Sunday, 30 November 2014
Me and Mine - November
I really love getting our Me and Mine photo each month, this months has to be my ultimate favourites. I just love this shelter it has lots of memories from when we lived in Westgate. I love that you can see the coast just behind us, I just love it. Also one of the photos has Ami smiling at the camera which never happens. Everyone complains beforehand but we do enjoy being a bit silly and its great when it produces good results.
We have had a busy month we are still trying to get the right work life balance and making sure we spend time as a family which is very hard at times. With Christmas coming we will spend more time together I really do love it I have 6 days off over Christmas I can not wait.
So here is this months photos.
Saturday, 29 November 2014
The Sunday Round up #8
So its week 8 of this little Linky and I wonder if its successful or not just a point. I like running it and reading all the awesome posts but then get sad when its slow to start. but Its all good :)
Share your posts with the hash tag #sundayroundup and I can then find you on twitter.
Now here is the link up, you can link any post just remember to comment on others too after we all after some attention to our little blogs (I say little its just mine that is in comparison). You can Link up to 3 posts too.
I look forward to reading some awesome blogs.
Come and be commmunity comment and like other posts too :)
Oobicoo Doll Review
What Is a Oobicoo Doll you ask?
If you are the type that loves Green toys and products that are environmentally friendly then you will love this, They are made off 100% recycled materials even the lining, it is really an earth friendly toy. Not just that the doll is stitched by hand making everyone unique. They come as the size of a 6 month baby meaning you can reuse all those favorite outfits that are put into storage or in our case missing (boo think hubby took them to the charity shop). Unlike other dolls where you have to buy more outfits you can just reuse all those old baby clothes. If your not already convinced some of the money from each sale goes towards immunology charity fund helping children up and down the UK, how great is that.

These lovely dolls retail at £29.99 which for the size of it and the quality is very reasonable. They come in different styles so check out the website for more info. This would make a lovely gift for any toddler this Christmas.
Friday, 28 November 2014
Little Bears 1st Birthday
The time came to celebrate my youngest son's first birthday. Its a happy yet sad day, you spend to whole year wondering where the time has gone and wondering how your baby who you feel only yesterday was born is now one. I really can not believe how quickly the time has gone its just been snatched away from me and now I have a 1 year old.
He had a lovely day we spent the morning when he woke opening his little presents, well we say he opened them Ami opened most of them but Little Bear did not mind he was just happy to play with the paper. Pants went of to school and we set up for a little tea party for all Little Bears little friends. The house was soon full of toddlers and cake. Spilt drinks, trodden in party rings all that jazz but Little Bear loved it all.
Later on when they all went we got Pants from school and family came round and 2 of little Bears older cousins. They were with my three noisier than all the toddlers put together. Little Bear loved all his presents and loved the most the plastic colourful ones (we had got him wooden toys which he was not fussed with). We had cake and by this time it was bed time. A rather simple first birthday but busy all the same. Now my baby is one and I have a 8, 2 and 1 year old it sounds crazy in my head. I bet before I know it I will be writing 2 year old birthday story.
Here are some photos of the day, not all great quality I am not good at getting photos when doing things!
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Photography at home - need some help
There is one thing I love and that is taking photographs and there is nothing more I love than taking pictures of my kids. One day I may learn to use the camera to its best advantage but I love experimenting and generally taking photos. My husband uses the Camera for work so when he does not need it I he leaves it at home and I use it. These photos were taken with a Sigma prime 30mm F1.4 lens for those who it makes sense. I love this lens it sure does make the photos more defined but I can sometimes find it hard to get a clear shot. Sometimes what I think is a great shot is blurry when bigger.
These photos do not do the lens justice I just wanted to share one of the many photos that I had taken. I am slowly learning how to take a photo, I have learned to love natural light and love a blurry back ground (technical term). I am so privileged to have a decent camera it really does make a difference to our photos and videos.
The only issue I have is that the kids hate the camera, as soon as it comes out they hide. It takes ages to get them to smile or even look in the camera direction.
So if you have any help at all please share.
What lenses and tips do you use for your photographs?
Here is my photos that I took:
Monday, 24 November 2014
Me and You - November
Life sure is busy I keep on forgetting to get a photo of the two of us each month. Our time together is mainly watching a film we rarely get time the two of us and we need it, we miss it. Its just a bit hard sometimes people are not so happy to look after three children so much or we could ask family but we do not because we have exhausted them with asking for them to watch them whilst we are working. So here we are a catch 22 postition whilst we find out feet working wise we have to make the most of nights watching a film or having dinner just the two of us.
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I would love nothing better than a night away just the two of us somewhere where we could go out for dinner and have a lie in. Not worry about sorting kids clothes out or milk or being forced to watch Peppa pig. A chance for us to have a laugh like we used too, a chance for romance that can be so easily lost. I shall keep on hinting to my husband maybe one day, I can dream!
So here is my photo sorry I have copped out with an instagram photo but technology was failing me tonight.
A photo posted by sara Is Madness (@themummymadness) on
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Ten places I would love to visit in the UK and a Travelodge Competition
I am not much of a traveler would like to be but often never tend to far here is my list of places to Go in the UK:
- Brighton - Always loved the idea of Brighton what with all the fun that you hear about it. The stony beaches would make a nice change could be a good weekend trip.
- Torquay - We have some friends who have moved there, everyone who visits says it is the most beautiful place.
- York - We went as children and all I can remember is "Red Boats are Red" it seemed like fun at the time. Would be fun to go back as an adult
- Lake District - Would love to go and experience the breath taking views may even be tempted to go on a little hike!
- Scotland Highlands - Would like to visit Scotland and the Highlands are supposed to be beautiful
- Blackpool - Never been there bet it would be a great family trip.
- National History museum - Ive been once me and my Son loved it and its free such a bonus.
- Devon - Love being by the sea and its a good area for surfing, or so my husband tells me he revealed he has been surfing before I was a bit shocked/
- The Cotswolds - Rolling Hills, lots of beautiful views all around and lots of lovely walks.
- Belfast - Would love to go to Ireland and experience it all, another friend has just moved there and keeps on posting such beautiful pictures.
So here is my list writing it I could do with being a bit more traveled I really have not been anywhere. If you are like me or a regular traveler this competition is just for you.
Travelodge are offering a night in any of their travelodges for a couple for 2 nights! They are all over the country so you could go absolutely anywhere you wanted.
What an amazing competition weather you want to visit that family member you haven't seen in ages or experience a new city its worth a shot.
Terms and conditions are that it needs to be claimed within 6 months of winning the competition and it is subject to availability- we can’t guarantee the hotel will have spaces available.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Beer 52 Review and Coupon - A dads view
As a bloggers Husband you can get many perks, nights to sit a play fifa without the wife nagging for you to put on a romantic film, someone the wife can nag too other than you (I am always listening darling) and the occasional Beer at home.
I usually have a few beers throughout the week often drinking the same old types (not Stella). I am not some kind of heavy drinker just like to chill with a nice cold one from the fridge. I was looking forward to trying so new types of beer so when the box came I was like a kid at Christmas and ripped open the box before taking a picture of the box.
Beer you say! Yes Beer! My wife told me she was going to get some beers for me to try I nearly fell of my chair. Usually its baby stuff and I nod and smile whilst she tells me about the latest fad thing but beer is more on my level. So with that here is my Review of Beer 52, a monthly beer subscription service.

The box contained 8 beers all packaged so well there had been no spillages in the post, could have been disastrous if it had disastrous and a little funny. The selection was good and plenty of different types from Ale to Lager. I was surprised at the different variations and had a fun few nights trying out the different types of beer. I often tend to stick to the same types and don't shoot me love a lager shandy.
The great thing about beer 52 is that its only £24 a month with free delivery and each set of 8 is picked by expert beer tasters what could be better. I have tried all off the beers some in which I would never liked to try again. The Blonde Beer sure looked nice but sure was bitter and not what I was used to in a beer. I love a fruity beer and would have loved to have seen one off those in this selection. Maybe I need to man up a bit and drink it oat my chest and crack open another one!
As much as I love beer this has been interesting for me I know I will stick to my normal beer but has been fun trying the different types. For Ale drinker this would make a perfect gift. These boxes come in at £24 a month which includes free delivery. Check out Beer 52 website for more info.
You can get £10 of your first box by using this code:
Ideal Christmas Present for a beer drinker I think. I shall pass you back to the wife for more on baby and kids stuff.
Matt x
P.S - The wife took the pictures as I would have forgotten.
As much as I love beer this has been interesting for me I know I will stick to my normal beer but has been fun trying the different types. For Ale drinker this would make a perfect gift. These boxes come in at £24 a month which includes free delivery. Check out Beer 52 website for more info.
You can get £10 of your first box by using this code:
Ideal Christmas Present for a beer drinker I think. I shall pass you back to the wife for more on baby and kids stuff.
Matt x
P.S - The wife took the pictures as I would have forgotten.
Saturday, 22 November 2014
The Sunday Round up #7
I really can not believe we are into week 7! I really love reading your blogs each week and getting to find some great posts I would not usually get to. I really thank every one who links it means alot.
With out further ado the winner of post of the week goes to... Dear Molly where there is a beautiful post about coming to the end of the journey of Molly's Club foot. Have a read its a lovely posy.
Share your posts with the hash tag #sundayroundup and I can then find you on twitter.
Now here is the link up, you can link any post just remember to comment on others too after we all after some attention to our little blogs (I say little its just mine that is in comparison). I look forward to reading some awesome blogs.
Come and be commmunity comment and like other posts too :)
The Diary of the past week - 16th - 22nd November
Life has been busy weeks are flying by and I left thinking where has summer gone... Doh its November. So here is my last week jotted down and the little things we have been up to..
Sunday 16th November
I worked in the morning and left my husband to get the rest of the bits I had forgotten for Little Bears birthday. Really left it last minute due to my bank card getting cloned twice in a month! When all the monkeys were in bed I got round to my favourite bit of wrapping and sorting out bits for Little Bears birthday, I had made a chalk board all I had left was to wrap and blow up some balloons. It was a little bit sad my youngest turning one, I really can not believe it.
Monday 17th November
Today was my youngest sons 1st birthday! He had a lovely morning where his older sister opened all his presents. Then we had a little tea party for all his baby and toddler friends then family over in the evening. Was a really busy day and I feel like we only ate party food all day, good times all round. Its funny to think that a year previously we were just a family of 4 and how much we did not realise how much Little Bear would fit in. I spent alot of the day wondering where the last year had gone.
Thursday 20th November
Another day at work for me and Nursery and school for the kiddios. I had a super busy day and did not go for a wee for 11 hours crazy. I was so tired I went to bed early and fell asleep straight away. The kids love Thursdays as they get Daddy all to their selves.
Friday 21st November
I got up with the kids and Pants tells me he had a Roman day at school so last minute had to rush around and find an outfit! Ended up cutting a hole in a sheet and putting a belt on him was rather rubbish but good for last min I suppose. We then spent the morning in catching up on odd jobs, we then went off to visit my sister as that was what Ami wanted to do. Then we got Pants from school then made our way home. Not that exciting really the babies were in such a foul mood I could not wait for my hubby to come home on these days.
I was on a Early shift so had to leave super early, my poor hubby had to take all three of the kids to Pants football. Then team played well and they won they remain unbeaten in their little league. I cam home and we chilled out at home. When the babies went to bed me and Pants sat and watched Home Alone, he likes it as he is the same age as the boy in the film, he now wants us to leave him alone!
Sunday 16th November
I worked in the morning and left my husband to get the rest of the bits I had forgotten for Little Bears birthday. Really left it last minute due to my bank card getting cloned twice in a month! When all the monkeys were in bed I got round to my favourite bit of wrapping and sorting out bits for Little Bears birthday, I had made a chalk board all I had left was to wrap and blow up some balloons. It was a little bit sad my youngest turning one, I really can not believe it.
Monday 17th November
Today was my youngest sons 1st birthday! He had a lovely morning where his older sister opened all his presents. Then we had a little tea party for all his baby and toddler friends then family over in the evening. Was a really busy day and I feel like we only ate party food all day, good times all round. Its funny to think that a year previously we were just a family of 4 and how much we did not realise how much Little Bear would fit in. I spent alot of the day wondering where the last year had gone.
Tuesday 18th November
I was on a long day working 13 hours whilst the babies where at nursery. They do a from 8 till 6 on Tuesdays sometimes can make me a little sad to think of them being one of the last ones to be picked up, I often tell my hubby to pick them up a bit earlier.
A photo posted by sara Is Madness (@themummymadness) on
Wednesday 19th November
Wednesdays are my lazy days where I tend to not do much with the babies. We caught up on the washing then had the big rush to get Pants from school, then take him to football. In all the rush I left his training kit at home so he had to borrow his team mates stuff. One week I may be super organised and not forget things. Even on the way we lost a shoe and had to retrace our steps.
Thursday 20th November
Another day at work for me and Nursery and school for the kiddios. I had a super busy day and did not go for a wee for 11 hours crazy. I was so tired I went to bed early and fell asleep straight away. The kids love Thursdays as they get Daddy all to their selves.
Friday 21st November
I got up with the kids and Pants tells me he had a Roman day at school so last minute had to rush around and find an outfit! Ended up cutting a hole in a sheet and putting a belt on him was rather rubbish but good for last min I suppose. We then spent the morning in catching up on odd jobs, we then went off to visit my sister as that was what Ami wanted to do. Then we got Pants from school then made our way home. Not that exciting really the babies were in such a foul mood I could not wait for my hubby to come home on these days.
Saturday 22nd November
I was on a Early shift so had to leave super early, my poor hubby had to take all three of the kids to Pants football. Then team played well and they won they remain unbeaten in their little league. I cam home and we chilled out at home. When the babies went to bed me and Pants sat and watched Home Alone, he likes it as he is the same age as the boy in the film, he now wants us to leave him alone!
So that was my week been busy and somehow now need to fit in all my Christmas shopping. I do love Christmas though so I can wait to get stuck in.
Friday, 21 November 2014
Life is Crazy but good
This photo sums up our life at the moment.
Its crazy but its good.
Some weeks I feel like Im chasing everything or that I am behind on what I should be doing, other weeks there is no place I would rather be.
I love being busy, I love doing nothing I am never happy in the middle. I am all over the place and scatty but that is me, I am like that in real life and especially on this blog (sorry to my readers). I sat there with a blank screen and my fingers itched to type. My brain links things up in weird ways often a ramble but I like a good ramble.
I digress life is good, where I am now I never thought I would get or even used to think I deserved. Married, 3 kids steady job but I am here. I am blessed with an amazingly patient husband who puts up with me and 3 children who tolerate me (jokes course they love me). Life is good we have enough most months and have been blessed alot through our Church community.
Ok life is not perfect were not the brady bunch and we do not always get on. I may hoover up lego and loom bands and miss out on important school dates. My hubby may forget where he put something and we may have peppa pig on far too much but they are small in comparison. My family are my life and they are rather awesome.
Sometimes we just need to stop and look and say actually I have it rather good. I could be somewhere full off poverty, in a area rife with Ebola and my little issues are nothing. I sure am Blessed and I continue to count these little blessings.
PS: Sorry if your reading this and it may feel disjointed my dyslexic brain just works like this.
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Toddler Christmas Gift guide Girls and boys
What to get kids for Christmas is a big thing. Especially when there is so much to choose from. As a mum with a 2 year old girl and a 1 year old boy here is some ideas for those of you that are a little stuck on what to get this year.
Onsie Love
You can not go wrong with a fluffy onesie and this beyond cute one from John Lewis will have them wanting to wear it all year. That will most definitely be Ami she loves anything fluffy a bit on the pricey range of £20 but as its John Lewis you know it will be good quality.
Frozen Doll
How cute is this little Anna Animator doll from Frozen too cute to play with you may say. They also do a eLsa doll but she is harder than gold dust to get hold off. These dolls are toddler versions and retail from the Disney Store at £20. Ami is getting this for Chritmas she will love it.
Wooden Princess Castle
This Princess castle is rather cute and rather good on the pocket retailing at £30 sure wont break the bank. Asda have got a rather good inexpensive range of wooden toys well worth a look.
Lego Batman Duplo
My toddler would love this she loves lego and she loves super heros.
She calls batman super batman but any of the duplo sets are a big winner. This set retails at £39.99 and is one of the more expensive sets but for those batman fans (that's the parents).
Balance Bike
I love the wooden bikes but I like this one as it is alot like a real bike. my toddler will go mad for this (she is getting this one for Christmas if she is good with Father Christmas). Its alot like a bike with pedals so she will feel so grown up. We got ours from Amazon for £29.99
Wooden Drum
For those who love a bit of noise this is perfect for your toddler. Any toddler will love this well my two especially Little bear got a drum for his birthday and all they do is fight over it! This one retails at £12.99 and is from Tildo
Ride on Aeroplane
This wooden ride on plane is beautiful the price is £54.99 may be a little pricey for some but I think it looks rather awesome. Comes from a little website called The Hut they have some diggers and lots of other ride ons too.
Hot Water Bottle
How cute is this little water bottle I love it, I actually love Penguin and with monty the penguin everyone has gone a little penguin mad (or is this just me). This little hottie is currently £12 from good old M&S.
My last gift is The Snowman puzzle, I absoultly love the snowman and have forced it upon my kids for years, they have many snowman toys and lots of books. This puzzle has three layers and is just rather sweet, another one from M&S only £12.
So here is a little selection of Christmas gifts hope you find it handy.
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