Wednesday, 2 July 2014

H is for How to give mum a heart attack

As a child I used to love to climb, living by the beach there was cliffs and walls that needed me to scale along, that was fun I didn't think much of it. Now I am a mother I can suddenly see all the dangers and have had my heart in my mouth for nearly eight years. I do not know where my kiddios get it from but they are fearless completely. I am usually a rather relaxed parent but when it comes to heights I am always a bit wary. I blame being a nurse and seeing serious head injuries but sometimes we can not wrap them up  in cotton wool and keep them in side, sometimes they need that bit of freedom to learn for themselves, they need to fall and realise it hurts.

This was my eldest Pants down at the beach, I looked round and saw him climbing the wrong way round on a bridge I told him to go back but he was halfway across so I decided to leave him and let him go over (whilst snapping away as we parents do!)

You can join in in the aphabet photo challenge by poping over toPodcastdove 


  1. Yikes, I think my hands would have been shaking too much to take any photos! Sometimes I do wish we could carry the fearlessness of kids into being adults. It would make life so much easier! #alphabetphoto

    1. Yes although wouldn't catch me climbing anymore like when i was young, sometimes i be fearless and end up usually flat on my face lol

  2. Oh my! I would be panicking so much....Great photo!
    My youngest is fearless like that and it always worries me.....I need to remember I probably did things a lot scarier when I was a child..

    1. Yeah that's the thing usually we stop them from doing what we done and then they learn not to do it

  3. Can I just say that kids are so brave and fearless! Good thing he is safe. #alphabetphoto

    1. They sure he is the type if he fell off he would get back up again!

  4. Oh, good grief! I hate heights and I have to really make an effort not to pass my fear on to the kids, which does make for many nervous visits to the park (and everywhere else!). Lovely to meet you at BritMums xx #alphabetphoto

    1. Yeah its funny isn't it, was lovely meeting you too 😃

  5. It's watching them go that little bit further that I find so hard. Good for you doing the one thing that comes naturally to a blogger. Grab the camera and point! #AlphabetPhoto

    1. Ha it was on i was going to take a photo of him walking across the bridge he obviously missed the brief

  6. Lovely photo. My son does this sort of thing all the time, they have no fear and don't realise what it does to you

  7. Typical boys! I'm sure they are not happy unless they have scared the living daylights out of us poor mums at least once a day! :-)

  8. Oh my word that must have been so nerve wracking! I think they love it though don't they. POD is fearless too, she adores climbing and jumping! Great photos, thank you so much for sharing with #alphabetphoto
