Monday, 27 February 2017

PJ Masks Twitter Party

We have received a special delivery lately. Its one where my two youngest have been rabid for literally over the moon excited about. Funny thing is I heard of PJ masks and I kind of wondered what it was it wasnt till Son Son started naming all the characters I was like oh he actually loves PJ masks! Now for us we are counting down the days till we join in the twitter party with +UKMumsTV  and help host the fun twitter party this coming wednesday see hashtag #PJMAsksToys. 

So see all this lot we will be road testing it and having a partly please join us on Wednesday and watch this blog for more fun and too see what we thought of some of the new toys available from PJ Masks. I am not going to lie the kids are rather stoked about this one.

See above all the goodies we will be trying I do love twitter parties and so do my children. Dont worry if you haven't got the same goodies there will be plenty of chances to win your own toys and see what we think of ours on Wedsnesday. Dont forget!!

Teletubbies 20th Anniversary

Can you quite believe it that those colourful characters we have come to know and love are 20 years old! I still remember me and my sister watching it (we were teens) and shouting "Wheres the bear" to each other like all the cool kids did...

We were sent the new Teletubbies DVD to preview and it is out now available from Sainsbury's. Which my little ones seem to love it. Son Son get engrossed in the TV and Ami just loves the little Tiddly Teletubbies which are a new feature in the newer episodes mainly because they are babies and she loves all things babies. What they both love is the tummy time where one of the Teletubbies screen shows a short film. Its always such fun for them to guess which one it was going to be, it reminds me of me and my sister guessing which one would pop up next (we really were sad children *ahem teenagers).

The characters still feature the same iconic accessories such as Tinky-Winkys bag, Laa Laa's Ball, Dipsy's Hat and Po's Scooter. Lets not forget Noo-Noo which was in my eyes the key that held it all together cleaning up after those messy Teletubbies with there toast and there custard!!

The Teletubbies Big Hugs DVD has six episodes on it and also comes with a mini colouring pad. The pad contains lots of lovely pictures for them to associate with each different character.

We also received a lovely Chunky hard back Teletubbies book called the The Teletubbies Custard Ride. It has different parts that you can push  and pull. My little ones have enjoyed reading it at bed time this last week. Its fantastic for toddlers as it  has lots of parts to keep them entertained and is written in the same language as the show. Both Ami and Son Son at 3 and 4 have loved it.

Have a look back at some of the Teletubbies other toys we have Reviewed lately here  and here

There is a Teletubbies Twitter Frenzy at 2pm Monday 27th February 2017 to celebrate the Teletubbies 20thAnniversary #Teletubbies20

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Going on a Bear Hunt Party

Last week we had the privilege of being part of a Twitter party celebrating the launch of were going on a Bear Hunt DVD. If you want to see what went down on twitter check out #BearHunt on twitter.
As you can see we were sent plenty of goodies to keep the little ones entertained and perfect as it was half term.

The party started and everyone was excited our first task was to watch the DVD. They all sat down on the mat to watch the film. In the pack we received it contained popcorn and some cute little paper bags to put the popcorn in. Us adults got a few moments of peace as all the children were engrossed in the DVD. After the film we had a quiz where we were surprised how much the children had taken in.

Our next task was to decorate some biscuits an make them look like bears. Son Son ate his decorations straight away where as the others spent time making there bear faces.

Our next Challenge was to pin the tail on the Bear. Asti was the winner in the game there was plenty of tears from the little ones as they wanted to win the prize.  
My friend Na provided us with a bear themed picnic and we discussed some of the film. Seb said he was very happy because the Bear went through the mud. Where Ami said that she was sad because the Bear didn't get a friend. I actually had tears in my eyes when that happened to.

We also went on a treasure hunt. Before the Bear Hunt I hid a few toys around the room and some other items they included a DVD, a book and a fluffy bear. We played the hot cold game till they all found a prize.

Our last activity was making some ears. Little did I know till the twitter party that you are supposed to go over the ears.

The Twitter party was finally over and all the children left with a Goody bag. Each bag contained a Bear, some sweets,  colouring and some crayons. All in all was a fantastic party with all children excited to go on there own bear adventures with there new bears.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Happy 4 Years of Blogging

SO I only just realised the other day that it has come up to my 4 years of blogging mark. How did that happen. I started this little blog when my Ami was only 6 months old as more of a hobby to keep my mind going whilst on Maternity leave at university. Little did I know that I would find that I love writing so much and really get into it. Sadly the last year I haven't put too much effort into my blog. I have been working more nights and I find that they leave me drained and with few evening in its hard to fit the time in. I have found I have missed typing away at a computer, It was only when I was writing some reflections for work I was thinking what ever happened to my blog.

A lot has changed in that four years were have added Son Son to the family which has been a crazy ride as you can see if you read through some of my older posts. I also started work as a nurse and finally finished university. Ami recently started school and we have been blessed with holidays and lots of fun things. My eldest son is now 10 which doesn't seem right! All in all we have been very fortunate in the last few years.

Asto - He is 10 now cray cray (we still can't get him to have a haircut) 

I love reading my old posts it makes me realise when I started how bad my sentences where and how did I ever get through uni like it. Being dyslexic starting a blog was one of the most beneficial things I could have done to improve the way I see words and the formation of sentences. Its sad really but although sometimes I haven't proof read my own work (mainly because I can't see my own errors) but with reading of others I can see where I have gone wrong. I use capitals and not ever sentence ends with an exclamation mark!

Ami - She is 4 and very bossy and defo in charge of the two boys. She is such a powerhouse and extremely independent. 

That bit was ever so boring I am sorry about that! Like seriously who cares about dyslexia.. one thing I have loved is sharing our photos with you all. Its a ongoing learning opportunity for me overtime I pick the camera up I feel I am getting that little bit better. I love taking photos and am forever pushing myself to try something different. We are blessed to have a good camera and I should use it more.

Son Son - is now 3 how mad is that. He is equal measures of cheeky and cute. He is also very funny but he tells us of for laughing al the time. 

I will blog more from now on, maybe on my nights I should write a post instead of watching trash (usually tattoo fixers) on my breaks. I have missed writing up our adventures and have been using Instagram as a micro blog but thats not really the same is it.

SO here I come to the end of my long rambling random post. I bet if you were a regular reader you have missed it right. The way my mind jumps when typing must make my posts a interesting read its most probs the reason why I never became a massive mega  blogger.. Thank you for being part of the journey. Thanks for reading this far. To those who have stuck by me and been part of the online community I thank you for your patience and friendship.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Were Going on a Bear Hunt Twitter Party

I don't know if you caught Were going to catch a bear Hunt on the Tv over Christmas or that you have loved the book but tomorrow (February the 16th), UK mums TV are hosting a twitter party to celebrate the launch of the new DVD. We watched the short film and it was ever so beautiful I even had a tear in my eye at the end. I was surprised how much the children were already familiar with the book. 

We also received a box full of lots of goodies and games which are to be enjoyed during the twitter party full of games and activities that will keep the little ones amused. The full box see below contained:
  • Invites for the party
  • Biscuit decorating activiy
  • Were going on a bear hunt DVD's and popcorn for the film
  • Cute cuddly teddy Bears believe me my Ami won't want to give them up!
  • Goody Bags and colouring 
  • Equipment to make a mask
  • Pin the tail on the bear game 

We have invited some of Ami and Son Sons friends and we are all set! I am actually well excited we love doing twitter parties they are alwayssuch good fun. You can join in too by using the #BearHunt to find out more and even have the chance to win some prizes by joining in competitions. 

 SO make sure you check out twitter between 4pm and 6pm for more fun join us and @ukmumtv with the #BearHunt. 

DVD Review

We watched the DVD before the party because I wanted to get the children ready for the party. I can't explain how beautiful it is I am always a lover of animation. My little Ami and Son Son were gripped by the story. We have the book and have read it so they were joining in with the famous phrase "Were going on a Bear hunt, Were going catch a big one...". It was a beautiful watch and even though (spoiler alert) it was a little bit sad in the end we all loved it. It was short enough to keep the children entertained. After watching it all I wanted to do is cuddle the bear he was rather cute I might sneak one of the little bears from the box and keep it! Find out more in our next blog post about the party on the blog to find out more about the DVD. 

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Lion Guard - Hyena Hideout play Set Review

My children have become big fans of the Lion Guard. They love to watch it on the television and you can only imagine there excitement when I told them they were getting to play with the Hyena Hideout play set. If you haven't heard of the lion guard its currently on Disney Junior and is based on the adventures Kion one of Simbas from the Lion Kings sons (yeah have we got that old that Simba is now a Dad).

We were sent the Hyena play set and even though they are seen to be the bag guys in the show both Ami and Son Son loved it. The packaging is bright and engaging very much like the TV show. Its based in a place called the outlands where all the dangerous animals live. The play set looks realistic and a tad scary. It comes with a scary trap and collapsible floor that drops into a Lava river. The set contains lots to do for imaginative minds. The set also encompasses a volcano that launches a bolder. The set has two parts which can be put together to make a larger play set. It worked well with my two as they could play with one part each and saved a bit of fighting over who's playing with it. They did actually play nicely with it and having the two parts they were more inclinded to play and work together.

The set comes with Janja the Hyena from the Lion guard. There is a massive range of Lion Guard toys and further more you can add to the collection too. My two have already asked to go to the toy shop to have a look for more toys. It actually made me rather proud to se the little two plating with the toys as a child I had a few Lion king toys and I loved them so much. Son Sons favourite part was the boulder that flew down the volcano where Ami loved the Trap.

You can purchase the Hyena's Hide Out play set for £24.99 and is available from Amazon and other good toy shops. The toy is aimed at children aged 3-4 and I couldn't praise it more.