Friday 28 February 2014

Me and Mine - February

As a family of five sometimes life is busy
there is football clubs, play dates, doctor appointments
and sometimes just getting out the house is busy
a baby needs feeding some body needs a wee
its hard to find time to do things

but then sometimes we go out 
we take a camera and manage to catch us together
being us being family
Its these times I love and cherish 
my husband may moan 
the kids may not sit still but we manage to get some photos
that last a lifetime 

It was nearly dark and we were losing light but we got there
I love this months photos 
they capture my favorite people at the beach
what could be more fun

dear beautiful

Why not join in click the picture above to find out more :) 

Thursday 27 February 2014

When to stop Breast feeding

As much as I love breast feeding I also feel like I hate it. As easy as it is I sometimes loath that I always fed the baby and that I never seem to get a break from it. I know that sounds incredibly selfish but I often feel like I have had enough (usually at 4am after trying to settle a baby back to sleep for the 5th time that night. Don't get me wrong I also love breast feeding, I love that I don't need to take anything with me and I can feed him anywhere I don't have to warm bottles its great. It just is so hard sometimes!

I dont always feel like this its just when Little bear is going through a clingy phase. We recently decided to introduce a bottle at night time to try and get him to sleep and so that my husband could feed him and put him to bed. Which was going well till all of a sudden out of know where he wont take a bottle. He gets cross spits the milk out and usually falls asleep out of exhaustion or I give in and fed him. I am not sure weather its an developmental age thing or he just wants mummy. He wont even take a dummy anymore.

So with that I am stuck breast feeding for the time being, I often wonder how good my milk is I am busy alot of the time and he seems to forever be feeding never getting full. Sometimes I see that little face suckling away and I am overcome with so much love, I remember when he was born and he latched on straight away I said to my mum "I cant see why anyone wouldn't want to breast feed its so beautiful". Its true the bond of giving your child nourishment is amazing it brings tears to my eyes thinking about it, I know not everyone can so I am so privileged.

Little bear was sleeping up to 8 hours at a time but all of a sudden has been waking up every few hours and we are unsure why? Last night he had no bottle and just breast milk and slept for nearly 8 hours then settled well after, but the few before he was awake alot!

So if you have any help or advice I would be happy to hear.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Penwizard Personalised Peppa Pig book Review

My little girl absolutely adores Peppa pig, ok she may just like the music but as soon as she see's the television she starts shouting Peppy Peppy. So when I got asked to review a personalised Peppa Pig book from Penwizard I jumped at the chance. Its true I secretly love Peppa too even my son likes Peppa pig he wont admit it now because he is a cool 7 year old but he is glued to the tv watching this little pink pig. I loved the idea of personlised book and was so impressed when this came.

The website was easy to use and you get to add your child's full name, skin colour, hair style  and even add a personal message. It took no time at all and we only waited a few days and it came in the post. Ami was over the moon especially when we told her it was her. She wouldn't let anybody hold it and carried it round all day. She kept on pointing saying Peppy and Ami, my son when he saw it was so impressed (I could see he wanted one too). We were so impressed with the quality and the fact that Ami's name was throughout the book.

There are many books to choose from including many other characters and other stories including football which I am going to get for Pants. It would make a lovely gift for a birthday, I think it makes it so special for your child to see themselves in the book. Also that they are in character form so will last for years as sometimes photos can look outdated so quickly.

This book cost £14.99 which I think is a reasonable price for a personlised book. Check out Penwizard's website for more books. 

Monday 24 February 2014

Living Arrows - 8 / 52

Here is my picture of the last week. 
My little Ami loves the beach 
Its hard to get her of she has not wondered into the sea 
but she stands so close to the shore 
as if she is going to run in at any second.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Tiny fingers Tiny Toes

Looking at a babies hands and feet make me feel so squishy, those tiny little nails and all the crinkles makes me just melt. I want them to stay like this forever, I want this newborn stage to last. I love sitting with my boy and wondering how we created such a beautiful boy, his eyes draw our attention and we just cant help staring at him. 

I often find in the night I let him sleep next to me and wake to the most beautiful eyes, the most adoring eyes. He sees his mum and starts to indicating that he is hungry. His face nuzzles towards me and searches for food. He starts to feed and I am overcome with love with this little man. He see's me looking at him and he stops and smiles. Such special moments, these moments that just fly by and easily forgotten. 

I cant believe when I was pregnant that I doubted this baby, I was unsure if I could cope, weather I had enough love. Would it be to much with two so small but I now see how blessed I am. How special I am that I am blessed with three beautiful children, all so special all so unique in there own ways. All bring me so much joy every day. I love my life even though days can be hard, I know I was made to be a mum.

Silent Sunday - 23/02/2014

Friday 21 February 2014

Me and You - February

Im well overdue a date with this man. 
I am not sure we have spent much time together recently.
None at all if its just us, I miss it so much, 
but I know its just a season, soon the kids will be older
Little bear will go to bed earlier and we can hit the town.
Do things we used to do, be teased by my husband and have a good laugh.
I suppose when we do finally get out it will be worth it. 
We can sit and talk about things that are not to do with the kids. 
I like the sound of it. 
I like him very much

So here we are a quick phone photo, Excuse the beard its been around for a while now! Bit of extra warmth for the winter I suppose! 
dear beautiful
Want to take part click this picture above to find out more :)

Thursday 20 February 2014

My 1st Blog Birthday!

Wow today it suddenly hit me, Ive been blogging for a year. When I started I never knew how addictive it could be and I never knew that there would be so many other mothers willing to offer advice and support when feeling a bit rubbish.

This time last year I was a mother of two, I didnt know I was about to fall pregnant and become a mum again. It has been an exciting year, We have been to Disneyland, spring harvest, Camping and Denmark. We have spent plenty of days at the beach and changed plenty of nappies.

I have loved writing these moments down, and have found people actually read my ramblings, that little old dyslexic me with my dodgy writing would actually get views to my blog. Ive learnt about HTML (well still learning) and after many nights sat watching youtube videos and reading blogs Ive worked out how to get these on my page.

Thanks for reading, Thanks for all your coments I have loved them all :)

Heres some highlights of the last year ..

If you really want to get me a present why not vote for me in the MADS as best baby blog ;)

Wednesday 19 February 2014

The MADS blog awards - Why you should vote for little me

What is the MADS you may ask.. Well its only the mum and dad awards its like the Oscars for parent bloggers! I would love love love to be nominated as best baby blog. I really appreciate any nomination I am so grateful for every one.

If you do want to vote for me I would love to be nominated in the best baby blog! If you have never come across my blog before you may be amazed its just babies at the moment. I have a 3 month old and a 18 month old oh and a 7 year old. When I am not blogging I am changing nappies, feeding babies and playing games. My posts are mainly about the joy of being a mum to my little babies and the adventures we get up too. They are my world and the reason why it means so much. 

Click on the link and vote there is many other category's too and many other fab bloggers so take your time. It means so much to this little blog. 

MAD Blog Awards

Here is some pictures of my babies as peer pressure

Tuesday 18 February 2014

New Pampers Baby Dry Nappies - Baby Sleep tips

We recently got asked to take part in a discussion on skype all about helping babies love to learn to sleep. I got to chat about the new pampers sensitive nappies and also talk to sleep expert Jo Tantum about issues that I have with my babies and sleeping. We got sent a pack of the new pampers baby dry nappies to try before our session.

The new nappies although look not to different to the old ones but they feel alot smoother and we didn't have as many leaks with the new nappies, so less outfit changes in the middle of the night. I got shown on the skype chat about how the nappies absorb fluid straight away unlike other nappies where the liquids sty next to the babies skin and take a little longer to absorb into the nappy. They contain a double dry zone which means in the night they do not need to be changed and woken up. Always a relief with a baby, I used to dread that nappy change as I would fear how Long I would be up afterwards.

We often use pampers at night as they are the only nappy we have found that both babies are not so uncomfortable in the morning. Other nappies we have found my daughter waking and standing and the nappy being so sodden she would often develop such bad nappy rash it was awful, but since using these at night it has got considerably alot better.

One thing I learnt from the skype chat was that babies who nap more in the day are likely to sleep more in the night, I have often kept babies up for hours in the hope they will sleep longer at night, but this is untrue. I now have let Little bear sleep more and have seen the effect at night. Here are some tips from sleep Expert Jo Tantum.

Learn to Love Sleep Tips by Pampers Sleep Expert Jo Tantum

Set the scene
Try to set a scene that is appropriate for bedtime such as ensuring that lights are switched off or dimmed and that the room is neither too cold nor too hot. Creating a tranquil environment will help baby understand when it is time for sleep.

Routine is key
Routine will help your little one to know when it is night-time. By doing the same things before bedtime such as giving your baby a bath, cuddle, lullaby, and fresh nappy, she will begin to associate these activities with sleep.

Keep to a schedule
As with establishing a sleep routine, the daily cycle is also important. By having ‘active times’ and ‘quiet times’ your baby will become familiar with when it is time to play and when it time for sleep.

Distinguish between night and day
Ensure that your baby’s environment is different between night and day so that your little one recognises that light means it is time for play and that dark is time for sleep. Also try to be quieter and less interesting when it is night time so your little one understands that it is not playtime.

All babies will wake in the night but they will need to learn how to self-soothe. If you hear your baby stirring try to refrain from going in straight away to settle her. Instead, pause a moment and give her a chance to send herself back to sleep. Eventually she will be able to nod off without your help. 

Sleep changes and development are linked
Your baby will move considerably in the night so ensuring that she remains comfortable is essential. It is advisable to use a nappy with superior leakage protection such as Pampers Baby-Dry with Double Dry-Zones which absorb moisture and lock it helping to provide your baby with up to 12 hours of Golden Sleep.

Your baby will have growth spurts. During these times, she will likely want to feed more, day and night so try to be aware of when your little one is going through one of these phases. Similarly, teething may cause your little one some discomfort and thus disrupt her sleep. Teething rings can help ease the pain and distract baby. You can also try rubbing the gums with infant teething gels which contain a mild anesthetic.

Be realistic

Stay positive and trust your instincts. Keeping a diary of your baby’s sleep patterns may also help you understand when and why she wakens and remember that every baby is different so what may work for another baby may not work for your little one. 

Monday 17 February 2014

Little Bear you are 3 months

 Little bear you are 3 Months old

Three months have flown by
Three months I have cuddled you and fed you
Three months I have been blessed to be your months 
Three months I have been a mum to three

Every day that passes by you become more active
you have learned how to laugh and make the cutest noise
you like to chat away cooing and grunting
you have the widest grin that melts our hearts

You love to be held and cry when put down
You love nothing better than being snuggled up close 
you have such strong legs and often like to be stood up
you have found your hands and to you they are interesting objects

Some nights you sleep well and others you dont
you nap often on mummy in the day 
your brother and sister adore you 
and you often get given lots of toys from Ami and the odd bash too!

Little Bear we love you lots 

Living Arrows 7/52

My Living arrow this week is this little bundle of joy! Oh he is so so squishy I just want to go and give him a cuddle whilst looking at this photo. I didnt get round to editing it but I like it as it is, still getting to grips with using a 30mm lens!

Friday 14 February 2014

Finding joy in the small things - Love

Sometimes Love is a funny thing, Its this love that makes me strive, that makes me want to do the best for my family. Love Is the simple thing the glue that holds us together. My husband is a very special man, I do not tell him enough! He makes me laugh when I am in the foulest moods and is forever getting alongside me and helping me make the best choices.

I hate being a apart from him but I also enjoy it, as I love seeing him after a period of time apart. I watch videos of him online (there is a few) and wait patiently for that call. I then wait for him to come home and like an excited school girl, my heart pounds and every sound of a car pulling up outside I leap up to check the window (often hiding in case he see's me being silly).

See he is a funny man, he makes me smile alot. Sometimes he can cause me to laugh so much I have had to leave the room in order to contain myself (This was at church, he did it on purpose)! I love this man, I am so grateful and blessed that I met him! Even more so that he was interested in me.

So I thought I would share his latest short film, He is very talented. Take a watch its only a few mins long, its called Next time round and about a man who made the wrong choices in life!

Next Time Round from Matt Carvosso on Vimeo.

Monday 10 February 2014

Bath time fun with H&A - Finding Nemo Bubbly bath Review

It’s the best time of the day especially if you are a toddler. The sound of the taps running is enough to get little feet even more frantically excited. My toddler absolutely loves bath time and is often found hovering next to the bathroom longing for someone to go and run a bath. So with all that we have been reviewing H&A  Finding Nemo bubbly bath, the best product for a toddler who loves a bath.

One thing we have found with the character bubble bath is that they can be harsh on a toddler's skin. My daughter suffers with eczema and often has cracked skin so a bubble bath that is hypoallergenic is music to my ears. Her skin hasn’t reacted to this product after a couple of uses either which is a relief. Another benefit is that it has a leak free cap, many a time I have gone in the bathroom to find bubble bath poured over the bathroom floor, or in the bath. It can be such a waste of money when you have paid good money for some bubble bath.

Some of the great things about the Finding Nemo Soft and Gentle Bubble bath is that its

  • ·        Dermatologically Tested
  • ·        Hypoallergenic
  • ·        Paediatrician Approved
  • ·        Suitable from Newborn
  • ·        Tear Free

We also liked the smell not so overpowering like many other bubble baths. The design is very catching the type you know when in the supermarket and your child spots it and asks repeatedly for you to buy it for them. We have loved reviewing the bubble bath… Well Ami especially (Daddy wasn’t impressed with the water on the floor) if she is having fun we are happy parents!

All my children love bath time so we would love to be bath time fun squad. It is found in most supermarket and retails at a reasonable price for a bubble bath.  This is our entry to the Tots 100/H&A bathtime fun squad competition. Disclaimer:  We were sent the bubble bath in return for a review and chance to become a member of the bath time fun squad.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Siblings - February

February is upon us and that means another Siblings (Or attempt) photo challenge, basically trying to take a photo of just the three of my kiddios, find out more and how you can join in by clicking on the siblings badge at the bottom of the post. Ami had no intention on sitting still, even with both her parents waving frantically behind the camera. Pants didnt want to be in it and Little bear he didnt know different. 

An exciting month for Pants he lost his first front tooth, after wobbling it for a year he was ecstatic to have lost it. The other tooth isn't wobbly so sadly looks like he wont have the double gap! He is a good boy when not pushing to play screens all the time, he is also enjoying football lots as always. He is such a good big brother and enjoys helping with the two little ones, weather it be feeding Ami or telling her off (rather too often especially when she has pinched his toys). 

Ami her usual excited non stop toddler self, is forever learning. She can say alot of words but still tries the shout till I get what I want tactic. She loves her brothers and waits by the door until we collect Pants from school. She is at that very funny age and constantly cracking us with her little antics.

Little bear is taking it all in, he is realising those around him and giving the biggest smiles and chuckles. He really is very cute, and is the spit of Ami when she was his age. I sometimes feel a bit sad as he grows up. Its going by far to quick for my liking. 

Thats my three this month, they all melt my heart in different ways. This last photo was my favorite one as at least one is smiling!

dear beautiful

Saturday 8 February 2014

My Sunday Photo 09/02/2014

Minecraft Mum

Oh what a joy this lovely game is... I d like to thank who ever inventing it for a rather dull but strangely addictive game (I call it borecraft).  I am not addicted but my 7 year old son! Its all he talks about, thinks about it can be such a drain. I see that the game can be good for helping source materials and build things but thats it. I must be missing the boat? Or I am so uncool I just do not get it. I am sure there are worse games and many which he isnt allowed to play!

He stopped playing about a year ago and I thought that was it but its back again. This time an added bonus of online youtube videos, which is basically somebody playing and recording it. He loves it I find it tedious. I see his behavior change too, hes grumpy and lazy when sitting in front of a screen. He has even been extremely rude, where we have to sit him down and have a chat.

It makes me feel a bit sad, but has also caused me to be more intentional in bringing other things out, such as board games and painting. Just to stop him asking, he is only allowed to play for a hour a day but its the asking and moaning when he is not. Its such a pain!

Roll on the summer when we can go to the park/ beach for hours and not be couped indoors sheltering from the horrible weather.  Isnt it basically lego on a game. I like those lego games we often play those together they are good fun!

Do you have any tips/ advice for boring minecraft?

Thursday 6 February 2014

The Joy of a Baby - A mothers love

Sometimes I just stop, take a look at this little miracle laid in front of me, and think wow! I helped to create that, I hold him close so close I breath in this little body. I lay my ear near to him so I can hear him breathing, I am lost in this moment, I am lost in time just me and my baby boy. Suddenly all the chaos if life is gone I stand and dance with my boy. I hold his head close as to protect him from the world. He nuzzles into me and I hold him closer still.

I am blessed beyond words, nobody told me how special a newborn is. Nobody told me how short that time is. I want to pause the time, but I also am full of dreams of tomorrow. I wonder when he will walk, when he will say his first word, who will he look like. Its all too exciting then he moves that little newborn reflex and I remember he is still so small. Still so fragile

Sometimes I hold him and see the love in his eyes, his eyes widen at the sight of his mummy. We are locked together sharing these special times. His eyes light up and beams a huge smile it melts my heart, my legs turn to jelly and I am caught for hours just staring at his face. I hold every finger and  he grasps me back. I kiss every toe and I know how lucky I am to be your mum. I realise how strong love is and I will love you no matter what, and what ever time.

So I will cherish it, I will leave the washing up and hoovering, because times like this may never come by again. Time just gets faster but I will cling to whats left and wont let it be taken.

The Joy of a newborn.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Ami you are 18 Months!

Ami you are 18 months!

Ami you are officially no longer a baby
you have grown up so much
and forever changing

You have learn lots of words and now such a chatterbox
you started to say little sentences 
and even now speak to strangers
your favorite words being in there and on there

You have love going for walks 
even sitting on the floor when you have had enough
when you wake up first thing is ask to put on your coat and shoes 
and then bring everyone else there shoes!

You are very bossy and enjoy bossing your big brother around
first thing you do when you wake is ask for him
then all day you ask for him
you just love having him around

You still love your food
and eat nearly everything put in front of you
you love a good hot dinner 
and still do not like being fed and doing it all your self

You love bath time especially with Pants 
you like to splash and get more water out of the bath than in
you also can hear if anybody else is in the bath
and shout until they let you in!

You have learned to jump 
and you no longer walk you hop and prance 
and even run 

You make us laugh so so much 
your such a special little girl
We love you loads Ami 