We love a good board game in our house and my little ones are at the age where they are starting to get a little bit completetive. We recently were sent a game called buggaloop. As soon as it came the kids were so excited to play the game. They had seen an advert for it on the tv and ever since have been going on about Hex bugs.
Buggaloop looks like a simple game but it has a twist. The aim of the game is to get your bugs safely across to the other side. Sounds simple right? Well Every now and then the Hex bug cockroach comes up through the loop and disrupts the gameplay. The kids loved it when the bug came to the top it looks so lifelike climbing through the loop the loop.
We had a great time playing the game and somehow the cockroach took a great dislike to my pieces and I lost all my game. I like how the bug is so unpredictable so you are always on tender hook till the bug comes above from underground. The game is for 2-4 players aimed at six-plus but Ami and Son Son who are 4 and 5 played the game with no trouble.
With Christmas coming I see this being a great game to play on those cosy days. Buggaloop retails at £29.99 and is available at most stores. The kids have had such a fun time playing Buggaloop I can see it being on many Christmas lists this year.