Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Baby led weaning or purees - our weaning journey

Were now at the stage where milk isn't filling little bear up and has been wanting to feed all day if he could. With Pants I went down the puree route having not known about baby led weaning (BLW) and that worked fine, he would and still will eat anything. Never was a fussy child and loves to eat. So when Ami came along I loved the idea of BLW and she took to it well. Enjoying feeding herself and slowly introduced foods. I didn't completely go down the route as would feed her porridge in the morning but as soon as she could she wanted to do everything herself. She has the most amazing appetite of a toddler I have ever seen. She can polish of dinners fit for a child twice her age and even eat a huge range of foods. So with all that what to do with Little bear. 

 At 16 weeks when Little bear was going through his I don't like to sleep phase I was desperate for him to sleep, he wouldn't take formula and I just needed sleep so I tried to give him baby rice. No success he didn't like it and I let it go. I tried again a few weeks later with something else, still no joy so I left it again. Wondering what route to take shall I just wait for him to show interest in food or go with my instincts. The other two seemed to love food and I didn't really have any issues.

Little Bear can sit unaided for quite some time which is usually a sign that they are ready for food, so I sat him in his bumbo with the tray and placed some broccoli on there and he went mad. Gummed that bit of broccoli as much as he could. He also got cross when I took it away. I can see why he watches his sister eat and always seems to reach out for what she has. I even started to give him some thing for breakfast which he eats of a spoon. So for now I am mix feeding him a puree and proper food for tea. I will slowly introduce lunch but I am in no hurry as it means more stuff to sort and whilst he is happy with a bottle at lunch then I am a happy mum. 

Here is a little Video of him gumming some vegetables. 


  1. Ive always gone with a mixture, i dont think theres a right and wrong way... If hes chewing on broccoli thats great!! maybes try some steamed sweet potato sticks? my daughter loves those :) #ShareWithMe

  2. I too have always done a mixture, you have to do what works for you and your LO #sharewithme

  3. I think a mixture is the best way to go, this way they aren't shocked by any food later on. He's an adorable little poppet!


  4. Aww bless him, he looked very happy with his veg haha x #mmwbh

  5. I do mixed feeding, some puree and some BLW and it works great for my daughter. Sounds like you're doing the best for your little one :) #sharewithme

    Handbags To Change Bags - Mummy & Lifestyle Blog

  6. Firstly, isn't Little Bear just the most gorgeous little thing and it's great to see him loving those veggies. I don't think your going to have any trouble getting him enjoying all sorts of food. I wonder if the influence of siblings plays the biggest part as opposed to the methods we use, who knows!

  7. We went Baby Led all the way with our little man, one of the first things he ate was a stick of extra mature chedder cheese. For us it was all about play and experimenting up until a year old not about nutrition but as he got more capable his milk feeds naturally became less. Your post and experiance with 3 children 10O% goes to show that all children are different. There's no right or wrong way, we are all aiming for the same goal in the end and that's happily fed little babies.

  8. ahh I love the weaning stage. I was definitely different with both of mine. First one made all the homemade puree recipes I could find and then MM came along and she didn't want baby food but her brother's meals so I went straight to BLW and solids she loved it. I think each kid is different and some like a mixture so just follow what you think is best for your little one. Sounds like you are doing amazing and so is little bear. Love the video. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. I love your posts each week and so grateful for the support! #sharewithme

  9. Whoa. Thats so awesome that he love veggies! Mine is a fuzzy eater and I am out of ideas on how I can feed him veggies. This is my dream him eating brocolli and other greens. #MadMidWeekBlogHop

  10. Oh bless him, he is so beautiful! I love the weaning stage, introducing new foods etc- so exciting!
    x x

  11. Look at him in that wee video. Bless him! Gosh, he'll be eating you out of house & home before you know it! BLW is such fun and there's no right & wrong with it. Just have fun & explore different foods. Thanks so much for linking up! #MMWBH x
