Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Being on mission with children!

I for one love being involved in mission work and having children never has got in the way of me serving! I love getting stuck in to whats happening and helping to make change with what I can give! Pants was 10 months old when he was with me whilst I served on mission and now nearly 7 he absolutely loves being around and helping, although mist of the time his idea of helping is getting balls out and pestering someone to play football with him. I would love to go on global missions one day thats the dream take all the kids and just do it, now have nursing qualification should make things easier to work in some of these places!

This year for this weeks mission which is Scripture union Minnis bay we are in with the toddlers, which is actually going better than i thought as im not always a toddler group person, I found that i actually knew some of the mums so it wasnt too bad! Pants is in an older age group called twigs he is enjoying that too! They host kids clubs for all ages from 0 to 18 and in the afternoon hold an event for the whole family. The first being a tide fight where teams had to build the strongest castle to survive the tide! Pants got stuck in a team whilst I had the task of stopping a now walking/ running Ami running in the sea or destroying the childrens castles!

This afternoon sees a huge water fight in which fire men come and hose the children in a big dip! Its alot of fun and Im sure wearing a bright red T shirt will not help me to stay dry!! But it will be fun we look forward to the rest of the week before were on to our next mission! The T shirts read Keep Calm and know God is Good!!

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Friday, 26 July 2013

First day of the Holidays

I do love the summer, I love sunshine, spending warm evenings out and just hanging with family and friends! So after a few days at work seeing the sunshine from inside I was glad to be outside with the children. We decided to keep it local so we didnt have to travel to far. A soft play area not far from us has a lovely outside play area that is only £2 to get into so wouldn't be so expensive as we all know holidays and soft play areas mean inflated prices. Pants really wanted to go as they had a zip wire and the hope that some of his friends from school were there, fortunately for him there was!

We had some lunch and pants went of to play with his friends, I tried to keep Ami with me as long as I could as she had no shoes (we still haven't got round to buying her any...) She had enough and broke free wanting to find her big brother! Pants was enjoying the zip wire so had to pull him away to play with Ami for a few mins then he was of again whilst me and Ami played in the sand pit! It was so hot we had to sit in the shade for a little bit but then it was back to playing. We had a lovely day and I even took Pants to the park i used to go to as a child, he was very interested what I played on as a child! We had a lovely first day of the holidays we look forward to many more fun days!

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Thursday, 25 July 2013

Reasons to be cheerful week 21!

This week I have a big big reason to be happy...

1) IM FINALLY A QUALIFIED NURSE! Exciting I have been at university for the last 5 and a half years completing the course part time and maternity leave! Its been tough and it has taken alot of determination to complete and finish! I have had some amazing support from family and friends I couldn't have finished it with out them! Being a student mum is hard work especially when you have spent the day with an energetic toddler and then have to sit down for hours to study but I got there. One season of my life has finished I now enter a new one full of more responsibility but its what I have been working towards so Im sure it will be fine (and I go on Maternity leave again in October oh dear)

2) Its the summer holidays hurray our month of missions starts at the weekend, where we are on team at our local scripture union beach mission! I love taking part its where my whole journey of becoming a christian started! I was 5 when I first went now my children are in the children clubs they run. We are helping in the toddler venue looking forward to meeting mums in our community!
This is from the huge water fight they do where fire engines come and spray all the children 

3) Also my husband goes of to help another community event we take part in as a family Lark in the Park
This is based in Sidcup (comes near us middle of August too lark in the park Ramsgate) and is a huge impact to the local community providing childrens clubs, and nights out for the family for free! We love being a part of it and we love hanging out in marquees and getting stuck in! I cant wait!! Something amazing about hanging out in tents!

4) along with all that excitement Ami is now proper walking although she gets cross when she falls down she follows us everywhere walking like a little crab!

5) Pants came homw with a really good school report but then forgot to give his teachers the thank you cards he spent so long making oh well! maybe post them to the school for next term lol!

6) Enjoying a few days of peace before our summer gets away with doing stuff! We love the summer and hopefully will spend a few nights on the beach! Good times alot going on we love it!!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

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Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Being the wife of a Film Maker!

My husband may not be making huge budget films (or in fact any budget) but every thing he makes I am his biggest fan! Yesterday we were roped into being extras in his latest short film Hope flies! Hope Flies is about a young lady who ends up chatting to a homeless man who helps her view hope in light of a negative situation! We were filmed on the beach playing although hard trying to get the kids to not look at daddy with the camera! We enjoyed it though I had read the script and seen the rehearsal and was impressed with my husbands work, he is so creative and has an amazing talent! 

Although my husband said they were stopped a couple of times by inquisitive passers by and Pants shouting at him! The actors were of high quality which is helpful when its all done for free! I look forward to the future at times thease little glimpses of what is out there is exciting! Maybe one day he will be in LA or somewhere hot! I look forward to seeing the end result and sharing it with you all!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

My baby is soon one!!!

My little baby bear is nearly one!! argh that is scary where has the last year gone? We are now in the process of deciding on doing something for her birthday! For Pants first birthday we took him too a zoo in which he enjoyed! We recently took Ami to a Zoo but she wasnt to impressed! She is in that stage where she is frustrated that she cant walk more than a few steps!

I would like to have a little garden party but we dont have much of a garden at the moment! Its full of pebbles and weeds we never use it so we may just go to the green near our house! I have looked on pinterest and seen loads of ideas but dont know where to start! I know its her first birthday and she wont remember but im sure she will enjoy the day and Pants will enjoy opening her presents.

I think im going to go with a beach theme as Ami loves going to the beach! Just seen some little windmills that would look great in some cakes maybe if the weather is good the party could be on a green by the beach!

Seems like such a long time ago I was getting frustrated waiting for Ami to arrive! She is such a little blessing!! 

What did you do for your little ones first birthday?

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Reasons to be cheerful: Week 20

Isnt life full of little blessings sometimes! Sometimes you can feel totally rubbish then something little happens and you realise that actually im loved beyond belief! Anyway Im generally a cheerful person when the sun is shining actually im a happy person all together! We have had a busy week so going to pick the best bits of our week!

1) Only four more days of the school term left! summer holidays are nearly upon us but that does mean only four more school days till my little boy goes into year 2 stop growing up Pants!

2) We have been to the beach nearly everyday it does make me very happy both the kids love playing in the sand! We dont have an amazing garden in fact we never go out there, it is full of pebbles and not great for an exploring baby!

3) Had my job interview didn't go too well sadly but you never know maybe I did better than I thought! On the plus side have one week of shifts then off till I get a job so can enjoy the summer

4) Not long till our summer starts we have a busy summer ahead we taking part in some beach missions and community events! Its such good fun, I love to be part of it and love to get stuck in!

5) Pregnancy is going well in that middle part were not too huge and now looking pregnant not like ive not lost baby weight (which I hadnt opps)

6) Looking forward to a weekend we have a wedding of some of our friends, and Captains Day at the golf club where my step dad is the captain! good times

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The Gallery - Archives

As a child my mum would make sure we would go down the beach every day rain or shine! We would be there till my dad got home and sometimes he would bring fish and chips (or a sausage special). I couldnt find anymore photos at home these are the few i could find at the beach! I think that is why i love the beach so much! I remember summers of crabbing, swimming and climbing! I was gutted to move a bit further away from the beach its not the same when you have to walk 20 mins rather than 3 mins! I make up for it now living close to the beach my son even said can we not go to the beach we have been 4 times this week already!

Thats me in the rubber ring!

Enjoying the sea

not to clear photo of me crawling!!

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Silent Sunday 14-07-2013


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Saturday, 13 July 2013

Beach Nights

Ok i dont know if you have gathered, I love going to the beach and so do the family so we go alot! Sorry when the weathers good we go there! We had no plans for the evening so we decided to pop into Margate for some tea and watch the sun set! Not a place we would usually go I was a little unsure but my husband persuaded me to try! We found a little ice cream palour serving savory crepes so the boys had pizza crepes which they both enjoyed followed by ice cream! was lovely to be sitting outside on a summers evening not thinking about bath time or getting the kids to bed! we left gone bedtime so for Pants it was a huge treat! Ami was ok she was happy to be outside!

We then decided to take a walk along to the sand passing and playing on the newish steps in Margate! Ami found great joy climbing up and down the smooth steps but I wasnt to sure too many seagulls for my liking!! So finally on the sand! My favorite place we find a nice cleanish area (after a busy day the beach is sure littered with crap people leave behind!). The kids enjoyed playing on the sand climbing in and out of holes people had made in the day! My husband kept us entertained by discreetly dropping coins by the metal detector people to see if they would go crazy! It was so funny and they missed the coins!

The sun had set and time to head home trying to keep Ami awake so we could give her a quick bath! It was a lovely evening nice to relax and not worry about usually bedtime stuff! So what the kids went to bed at 9:45 we created some memories last will end up being fond time in many years time! We look forward to many more nights like this! Its how i grew up hence my child hood nick name stig of the beach!!

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Thursday, 11 July 2013

Reasons to be Cheerful! week 18

So another quick week, have had a few days of and was back to work today! Life is good its the summer not long till the holidays, my last full summer off! for a while!! We have had a good week very quiet but nice!! My reasons to be cheerful this week are as follows:

1) We have had some lovely times down the beach recently, we are blessed to have a beach at the end of the road! Pants even found a whole bigger than me that someone had dug on the beach! The kids have been swimming, Ami has learnt to climb over sand mounds and we have even played rounders on the beach!!

2) Ami has recently grown up so much, she has learnt to point and even developed a fake cough so so funny!

3) I have a job interview on Monday a little scared but know that we will be fine!!

4) Cant believe my Pants is finishing year one soon! why is he growing up so so fast! I cant believe it life changes so so fast!

5) My husband just went to the shop to get me some chocolate!

6) One more long day shift before the weekend my poor husband has to sort out school runs, packed lunches , Ami hospital appointment and school disco! busy for him!  Its nice to not sort these things out for once!!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
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Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Review - Annabel Karmel - Quick & Easy Toddler recipes

We recently Reviewed The new Annabel Karmel quick and easy Recipe book for toddlers, this was a great thing for a growing family as nowadays its so easy to just buy things from tescos and not really put much effort into dinner! So quick and easy really appeals to me! I love the idea of making things from scratch and knowing what is in the food! 

Were a family that enjoys dinner time its the only time where we all sit together and the tv is off! Ok my husband may be following whatever on his Iphone but we are all together! Now Ami is bigger she is happy to eat what we eat and often prefers what we would to baby food! So We looked through the recipe book i got Pants to choose something and made a meal plan for the week! 

After trying a few of the recipes i was pleased with the book, but some didnt really save time in the long run! I just need someone to make my food then i can deal with the baby crying and helping Pants getting stuck with something, all in all we really enjoyed the book! I love Pants being involved in helping deciding what to have for dinner, and being excited about seeing his dinner like it is on the page! Also its not too expensive you can currently get it on amazon for £6.59 really recommend it!

Here is some tips from the book to help minimise time in the kitchen:
  • Organise Storage: Try to organise your cupboards and draws in the kitchen so that you have easy accsess to the eqiupment you use most frequently
  • Cleaning up: Keep the kitchen sink full of soapy water as you work you can put all your dirty untensiels into the sink for easy cleaning
  • Plan ahead: Whenever possible double the quantity and freeze extra portions
  • Keep Sharp: Dont forget to sharpen you knives; Its going to take longer to cut something up with a blunt knife.
  • Quick Blend: Save time by chopping veg using a food processor
  • Stock up: Keep your fridge and larder stocked so you dont have to make a handy shopping list so you dont have to make a dash to the shops. And having a handy list to note down when things run out!
  • One meal rule: So many mums end up cooking seperate meals for there children, but cooking needn't be such a chore. 
Disclaimer: we were sent this book for free for the purpose of the review, all opinions and photos are my own.

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Colourful Dove gift set Review

We recently got sent the colourful dove set set, I was so impressed with the packaging, it would make a perfect gift for a child! The set included a plate, bowl and cup all made out of bone china and all made in Britain. I loved the colours and the design all very contemporary, the colours make it stand out and make meal meal times look fun!  The set was the perfect size for my 6 year old son, he loved the colours and even said it was cute which for a tough 6 year old he must have liked it. 

He has asked for the Lion set every meal time! Its great also for learning colours and even the spelling of these. So not only is is practical its also educational. This set retails at £29.50 on the Kids one stop shop website where you can also purchase the set individually too. If you think the price is a little steep it is definitly worth that. We really recommend the set its lovely little set and washes up really well. You can find colourful dove on facebook and find out more on the Colourful Dove Website.

The Box is just lovely, can be also used to play with too!! 

Ami enjoying dinner time!

Concentration whilst eating

What a Lovely cup!

Right size cup for a 6 year old

beautiful bowl

Disclaimer: We were sent this free of charge from Kids one stop shop, all thoughts and opinions are our own!.

The Gallery - Sun

Ok im not afraid to admit it, I love the sunshine! I love sunny days that leads to sunny evenings, I love the warmness and just love how the sun being out makes everywhere look nicer! When its sunny we try and spend as much time down the beach as we can!! Or for me generally outside where its warm! We have spent the last few days after school at the beach, Pants one day had found a hole someone had dug deeper than me! He took great joy climbing! We even managed to get abit of rounders on the beach! Good times roll on many more sunny days!!


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Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Noroclear Hygeine Pack Review

We have recently been given the opportunity to review the noroclear hygiene pack! When you have children suddenly you realise that some things can be harmful to your children and nasty sick bugs are better avoided!    Being a nurse i know the importance of good hygiene and also how quickly these bugs spread! The noroclear hygiene pack comes with skin disinfecting wipes, surface disinfecting wipes and a handy hand disinfecting foam. The products are not huge just the perfect size for being packed away in a handbag or changing bag.

 The foam my son had enjoyed using and he liked the fact it disappeared quickly. Also the foam was good as with some other hand gels and foams you can taste it when you eat or bite nails (if your naughty like me). We tended to use the skin disinfecting wipes for Ami's hands as she tried to eat the foam but as they had the same ingredients in both this was really handy!

We took our pack camping as was unsure of times that the kids will wash hands and generally be clean. It was handy that it fitted comfortably in my bag with out much taking up to much space. The pack retails at £12.99 you can purchase it on there website and on facebook. Perfect also for taking into public toilets when changing a baby I am a bit of a germ freak especially when it comes to door handles so it has been helpful for me too!

Disclaimer: We were sent this pack for the purpose of the review, all photos and opinions are my own!

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Thats my Kids - July

Due to going back to work Ive decided to make Thats my Kids Monthly as was far to shattered to do it last week (que the violin) Oh dear sorry those waiting to post!!! If you haven't heard about Thats My kids Its a Linky to share what your little ones have been up too and with that sharing the love to others! There is no rules link up as many times as you want!

We Have been Enjoying the sunshine spending as much time down the beach as we can! I do love the beach. Pants is at a age where he just leaves us to play with anyone playing football, he loves football so much! Sadly so does my husband so it can be sometimes all I hear about!! were looking forward to the summer holidays and time spent outdoors!

Ami has been learning to walk often giving up as she is a speedy crawler and can get somewhere super quick especially if she hears a door being opened! She has recently moved out of our bedroom :( and we feel like she is growing up far to fast! She is loving a good dance definitely takes after her dad there!!

So please Link up and I look forward to reading your posts!

welcome to the mummy madness