Monday, 17 February 2014

Little Bear you are 3 months

 Little bear you are 3 Months old

Three months have flown by
Three months I have cuddled you and fed you
Three months I have been blessed to be your months 
Three months I have been a mum to three

Every day that passes by you become more active
you have learned how to laugh and make the cutest noise
you like to chat away cooing and grunting
you have the widest grin that melts our hearts

You love to be held and cry when put down
You love nothing better than being snuggled up close 
you have such strong legs and often like to be stood up
you have found your hands and to you they are interesting objects

Some nights you sleep well and others you dont
you nap often on mummy in the day 
your brother and sister adore you 
and you often get given lots of toys from Ami and the odd bash too!

Little Bear we love you lots 