Saturday, 29 June 2013

Ami your 11 months

Ami your 11 months
were is the time going
you will soon be one 
you will soon be a big sister

This month you have had your first swimming lesson
you just love water 
you love to splash and you love to drink it
you have even been in the sea

you have finnaly mastered standing on your own
even taking a few steps 
you come to us with your arms wide
you clap with joy as you learnt how to walk

You have a deep chuckle and love to giggle
you love to be chased and love being caught
you love to play with your brother and especially his toys
you want to be centre of attention 

you are so cute you make us smile so much
you say a few word especially hellow when you find a phone
you love to see people and cry when they go
you are so upset when Pants and daddy leave

You are such a super star 
we love you so much 
you are growing up so so fast

Enjoy your last month of being a baby under one
your first year is flying by 
little baby Ami 
love you Amilinderville


  1. No way is Ami nearly 1!! How amazingly quick that has gone. I still keep thinking Harry is like 3 months old, before I know it I'll be doing a post like this!!
    Such a joy to see her smiling, and so lovely to see that she is learning to walk and talk and be a proper little beautiful girly <3 <3

  2. She is adorable! I loved the pictures!:)
