Monday, 25 March 2013

Magic Moments

One Special moment in my life was the day i became a Mum! a whole 6 and a half years a go! i was young and didn't quite know what to expect, Pants was due in September and i remember it being a very hot summer i had got a lot of water retention which i was huge, i had stretch marks all over my legs, tummy and i remember thinking is this what happens in pregnancy! my legs were so huge they used to split the seems of large maternity trousers! So the time came near the due date and the time came and went! a week later I finally went into labour and after 24 hours and Pants popped into the world! with a mighty cry and lots of dark hair!

I remember I didn't feel a rush of love it was more oh crap what am i going to do now! I was in love but suddenly was overwhelmed by the responsibility of being a parent! i was thinking I'm never going to go to the toilet on my own again! but it got better Pants had colic and basically cried for the first 3months and hasn't been quiet since being born (he is allways talking or singing)  I love him to bits and he is extremely funny and tech savvy (more so than me!). That time has gone so fast i cant even remember him as a baby or even a toddler!

I love to hear from you so please comment! And if you If you like this blog then don't forget to subscribe to my blog so you never miss an update. .......}


  1. Doctors told me Shy had colic but at 6 weeks I got her diagnosed with gastric reflux! Can't imagine dealing with the screaming we went through for those first 6 weeks for months... But glad it got better and your labour was shorter than mine ;)

    1. ha yes was only a short time in comparison now days and cant really remember most of it! x

  2. I was young wheni had my daughter and i can really relate to this, now thunder clap of love for me just a panic! lol Thanks so much for sharing with #magicmoments linky :-)

    1. Yes its funny my 2nd i was more surprised how quick she came ha ha! x

  3. Now that is a magic moment to top all others!
