Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Camping Weekend week 1 of 2

So there we are were back from the first weekend of Camping! We were at Kingsdown Camping ground in Deal,  we fared well bearing in mind there was string winds and rain! boo! Our Tent didnt blow away and stay dry so thats a bit of good news, Some peoples did in the night rough stuff! I would have demanded to go home I think I was very close one day, there is only so much being cold one can take! We went along to serve New Generation church who were holding there weekender that weekend! This involved us prepping meals that were being made and generally helping when we could with two children!

Fortuantly my husband had gone beforehand to set the tent up so all we had to do is get there! and not forget anything important like some towels, pillows or a travel cot (because they are important mental note dont forget these things next weekend!!!!) We got there and Pants was of we didnt see him for ages I did see him climbing a tree and playing football! I got Ami sorted and prepared to decide how to sort stuff out for Ami dinner milk etc! Me and my husband sorted times where we could both serve so that Ami and Pants would be looked after!

So after helping with the evening meals and sorting later food out we settled to bed! Pants was fast asleep and Ami was asleep in her pushchair cot bit (big mistake for bigger baby) It was so so cold and windy I couldnt settle to sleep! very annoying then Ami woke about 3 in the morning and was trying to climb out of the pushchair! oh dear! she settled an hour later on the airbed with me! then woke at 5:30! oh dear! My husband got up with her he is so good! The Saturday was windy and rainy I was so so cold just wanted to
go home and sit in the bath for hours just to remember what to be warm was like! Finally in the after noon the sun broke through and it seemed a bit warmer!

That night we had borrowed a travel cot and Ami slept in and even had a little lie in! Was a busy weekend also great to see people really getting stuck in to what god was doing! The kids loved it too, Amis favorite game to crawl in and out of the marquee! We look forward to this weekend when its our church's weekend! going to be good were not on team so its a bit more chilled out! Hopefully better weather just need to remember to take the right stuff this weekend! Heres some photos I took when i remembered!


  1. Popping by from the mid week blog hop. Sounds like you had a fab time. Love all the photos!!!

    1. Thanks wasnt to hectic were of again this weekend!

  2. It looks like you had great fun! I'm a sucker for photos. I think it's just because I'm nosy lol

    Mum of a Premature Baby ||

    1. Thanks i love photos , of anyone love a good photo!

  3. Oh I love your photos, those must have been the between the showers ones as it really looks rather lovely there. Fingers crossed for warm and dry for part 2. I bet it is lovely to go away in a group like this and feel you are part of something much bigger. Thank you for popping over to share on Country Kids.

    1. yes i had waited for a bit of dry weather! its good fun you know you can share when low on supplies lol!

  4. I love your photos & I loved camping when I was in my teens. Although it was a long way from camping sites & public toilets! Try back end of nowhere, eating out of 24hr rat packs & using shovels & leaves, lol.

    Thanks for linking up with this weeks Mad Mid-Week Blog Hop xx

    1. Ha oh dear im still a beginner camper, not used to camping with out electricity just yet!
