Monday, 26 November 2018

Ravensburger Collectors Cupboard 1000 piece puzzle - Review

There's one thing I have to admit to not doing in my adult life and that's a 1000 piece puzzle. Don't get me wrong it's not because I have been too snooty or anything just has never crossed my mind. When I was contacted to review a 1000 piece puzzle and after my last 1000 piece puzzle I thought why not. It was something me and Asti did together and both enjoyed spending our evenings working on a puzzle together. We have been sent the collectors Cupboard by Ravensburger. The puzzle is a cupboard full of collectors pieces from shoes to buttons it has it all.  

Having been a complete puzzle beginner ( I have only done one 1000 piece before) I have found I love completing a puzzle. I must have spent nearly a week sitting at the table in the evenings and my days off. I am clearly not that quick but it was very good to relax me after a busy day. I also found that the time just flew by and some nights I was staying up late because I lost track of time.

This time Asti was keen to help like he did the last. I found that sometimes he would come down early to help and we would chat about our day. Being the eldest of three he has two younger siblings who usually take a lot of my time in the day. We both got small satisfaction when we found the right pieces and the collector's cupboard started to take shape. We found all the easy parts first then it all started to come into shape. 

To start off with it was something me and my eldest would do in the evenings. In fact, he would come off screens early to help. I googled how long a 1000 piece puzzle took and it said 5-6 hours, whereas I can say it took us well over 20. There is so much going on in the puzzle so it makes it interesting and if what a little bit more difficult. 

You can buy the Collector’s Cupboard puzzle from Amazon, Hobbycraft or other usual outlets. There are lots of puzzles in the Curious Cupboard series there are plenty of other jigsaw puzzles to choose from. They make perfect presents which are something I didn't think I would ever say but we really enjoyed these puzzles. For me and Asti its something to do when the nights are dark and long. 

My eldest son has ADHD so the puzzle actually had a calming effect and I actually saw him yawn which is something he never seems to do. It really helped him relax and calm down from a busy day at school. For me, I found my self-completing parts throughout the day, then getting lost in time and being late for things.

The puzzle has been a big hit in my house and we have had the pressure of competing to get the use of the table in the front room back. We need one of those puzzle mats now that we are proper puzzlers (after 2 puzzles that is). I am sure people will give me some after I have been saying how much we enjoyed this one. 

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Milly Feels better Doll - Baby Annabell Review

Sometimes the kids get sent something that really appeals to me. Ami recently got sent the Milly feels better doll from baby Annabell collection. Ami was overjoyed as she had seen it on the adverts and thought it was something that her mummy does at work. If you are an avid reader of this blog or more my social media you would know that I am a neonatal nurse and spend my working days cuddling babies ( not just that but making them better for home). i work in my local special care unit which Ami absolutely loves. Ami enjoyed being a nurse when baby Milly came.

Baby Milly is one of the new dolls in the Annabell collection, she has something a bit different to the rest as she gets poorly. She comes with five accessories that include a stethoscope, medicine powder , thermometer and syringe. She also comes with an outfit and hat too. She needs a couple of batteries (not included) so as soon as she came the kids were desperate to get her working.

Ami was excited as Milly comes with a stethoscope and she has seen those on the cots at the neonatal unit. Milly is educational and the idea is that you can make her feel better again. One feature we loved was when she is poorly her cheeks turned red and she does a funny cry. You can then use the thermometer to take her temperature, use the stethoscope. Then you can give her some medicine via the spoon and she stops crying and her cheeks go to normal colour. Milly Will start to feel better again. She also comes with an injection too if that ill.

Like most Annabell dolls her eyes open and close when she is laid down. She also laughs when you tickle her too which is a great feature if pretending to make them better. Ami was over the moon and we have played doctors and nurses over and over again. She is desperate for a proper cot and even asked for that big one she saw on the neonatal unit. The other day I took her around my work and she told the staff all about her baby who she makes better. She was so proud telling them how she made them better. They then said she could work there and she was ever so pleased.

That's why I love the Milly feels better doll. It brings my work home in a good way. I can show Ami what I get up to and we can play together. Ami is always asking me about the babies and if they were boys and girls. Its true to say we both love babies ( don't get any ideas my shops shut to more babies).

Milly Feels better Doll retails at £35 and is available at most toy shops. She is such good value for money and does a lot to keep all doll loving fans pleased. Its a perfect gift for any child this Christmas.