Sunday, 20 April 2014

Me and You - April

This month my Husband was away for a few weeks serving at an event called Spring Harvest so talking to him was either later at night or sometime when he was free. I really miss him when he is away and sadly all the kids were ill whilst he was away so made it a little worse. Its funny it sometimes can only be when they are away you can see how much they actually do. I must make sure I let him know I may nag nag nag but I do really appreciate it. Sometimes when he is gone I watch videos of him short films he has made might be a bit sad but its become a little thing I do. 

Excuse the chest hair it wasnt a dodgy pic, he had just made a video for the children and was mid getting ready for the day and was running late. Also this month we finally went out on a DATE hurrah. Only to the local Indian but the time flew by and we went for a little walk hand in hand laughing like new lovers, it was SO nice. We had not been out for six months so was defo a special night.

dear beautiful
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1 comment:

  1. I definitely appreciate all the things my hubby does when I suddenly don't have him around for a few days. So glad you managed to fit in a date night, it's so lovely to just be the two of you again for a bit. x
