Thursday, 10 July 2014

Siblings - July

Being a parent is the biggest gift in life. One day I will sit my son down and tell him how much he helped me be who I am today. He filled me with so much love that I just wanted better for us. He helped me meet my husband and is the best big brother to his little brother and sister.

They both adore him and the main part of Ami's day is getting Pants from school. The other day he slept next to her cot, she was so excited he was there I could hear he squealing at 6am the other morning.We wondered how much being an only child for nearly 6 years would effect him, but actually he flourished and really loved the two little ones.

For this month's Siblings photo challenge we attempted to go to the beach.
Being July we thought it would be ok but we seemed to get the only day in July where the wind was so strong it was blowing a storm on the beach. As you can see from some photos how windswept the kids all look. We ended up giving up on that plan and just played on the banks by the beach. Ami and Pants climbing whilst Little bear tried to crawl. We love our little beach its so close we do not go there enough sometimes. 

Ami just loves everyone she asks where her brothers are and get so concerned when one of them is missing. She hates to be parted from either of them and will be well looked after when older. When Ami was a baby she would  only laugh at Pants, he was the funniest thing ever and he still is to her. I can not wait to see this become more as she gets older and Little bear too. I am so so blessed with my three. 

We have joined in with the awesome Siblings project find out more and how you can join in by clicking on picture below.

dear beautiful


  1. Loving the windswept look Sara! I do love watching their little relationships develop. So precious to catch it all on camera!

    1. thanks we got the only day lately where the wind is 30 MPH lol

  2. Oh these are the type of family photos they'll look back on in later life and thank you for taking - lovely x

  3. Fantastic photos of them all xx

  4. These are just fab. Love the windswept ones. Such a lovely family x

    1. Thank you yes was so so windy, we didnt even make it to the beacj

  5. I'm loving how windswept these photos are, they just scream British beach!
    It so sweet that your biggest boy is such a good big brother, as you say, you never know when it's a bigger gap and they've got used to being an only child, but he sounds like an amazing bro. x

    1. thanks yes he is a good boy, it has been hard on him when both his sibling need attention but he is still doing well and thriving :)

  6. In love these! Their windswept hair is adorable! x

  7. These are gorgeous photos. Loving the windswept hair and scrunched up faces!

  8. You can definitely tell it's a British summer beach trip by the jumpers and the wind! They're lovely pictures though; you've really captured their closeness and their ease of being together as a happy trio!

    1. ha i know and my eldest doesnt ever wear a jumper! thanks yes we thought it was going to be quick as Ami lost a shoe but thankfully it was under the pushchair!

  9. Ahhh bless them they are adorable and look like a close knit family. There is nothing better than having siblings to grow up with I had seven and I loved the noise house and siblings all around me. It's a great gift to give them I think. Beautiful post. #siblingsjuly

  10. Fabulous photos - something so British about them :)
