Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Gallery - Green

This week on the gallery the theme is green and as we just had Sports day at Pants school, Id thought id share some photos! Pants was not excited about sports day, he wast the fastest therefore was not pleased to be taking part as like most other children (and adults) do not like losing! At Pants school they only hold two races per child, so after his running race he had the bean bag on a bat race! He nearly won his race but fell over just before the finishing line! Good times, we had lovely weather for sports day too reminded me its the summer! 

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  1. Love the first photo - like a proper action shot. Hope it was a fun Sports Day. I don't really miss it from my own school days :)

    1. No me neither i thought i was faster than i really was then was disappointed that i didnt win!

  2. Lovely photos, my daughter's sports day is next week, cannot wait!

    1. Thanks oh enjoy one of the best parts about his sports day was the scones and non alcoholic pimms they served!

  3. ahhh yes school sports day! i liked it when i was young but hated it with a passion at secondary school! x

  4. Loved sports days at school, loved sports so a day out for me! Looks like he enjoyed himself. Pimms and scones, interesting mix :)

  5. I always loved sports day, my daughter however does not share my passion! Great pictures x

  6. I hated sports day at school but both mine loved theirs - I'm pleased they haven't taken after me on this. xx
