Saturday, 31 May 2014

Me and Mine - May

Another month just flown by
I am pleased as warmer weather is due anytime
but sad as its one month closer to going back to work
This months photos are taken at a festival called Big Church Day Out
The first two I forgot to call over Pants who was blowing bubbles to the side.

After a night of little sleep and Ami waking at 4:40am I woke them from a nap to see
an rapper called Guvna B hence why both babies are cross.
Pants loved it as we got to go back stage
and hand in the green room.

It was a great weekend even if it did rain. My husband was 
busy volunteering at the event and putting marquee's down
the kids apart from the noise and lack of sleep loved being in the fresh air
even if it did rain most the time we were there! 

dear beautiful
Join in by clicking the badge above 

Friday, 30 May 2014

Minecraft Combat Handbook Giveaway

Has your child or even yourself been taken over by Minecraft? Well mine has and every little merchandise that comes out he is over the moon about. One of the latest things is the Minecraft books full of tips, instructions and alot of stuff to help aid the game. My son has all the collection and he has built massive roller coasters and castles with a little inspiration from the game.

So here is your chance to win your very own copy of the Combat edition of the book series RRP £7.99. Full of tips to help you defend yourself against the monsters and other players. Also includes how to build traps, build forts and how to battle your way out of one on one combat. You can enter using the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Competition open to UK residents only.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Hotel Chocolat - Banana pancakes with hotel chocolat spread and cocoa pasta recipe and review

We recently got sent these two products from hotel Chocolat (we are big lovers of hotlel chocolat we were over the moon), Hazlenut Chocolate spread and some Cocoa pasta. I really wasnt sure what to do with them, the pasta somehow felt a bit foreign to me so I decided to make something that my family would love Pancakes. Not just any old pancakes two ingredient pancakes using just eggs and bananas, topped of with our hotel chocolat goodies. 

Two ingredient Banana pancakes: 

  • 2 Bananas 
  • 3 eggs
  • A bit if butter for cooking the pancakes

For the topping:

  • Hotel Chocolat hazelnut spread 
  • Hotel Chocolat pasta
  • Strawberries 

How to make the pancakes:

  1. Mash the bananas in a bowl trying to make it smooth as possible
  2. Crack the eggs and add them to the bananas
  3. whist mixing place a bit of butter into a hot pan
  4. When the butter has melted add small dollops of the mixture 
  5. When you can move them about flip them over and cook the other side
  6.  Stack on the plate and add chocolat spread, cooked pasta and some strawberries
  7. Eat lots as the banana's are good for you!

 The pancakes went down a treat with my family, the great thing being they were not that unhealthy and a way to sneak fruit into my sons diet without him knowing. The left over pasta I had I used for my toddlers lunch in which she ate like it was going out of fashion.

You can purchase many food items other than just chocolates at hotel chocolat, they also have a beautiful cookbook full of lots of luxury items (makes me drool thinking about them). The Chocolate spread retails at £6.50 a bit more pricey than nutella but so so more nicer. Having it on toast is like something else. The pasta is only £5:50 a reasonable price a perfect gift for those food lovers or even for a bit of luxury at home. Find out more on the hotel Chocolat website.

C is for Camping

So this past weekend we were camping at a festival was a lot of fun and there was a lot of rain. On our last day whilst the site was getting packed down and my husband was busy putting marquees down in the rain, me and the children spent 7 hours just in the tent. All we had was some balloons, some wrestlers and colouring. It turned out to be a really nice day just playing together maybe help us be more intentional in turning all the electronics of at home.  

This photo was from our first night where it hammered down with rain all night. Not long after this my battery died so I didnt get photos to capture the fun we had! We had a lovely time beated being at home and Ami and Pants arguing over something special or minecraft!

You can join in in the aphabet photo challenge by poping over toPodcastdove

The things that Ami says - May

Ami has really learnt alot of new words this month she sure is very funny, here is some of here chats from the last month.

Were on the bus going to a toddler group, Ami not going on the bus often doesn't understand people want a bit of peace and quiet. I had to sit Ami next to an elderly lady who ignored Ami.
Ami to the lady: Going to see Noah
Lady Ignores Ami she gets a bit closer
Ami: Going to see Noah
Lady still ignores her so she gets even closer
Ami: Going to see Noah and Caleb
Lady: Oh sorry where you talking to me
Ami: On the bus to see Noah

Mummy: what noise does a dog make?
Ami: Raa haa waaf
Mummy: what noise does a cat make?
Ami: raa meow
Mummy: what noise does daddy make?
Ami: Raa arnel

Ami: Mummy's hot tea (points to tea)
Mummy; Yes Ami very hot
Ami: Get Ami hot tea and biscuit peppa cup
Mummy: Yes just feeding baby
Ami: Hot tea hot tea Ami have mummy hot tea

Daddy: what football team does Ami support?
Ami: Bailey play football
Daddy: what football team does daddy support?
Ami: Daddy suport Arnel

At the park Ami fell of the swings for the next few days Ami said:
Ami fell off swing, hurt nose, Bailey cuggle

Waking up one morning when getting out the cot
Ami: Milk bedtime
Mummy: No Ami you just got up
Ami: Juw (juice)
Mummy: Do you want milk
Ami: No ceral (cereal) mummy's ceral

Mummy: Who do you love?
Ami: I love football!!

So thats this months toddler chat there are many more I just havent retained them will make more effort next month. Toddlers sure are funny arnt they!

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

I do love a good video (made by the hubby)

One thing me and my husband have in common is our love for videos and pictures. Ever since I was a child I wanted a camera we got given one and me and my sister made the most corny films, including big brother and random things about baddies. So it was only inevitable that I would end up marrying someone that shares that passion. I love to watch his videos, below is his latest he made which was shown at a festival where there was thousands of people there. Ami loved it as she was on it and asked for it to be shown again (we watch it loads as Pants is also in it too). I am thinking of filming more videos of the kids, nothing beats a little video of the kids, we were devastated when his bag got stolen with all videos of the kids on.

I am thinking of making some videos for the blog and for us, although I am unsure I am not a professional, I dont understand things on the camera but have made a few little videos on little old windows movies maker and enjoyed it. Me and my hubby can sit side by side editing videos... maybe not. I do not have enough time some normal blogging stuff let alone making videos we will see.

So here is the latest videos starting two of my monkeys see if you can spot them!

Does Your Neighbour Know Your Name from Global Generation Church on Vime

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Camping with a baby and a toddler!! Am I Crazy?

So this weekend we are going camping at a festival called big church day out, Little Bear is 6 months Ami is 21 months oh and Asti who is 7. I don't know if I am mad or an adventurer. Its only for two nights and the forecast is rain but hey ho better than being at home on my own whilst my husband is away. So here I am thinking is this a good idea? See I am very much an adventurer and like to go with the flow of things, do things then think about what it will mean later. I try to think about it but I don't know, I don't know what I am doing most the time! I need to get my head around what to take, how much is too much. I always under pack! Its just for two nights.

I know Pants will be fine he will explore but its the tantruming toddler and a busy husband. I think she will be on the move alot no chance of sitting still for the weekend. My husband is busy volunteering at the event along with some of our friends so may get a bit of rest sometimes. Look out for a post next week from either a stressed out mum or a happy after a little break mum!

Here is list of stuff I am taking please help me!

  • air beds (dont want to sleep on the gound)
  • Clothes X 1 million due to being outside bound to get dirty 
  • Nappies size 3 + 5 (Deffo need these)
  • Food ( nothing worse than hungry children)
  • blankets (lots of them) 
  • Milk 
  • Toys and balls ( stuff to keep kids entertained when they wake at sunlight!) 
  • Reigns (dont want to loose toddler)
  • Sling/ Wrap ( same as above)
  • pushchair (although unsure how much I want to drag a double pushchair around with me)
  • Rain clothes (foretasted rain some days) 
  • wash stuff (to try and stay clean) 
So my little list let me know if there is anything you think I need? Maybe a holiday somewhere hot? That would be nice! 

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

B is for Beach

Ok anybody who is a regular reader of this blog or knows me in person will know how much I love the beach. I feel at peace and often gives me a place to think and reflect. Not just that it is perfect place to get some fresh air, have a play and generally have a good time. My favorite beach is one a few beaches along from the one I live. Its called Minnis bay and it has the best sunset, I grew up here and have many fond memories here. Its also where my husband asked me to marry him, making me speechless for the first time you can read about it here.

You can join in in the aphabet photo challenge by poping over to Podcastdove 

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Me and you - May

Sometimes we go through busy seasons, weeks fly by and we finally realise maybe we haven't invested much into our marriage. Not intentionally but just with life. Our Marriage is worth spending time with each other, worth fighting for. Not saying that we struggle I think all marriages do but sometimes we can be a little short, a little to harsh and then we notice that we need a night out, a coffee together just us, no kids. We love our kids don't get me wrong but I really cherish that time just the two. The two of us acting silly enjoying being carefree for a little bit.

 Dating we used to have a Monday night together, we would drive to Broadstairs and have a hot chocolate stay out till 2 just talking and planning our futures, planning how many kids what there names will be and where we live. Even a few years down the line we are not where we thought we may be. My photos this month have been on a date night we had recently, our 2nd since October so was really nice, we drove to Broadstairs with a take away Costa (how times have changed) and watched the moon rise. Talking with not one of us checking our phone, just the two of us.

My husband sure does make me laugh, he tries to embarrass me all the time constantly making awkward jokes in front of other people. I love that about him ( at times) people often comment that it is sweet that I find him funny when nobody else does. He is a special gentile man and unique, I remember thinking how lucky I was that he liked little single mum me but thats a story for another day. 

So here we are another month down

Why not join in a picture of you and a loved one click the badge below to find out more
dear beautiful

Monday, 19 May 2014

Hi-tec Football trainers review

In our house the boys are football mad. In fact even the toddler loves football too and is often found clutching an Arsenal program shouting Arnel or Liverpool. When we got the chance to review a pair of football Hi-Tec boots Pants was so excited. He waited couldn't wait to get home from school to get hold of his new boots. When they came he put them on straight away and ran outside to test them out.

Pants goes to football practice twice a week and plays football most days after school, a pair of durable and easy to put on are high on my list when looking for some new boots. I was delighted to see these are velcro means Pants can easily put them on by himself. With the lace boots he had previously it would often take a few mins of him faffing and getting cross putting the boots on. 

The hi-tec football boots also come in a range of different styles for all different types of ground, meaning you can be covered for all training needs. The boots look the deal and according to Pants he could do the Rainbow flick (yes Im lost too) easier than in his old boots. He also said they were really comfortable making it easy for him to maneuver with the ball.

The finish of the boots are made to a high standard meaning they will last the thrashing of constant use from a eager 7 year old. The first time he wore them to a football match he scored two goals not sure if that had anything to do with the boots but he said it was.
What we loved

  • Easy to put on Velcro 
  • Easy to clean (important after muddy matches)
  • Reasonable Price 
  • Comfortable wear
  • Improve football skills (according to a 7 year old) 
We dont have any negatives with the football boots my husband was even impressed he only wears a certain brand of boots, he said he wouldn't change his brand but that's more out of stubbornness I think. 

The Hi-tec football boots retail at £24.99 including free delivery which is such good value. Ive paied alot of money for boots to break after a few wears. Check out the Hi-Tec website for different types of football boots too.

Little bear your 6 months

Little bear you are Six months
I cant believe it, how fast time is flying by
my little boy is half a year 
you are growing up so so much 
Its time to slow down now and be my little baby

You love to be in the nude and laugh when having your nappy change
you are very happy alot of the time and have an infectious giggle
you have good hand eye coordination and swipe anything near you
you love to eat everything you get hold of too

You love bathtime and have one every night
you love to splash your sister and cry when she pours water on your head
you are always watching your siblings 
they are the funniest things you have ever seen

You love your food espcially fruit but also love what everyone else is eating
you love to feed your self your fave being broccoli
you reach out for peoples plates
and hate to be left out and sit in your bumbo at tea time

You sit confidently and hate to lie down
you recently learnt to shuffle and can move very slowly
your sister loves to try and help you roll 
you still dont like being on your front I dont think you feel safe

you slept through twice this month hurrah
things are on the up hopefully I dont mind getting up at 6 
if you have had a good night

You are a special little boy and chilling out more as you get older
We love you Little bear

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Mornings made easier with Belvita biscuits!

In our house mornings depending on what is going on can be busy so here is a typical morning in our house.

8:30am: Everyone wakes up refreshed after lots of sleep, everyone gets up and dressed eats breakfast nicely and leaves on time.....

Only joking if only that's the dream mornings are more like this.

5:30am: Little bear wakes up mum/dad stumbles over to the cot feed the baby and hope he will go back to sleep, he doesn't then its a competition who will get up with the baby, discussions of who deserves that extra two hours in bed go down "Ive been up in the night" "Ive a sore nose" all that jazz.

6:00am: The unlucky parent who's turn it is to get up falls asleep for a second and baby gets cross and cries and that wakes toddler. Even though you have tried your best to be quiet shouts of "Mum Mum Mum awake milk" are too loud and if your that tired the shouts turn to screams. Try and give her some milk and if dad gets up wedges iphone with Peppa pig above the cot to get a extra 20 mins in bed.

6:10am: All the attempts for more sleep have failed and your then up with a toddler who is demanding something special. Its put on then you manage a extra 10 mins to wake up and make a cuppa.

7:00am: You have fallen asleep on the sofa and toddler has gone to wake eldest up by climbing his loft bed ladder and jumping on him. He wakes and tries to keep her safe by pinning her down and shouting for a parent to save him.

7:30am: A big fight starts as Ami and Pants fight over what to watch, Pants tries to change the channel and looses to a 1 year old.

7:45am: Breakfast time and cereal and toast is flying out the kitchen. Ami wants mummy cereal but doesn't like it so ends up chucking it on the floor.

8:00am: Time to sort clothes and change nappies this means prodding 7 year old to get dressed and have a wash, chase 1 year old and dress the baby.

8:30am: Running late time to have a quick tea and some Belvita biscuits whilst attempting to put make up on whilst doing hair.

8:35am: Quickly brush everyone's teeth and leave for school (rarely leave on time!)

So here is a typical morning in our house I tend to overestimate the time and think I have alot and before I know it I am rushing trying to get everything together for the day. We were sent some belvita biscuits which have meant I have managed to have something to eat when on the go and the great thing is that they are slow releasing so I have more energy for a few hours. The kids loved the biscuits favorites being the milk and cereal flavor in our house. Often found they could hear me rustling and came sniffing. My only critique is that the packet isn't eat to open often resulting in a broken biscuit. Here is some of my morning tips to help in the morning.

  • make sure everything is ready the night before including uniforms, outfits and packed lunches
  • Plan to leave 10 mins before you mean to so if your late it doesn't notice
  • Dont let the toddler near the sudocream goes everywhere and causes delay

“This post is an entry for #MorningStories Linky Challenge sponsored by belVita Breakfast. Learn more at”

My Sunday Photo - 18/05/2014

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

H&A Bath time buddies

Warning this post contains a very catchy song you will be singing for days! H&A have a new song called bath time buddies a song for the bath or like us all the time even catching my hubby singing it washing up!

Bath time is a big hit in our house, the kids love splashing and causing alot of mess, they love playing and being creative. There is no screens no tv just a place to offer some imagination with no distractions. Our bath is no getting crowded with 3 children but they all seem to enjoy it so it saves on the money with the three in one. 

We were sent some lovely bath time buddies toys for the kids to play with my eldest son absolutely went crazy for the mouldable soap. He enjoyed it as he could use as much as he wanted kind of like using aftershave but it smelled not so manly. He even made hats for the ducks we were sent also.

We were also sent some letters that can be stuck on the side of the bath, great for all ages really I kept on finding messages from my hubby nothing romantic though just things like "have a wash" he sure is a joker. The children loved all the new bath toys it was great to mix up bath time, can get a bit tedious when its the same every day.

So here it is the new bathtime buddies song containing my three little babies playing in the bath, watch out for the bit at the end it is super cute!

Dont forget on the 15th at 1pm H&A and tots100 are holding a twitter party to talk about bathtime and all the songs and games. Join in should be fun and a chance to share and get some tips on bathtime with children.

Disclaimer: We were sent the bathtime toys to review as part of our role as being a bath time ambassador. 

Alphabet Challenge - A is For Amilinderville

We are going to atempt to take a photo every week to join in with Podcast's alphabet challenge. I couldn't not use my lovely daughter as the first week. She is amazing , astonishing and super awesome ( carrying on with the A theme there as I am just too cool). She hates the camera but will happily pose for a phone camera. She is lively but such a gentle spirit I look forward to seeing her as she grows up. Amilinderville is a name my husband gave my daughter as a lovely nickname and it has stuck.

So thats this week and easy choice for us next week is obviously B so will get snapping ready. Why not join in yourself bit of a laugh could even get the kids to help too!

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Holding on to the baby

I hear the sound of crying I look round and see where its coming from, the sound so familiar my heart starts to race. Not my little baby crying he wants his mum. I grab him and cling to him a baby so dependent on me. The whimpers start to stop his body starts to relax and I hold him close. I kiss that head and wonder how long I have left. How long will my baby want to be held? How long till suddenly the world seems more attractive than mum. For somedays it may suffercate me but most I love cuddling my little baby. 

I am already aware that he no longer falls asleep on me unless in a sling but when he does I make it last. I hold that little body legs filling out and hands starting to look so grown up and cherish it. I would stay like it all afternoon if wasnt sorting Ami out, if I didnt have a million and one things to sort. 

You try so desperately to be on the move wanting to explore and eat what ever you can find. I am pleased that you are so strong and so wanting to do more than you should but apart of me still would like more time with you so small. More time where all you want is mummy and daddy. It seems so long ago you were a newborn who could barely lift his head so tiny, so fragile. Six months has flown by it makes me sad to think the next 6 will go by even quicker. I dont want to miss anything I want to take it all in, I want to hit pause and make the most of the time as you as a baby. 

As I cant do that I will hold you and sway. Come to you when you wake in the night your little cries as you wait for mummy to hold you. Your tears as you just want to be nursed to sleep. I will try my best for you, stroke your little head totally in love with you. 

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Siblings - May

I am so behind I was trying to be prepared for this months Siblings post 
but time has passed me by and my brain is stuck in March still.
In our house the kids especially Ami loves bath time. 
Any mention of bath time she is hanging around the door waiting 
for someone to let her in the bath. 
Now Little Bear is happy sitting up all three can get in the bath. 
There isnt much space but they all seem to love it. 
Although how ever much they love it I couldn't get anyone them to smile!
So here we are my three little bears . 

As Little bear is getting bigger he absoultly loves watching his big brother and Sister.
Ami also loves helping him roll over by pushing him over it is very funny,
he responds by trying to steal her toys.
Pants loves to be the big protective brother at times which is very sweet.
I loved my three little cubs they bring me alot of joy.

dear beautiful
Join in the Siblings linky by clicking on the badge above. 

My Sunday Photo - 11/05/2014

Friday, 9 May 2014

Love the little things: Week 1

This week I have decided to take part in this linky, just so you may get an insight into me and not just my kids. Also I absolutely love finding joy in little things in life, I find if you appreciate the little things the big things will be so much better.


People who know me may be a little shocked to know that I love Home magazines, I love looking in peoples houses, housing programs and especially the magazines. I love to look at how people have styled there houses and weather its a Chevron or a floral pattern I just love it. I think I am waiting to one day be a feature in one of these magazines although I think its impossible with my destructive children nothing much seems to stay nice. Style at home is my little monthly treat I love to fold down the pages and one day hope to have enough time to complete a restoration project one day!


So this week I have jumped on the band wagon and finally brought Frozen on dvd and to say I am hooked is a bit of an understatement. Ive even managed to get my 7 year old son to be interested in it and that is saying alot. I also have watched embarrassing bodies I do love that show with all the weirdness and the people who are too "embarrassed" to go to the doctors but show there private parts on tv! 


So after 4 years no glasses I have finally gone back and got some more, yes I look very cleaver now dont I! Suddenly the world looks sharp again!


There is an awesome church in America called Bethel and they have some awsome worship I really like it, well my husband came home and played this and we have listened to it alot, also dancing around being silly. 

Also listened to Happy over and over again as demanded by the toddler!


I haven't made much this week, except dinners but they have been nothing exciting. Just normal family dinnners me trying  to force as much veggies down the kids and them not eating them! how can a 7 year old go from loving carrots to hating them the next day very cray cray (yes im down wiv the youth)

Everything Else

Life is funny at the moment from being knee deep in nappies to loving life. I am halfway in my maternity leave so another 5 months left is going to go by so quick. I am grateful for the small blessings in my life (especially the glass of Rose im drinking as I write this) my youngest has been tough but with that he has the best smile and cutest laugh!