside to living on the coast! Anyway it is that time of week to count my blessings and the small things that end up being so important!

1) Ami can now walk with a walker scary she just pulled her self up and started toddling away!

2) I Go back to work soon and im actually looking forward to it! although scared as have forgotten so much in the year i have had off! So need to enjoy these last 3 weeks of peace and no sorting childcare!

3) Way hey got a £5 tesco voucher after them missing loads of food of my shopping order! lol

4) Am loving the sunshine even if im still wearing a cardigan, with the sunshine has come some 5:30 wake ups this week need to attempt to make a black out blind!

5) Pants has been a really good brother lately really cheering Ami up when she has been cross, or not getting cross when she steals his pens when he is doing his homework!

6) Roll on the weekend and time to hang out with my little family! Our weeks are just flying by! Wont be long and the summer will be here and Lark in the Park will be here! Cant wait!

7) We find out if baby number 3 is a boy or girl in 2 weeks how quick is this pregnancy going!

8) We are going camping soon, we just let him go he runs of in the trees and we find him trying to make a den/ make a fire! he loves it!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
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Wednesday 5 June 2013

Shower of Love, Baby Mobile

I love to make stuff, i often start then a few weeks later realise i started it and carry on! This took me two months to complete!! Just because i was busy doing everything else.Some friends of mine where having a baby and i was thinking what i could get them that was special, they recently moved away and we miss having them around alot (we miss the football banter too!) . So i had seen this on Etsy and thought it looked awesome but didnt want to pay £50 for something i could attempt to make, and the best thing i had loads of Cath Kidston Swatches and fabric so it didnt cost me a penny! Just would take time as sewing by hand does. I also broke a tooth after trying to pull a needle through the fabric with my teeth! I loved the idea of a shower of love as thats what we do we shower our children with love!

The most time consuming thing was sewing all the hearts! then it was plain sailing making a cloud and adding the extras! I left it out when it was completed and the kids pulled hearts of within 5 mins of getting up so had to make sure everything was safe for a baby! Im really pleased on how it turned out, I hope they like it! One day I will make one for my Little Ami and baby number 3!


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