Thursday, 31 March 2016

Me and Mine - March 2016

March what a funny month it always feels very rushed when Easter is earlier on in the year. This whole year feels like every week there's something new I will be glad to have a free April. Hasn't the weather been lovely these past few weeks. Going outside without coats has been such a luxury. 

Sorry for such a brief post and only none photo my Mac seems to have problems uploading photos. My husband says it's something to do with two photo folders I don't know what I am doing to be honest. So I am writing a quick post before I shoot of to work for a gruelling 13 hours. Teach me for saving things to last minute. We also went to watch the new batman film super late feeling it this morning. Need to make better life choices bed is always a good option.

Anyway I digress will update the rest on my break if I get one or after work. Happy me and mine day folks. Always my favourite post of the month.

Monday, 28 March 2016

Bank Holiday Adventures - Swalecliff

We have had a busy weekend what with me working and it being Easter. I do love Easter though is probs one of my favourite times of the year. I love everything that Easter means to me as a Christian. I love the nitty gritty Jesus Dying on a cross to the resurrection and new life that Easter Sunday brings. It gets me every time. 

We managed to finally get a day off all together for the first time in weeks. We spent the morning chilling out at home not really doing much so we had to get out in the afternoon. Ami loves her bike at the moment so off we set to a large outdoor skatepark not too far from us in Swalecliff. I had never been before so didn't really know what to expect.

It was rather windy still but nothing compared to the 60mph that had battered the area the night before. Ami and Asti enjoyed scootering around going up and down the little ramos. I had to go round with Son Son as he is still very new to his balance bike and couldn't get up the ramps.

We also popped to the stoney beach too to throw rocks into the sea. My hubby had brought along the steady cam to get some more practice in but it was far too windy. some of the local teens were mocking him for it too.  Thankfully it didn't rain whilst we were out and it blew some of the cobwebs away. I love these little days out we have as a five, it seems to be very much we are all split up doing different things. Its so rare to be a family of five lately. It makes it so special when we are together.

Heres some more pictures from today. Also check out the stormy sea at the end I thought we were going to get soaked.

Yes I do have the balance bike skills......

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Zoingo Boingo Review

I am so glad that spring is finally here! The weather is getting warmer and the nights are staying lighter for longer the children have started to explore the garden again. With that I got asked if we would like to review the Zoingo Boingo I thought it would be just perfect for my too cool for school nine year old. 

My sisters and I had a simlar thing as children that looked like a space ship so I knew just how much fun they could be. When it came my son wasn't overly impressed not much does when you are super cool. it wasnt until it was pumped up he started to look keen. The zoingo comes with a gauge so you know the right size to pump it up to as seen in the above photo.

 He was actually looking forward to trying it out and it took quite a few attempts for him to gain his balance. It works by placing both your feet either side of the ball in the middle and then getting balance and grip to then bounce up and down. We discovered you need a good pair of trainers and that it doesnt work with no shoes on (as I found out).

You can change the direction of the bounce by leaning that way. Asti wanted to do the skills like on the front but couldnt master a massive jump, I think that will come with more practice. It was a lot of fun (just to watch as a parent). The toddlers were desperate to have a go but they were far too small. The product is aimed for ages 7 plus so perfect for my Asti.

It was alot of fun to get Asti outside he has got to the age where he is bored of the outdoor toys. It takes alot for him to be pulled away from the Disney Chanel or minecraft. He really enjoyed playing outside and trying to learn a new skill off bouncing and balancing. 

 The Zoingo Boingo Comes in a variety of colours and is avalible in Orange, Yellow and Green. We enjoyed seeing who could do the most bounces so far I am in the lead with 12.

 It retails at £24.99 and available at all good toy retailers. 

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Sharing the Joy March

I have been finding life hard lately I am not going to lie. Some days I feel like I can climb mountains and others I am stuck right at the bottom of the valley. It has been a bit rubbish but each day is a new day and actually on the grand scheme of things I am rather blessed. So with that I thought I would write my little positive post sharing the things we are grateful for. The little blessings in my life that I can read back on one day and think wow we were blessed.

Sunny Days

I really love the sunshine and ok its been shining when I have been at work and stuck inside a hot hospital but it makes everyone feel happy. The few days I have been off and it has been sunny its been lovely to play out in the garden. Also heading into work and its light is not as painful when you start work at 7am. It makes me excited for the spring and getting out the house without twenty layers on.

Two Year Checks

My little Son Son had his two year check this week. Which now they do at the nursery which I was dreading but actually went really well. Son Son is coming along well and he was really relaxed to be with his key worker. With Son Son being my youngest its kind of like the end of an era with all the health visitor business.

New Work

My husband has recently got some local work which looks like it could be fruitful. Being a video producer it can be a bit hit and miss. the fact that its local means no long commutes to London. He is a very talented man he deserves all the breaks he gets.

Days out with the family

This will always be my favourite thing to do, we have been swimming and to the beach but we are a busy family and days together as a five are very rare. I think this is what makes it so so special. My husband is away alot of the next few weeks so hopefully we can hang out sometime soon.

So here is just a few things that bring me joy. I actually found it hard but the more I write about it the easier it becomes. I have so many draft posts where I have started a post and gave up. Hopefully I can get back into a better flow of writing soon.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Blaze and the Monster Machine Twitter Party

My Children have been in there absolute element lately, they have been bouncing of the ceilings going crazy for Blaze and the monster machines. If you are unaware of Blaze it is a cartoon on nick Jr about the adventures of a monster truck called blaze. My little ones love it and it is by far one of there favourites. So with that when we were offered the chance to be part hosts for a blaze twitter party we could not turn it down.

The picture below shows some of the goodies that were in our box. So many different toys and different challenges they can not wait to get stuck in. 

There is also a hour long episode on NickJr tomorrow at 2pm so whilst your joining in with the tweeting action they can watch Blaze also. 

The party box contained 4 different STEM activities all aimed to help the children learn through play. They are Maths, Science, food and engineering. All themed around blaze and the Monster machine. Also in the box contains some of the new toys, The Blaze Turbo Launcher, Blaze Transformer Jet and some die cast cars. Also a little goodie bag filled with colouring, stickers and healthy treats too. My little ones were literally shaking with excitement over it all. 

So what you waiting for, set an reminder your phone and join in tomorrow on twitter from 1 - 3 pm. Look our for the hash tag #NickjrBlaze to find the action. 

Sunday, 13 March 2016

My Sunday photo - Margate

It's been stunning weather here in East Kent over the last 3 days. Sadly I have been at work all these days, so have been staring out the window wishing I was outside. It made me think that Spring is just round the corner and I am so glad. I took this photo on my way into work yesterday. My only glimpse of the sunshine before being in a stuffy hospital all day. 

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

My week of photographs 22nd Feb - 28th Feb

Sorry got a bit behind with my photo uploads. No reason at all just have been chasing netflix and a early night over spending nights with my mac. Sorry to my regular reader.

Monday 22nd Feb - Park Days

My eldest found his scooter so desperatly had to go after school. It has got a lot harder with three children wanting to be in different places. Nice to have lighter evenings and sunshine. 

Tuesday 23rd Feb - More Park and more Park

Yet again we were back at the park. My husband left us for Denmark for a few days so we were up bright and early. This is Ami attempting some of the ramps on her balance bike. 

Wednesday 24th Feb - Chilling

We spent most the day at home not really doing much. Ami and Son son can be such a hoot. Here was me trying to get a photo of them to send to Daddy. 

Thurday 25th Feb - Days off

I had a whole day to myself!! which I actually found disturbing to a point. So unused to it so I brought my self a massive breakfast and spent the day in bed watching netflix. I was missing my husband alot so didn't really enjoy it as much as I hoped. 

Friday 26th - Brinner for Dinner

Me and Ast had some time to kill before getting the babies so of we snuck for a cheeky fry up. Was nice to spend some time with him before getting the little ones from nursery.

Saturday 27th - Daddys Home

Everyone was super pleased to have Daddy home. They both argued over who could cuddle him the most. 

Sunday 28th - Broadstairs

We went for a walk to Broadstairs which was super cold so off we went for a quick Ice cream (which is perfect when its a cold day apparently). Nice to break up the day and get some fresh air into the little ones. 

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Cold Winter Walks - Broadstairs

I love that the evenings are getting lighter, it means we can stay out later and enjoy more of the day. We decided to get out the house and go for a walk mainly to get our family photo but also to grab a ice cream. It was most properly the coldest day of the year or so it felt so we didn't actually stay out for too long. 

We went for a walk along the prom and the kids the noticed that some people were surfing. So there we are finding 20 pence coins so they could all see the people in the water. Ami was desperate to go on the beach but it was far too cold.

We followed the walk to the best Ice cream parlour in the world. I personally have always loved Morellis in Broadstairs we used to go there as children and it still is the only place we get ice cream in Broaststairs. I got a hot chocolate which was devine and all the kids and the hubby got ice cream. It was a nice little walk and the kids enjoyed the fresh air and ice cream. I love my Sundays of with the family, it was my last one for a few weeks.

See below some more photos of the day

Looking for Boats 

Say Cheese Son Son

This Hot chocolate was Devine. 

Messy Face Ami

To finish off all my lovely Family.