Wednesday, 19 February 2014

The MADS blog awards - Why you should vote for little me

What is the MADS you may ask.. Well its only the mum and dad awards its like the Oscars for parent bloggers! I would love love love to be nominated as best baby blog. I really appreciate any nomination I am so grateful for every one.

If you do want to vote for me I would love to be nominated in the best baby blog! If you have never come across my blog before you may be amazed its just babies at the moment. I have a 3 month old and a 18 month old oh and a 7 year old. When I am not blogging I am changing nappies, feeding babies and playing games. My posts are mainly about the joy of being a mum to my little babies and the adventures we get up too. They are my world and the reason why it means so much. 

Click on the link and vote there is many other category's too and many other fab bloggers so take your time. It means so much to this little blog. 

MAD Blog Awards

Here is some pictures of my babies as peer pressure