Friday, 29 April 2016

Brio Birthday Train Review

There is one brand of toys you know are going to be great quality and that is brio. We recently got offered the chance to review a brio train. We have had a set of brio that someone gave me nine years ago when Asti was small and its still standing strong. Believe it or not we have brought cheaper trains and tracks and it has not lasted like the brio. 

The Brio Birthday Train comes loaded with two wagons both that separate and come of the trains. One is a cake (not a boat like I first thought) and the other a present. The Train is aimed at children aged 2 and over so perfect for both of my little ones. Who were both all over the train like a rash. 

The trains are make of such good quality they won't chip or break or even with some of our older trains start to fade. They are a good side so perfect for toddler hands! The only issue we have had is the smaller magnetic parts getting lost!! I think thats generally our fault and nothing to do with the train. 

The Brio Birthday Train is around £14.99, maybe a little more than you would pay for a train but it is so worth it in the long term run.
You can find out more information, and where to buy on the Brio website. You can follow them on Facebook and Twitter too.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Funny Toddler Chat - April

It has totally been far too long since I have written a post about the funny chat of a 2 and 3 year old. They sure are super funny Ami tells people off for laughing at her even though what she says is so so funny. It has taken a while but Son Son at 2 and a half now is saying more words although every question people ask him gets answered by Ami.

So here we are some of the high lights of the past few weeks (those I can remember)

Daddy: Son Son do not shout in the car
Son Son; Daddy you are Poopy
Daddy: Son Son thats not  nice thing to say
Son Son: Sorry Daddy
Later on when picking Mummy up from work
Son Son: Me naughty me called Daddy Poopy.
Mummy: Oh dear ( secretly laughing inside)

The other day whilst waiting for the school place email to come.
Ami: I hope I don't get the big school, as the big children may push me over.
Mummy: Oh I am sure that won't happen
Ami: Yeah me too
A few minutes later we get the email
Mummy: Ami you got your primary school you wanted.
Ami: Hurray I get to got to school with my friends.
Son Son: Me go to school
Mummy: not just yet in a few years Son Son.
Son Son: Oh!

Whilst one the bus with Ami and Son Son, Ami wanted to play babies and as per usual I was the sister her and Son Son the mummy and Daddy.
Ami: (Mummy) So you are the Sister mummy and Son Son the Daddy.
Mummy ( sister): ok Ami.
Ami: Ok Daddy you have to tell sister that Mummy has dies of old age. (Pretends to be dead on the bus)
Son Son (Daddy): sister mummy dead.
Mummy: Oh dear what happened
Ami: old age.... Now pretend that I came back to life and had a baby. Mummy sister you were jealous and pinch the baby.
Mummy: Oh thats not very nice though is it.
Ami: Ok well then Daddy died because he was old.
Mummy: Oh look we are early home look out the window.
Ha was so funny though had some of the people on the bus smirking at her little stories.

Mummy: Ami are you looking forward to your birthday.
Son Son: I want a Thomas cake for my birthday.
Ami: Yes I want a princess cake.
Mummy: Do you know when your birthday is?
Ami: On my birthday in the summer. I want princess toys, a bike and a swimming pool.
Mummy: Not alot yet.
Son Son: Me want trains.
Ami: Its my birthday first Son Son.
Son Son: Ami your a poopy

A discussion that happens every day between Ami and Son Son.
Ami: My best friend is Harry
Son Son: No he is my best friend.
Ami: No he is not it is Ryan.
Son Son; No its Noah.
Ami: No thats my best friend.
Son Son: No mine best friend is Caleb
Ami: No thats my best friend mine are Harry, Noah, Caleb, Isla and Guvna B
Mummy: What Guvna B is your best friend
Ami: Yeah he was at lark in the park!
Son Son: Mummy my best friend.
Ami: yes and Harrison and Louie.
Son Son: Yes and Kelly.
Mummy: You guys have lots of friends.
Ami: Mummy your best friend is Daddy and us thats it.
Mummy: ok then.

So here is some of the little chats between my little ones. Must make more of a note as they are so funny.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Plasticine Softeez Review

We recently got offered the chance to review some of Plasticine's latest products. I knew I would have a little girl and boy that would love to get involved and make something (usually snakes and snails). I used to love plasticine as a child and often me and my sisters would spend ages making little animals out of it. 

The products we revceived were 

  • 6 x 150g slabs of Plasticine Softeez RRP £1.29 each
  • 1 x Softeez Tub of Fun RRP £4.99 – This tub contains 5 sticks of Plasticine Softeez and 2 fun shaped cutters (we had a boat and a duck).  I loved that it was all able to go back in the tub ideal for on the move. 
  • Softeez Cupcake Creations Kit RRP £7.99 – The kit contains 9 sticks of Plasticine Softeez, cupcake mould and cutter, rolling pin and cutting tool

We started of with the cupcake set as they like to play Bake off pretending I am the judge of the cakes so I knew this set would be right up there street. The set comes with a mould, a cutter, rolling pin and tools. It took a while for Ami to get the hang of the plasticine having being used to playdoh or putty the texture is a bit harder when using moulds. All in all they both enjoyed it and even older brother Asti was distracted from minecraft to join in the fun. The set also came with a little leaflet which showed how to mix colours and make the cakes. To be honest it was not long before they mixed all the colours up there was no hope now.

We then played with the little tub which at £4.99 is a right steal perfect for taking on trips away and holidays and all fits back in the tub when finished. They ended up mixing those colours too and making snakes and sausages as per usual. I actually quite enjoyed it too and before long we made a little family see below with the larger plasticine blocks. If your wondering there is a family, pig and dog. They found it hilarious as the heads kept on falling off!! 

I love that the price of the plasticine does not break the bank a single block can provide endless play. Also that it is helping my children be more creative by making little models and learning different colours and how to mix them. We are a lover of anything that helps my children learn through play All in all Plasticine is a craft cupboard must have we all loved playing with it. 

Friday, 15 April 2016

Spirograph Review

Over here in the Mummys Little Blog head quarters we love reviewing fun products, especially those in nature that get the kids to play and have fun. When I got asked to if we would review Spirograph I knew that this would be something to get the kids interested. I used to have a similar set and me and my sister would play for hours with it. I suppose what I wanted to see the difference between my childhood and my eldest sons now in the modern world. Would he be excited? How long before he is asking to play on the iPad? It was worth a try and most off all I could not wait to try myself.

When it came it didn't look much different to the set I had as a child. The set comes with multiple plastic cogwheels with larger spiral of holes for it to be used with, it also came with other shapes and some felt tip pens. The box has 45 different parts and most importantly reusable spiro putty. something I didn't have as a child and when I used it I was like wow this is awesome. The set comes with three pens and best of all it packs way into the box and can be taken along anywhere. It doesnt need a plug or batteries perfect for trips away.

The only issue we faced was some of the cogs just fell out the box and others you had to force out. It kept Asti entertained long enough to not ask about video games. I think out of the two i enjoyed it more Ami and Son Son also attempted to have a go too, although at ages 2 and 3 they didn't quite get the concept.

All in all great fun for a rainy day. See above some of the creations that Asti made sadly he gave up after about 5 minutes. I could see my Ami when she is a bit older loving this like I did. The Spirograph is aimed at children 8+ although my little ones did have a go and enjoy it too.

So why not bring back lease of life into an old toy and remember those good old days.

Check out the Spirograph website for more info here. Also why not get involved in the Spirograph Young designer of the year competition too via cool creat club too

This set retails at £24.99 and available in most toy retailers. 

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Spring days out - Broadstairs

Sorry folks been awol on my little blog, It's rather hard to get back into the routine of writing again when you haven't for a while. There's been no excuse not to I have about 20 drafts where I've started and not finished. I blame my Mac it's gone all funny on my photos and I can never find them it's so frustrating. Well it's not really the macs fault it's just me choosing to spend my evenings watching the tv instead oh and the Easter holidays, I even watched eastenders last night for the first time in years! I do feel a bit bad I love writing and looking back at our little stories so I shall be more intentional. 

So here we are a quick little day out from our Easter holidays. My husband had gone away to help at an event called Spring harvest so me and the kids had a few days to keep busy so we didn't miss him so much. It was a lovey sunny day so Of we went to Broadstairs we do love it there it's got lots of parks and a lovey beach there's lot you can do on a budget. Well I say budget unless you go in the arcades then you loose all your money to a grabbing machine.


We spent a long time on the beach it was beautifully warm almost like a summers day. I didn't want to leave the beach  the kids were having fun, Asti playing football Son Son and Ami enjoying paddling it made me think how fun our summer is going to be. We didn't think ahead for buckets and spade and I am loathsome to buy more as we have hundreds at home so the kids had to make do with random beach rubbish for buckets. Such as empty coffee cups and all that jazz people love to leave on the beach. They didn't complain I think they just enjoyed doing something different. 

We then took the wall to one of the parks up by the train station. They like that one because it has a zip wire and as we discovered a skate park. Ami was made up she loves a skate park. It's very funny to see a three year old on a balance bike next to the cool teens on bmx bikes. 

We finally got the train home and everyone was shattered. A quick bath and bed everyone was happy. I really love days at the beach they really make my heart happy. I can't wait for many more his year we love living by the seaside.