Saturday, 12 April 2014

All is fixed by a day on the beach

Sometimes days can be long especially when you have been stuck indoors on your own with the children. If its raining and horrible sometimes the last place you want to be is outside. I often find if we opt for a pajama day I am itching to get out and this week with my husband being away I was feeling a little down so we decided to go for a walk. Our walk took us to our usual route along to the batcave but we couldn't play there the local youth seem to enjoy it there too and smash loads of bottles, Ami had here own ideas and escaped down the hill towards the beach. So of we went for a play on the sand, me and Pants played building competitions and Ami chased dogs, Little bear enjoyed a nap it was good fun.

We are so so blessed to live in such a beautiful place I love the beach. I love to go down there alot that even my son says not again. Even today we walked past the sea and Ami was so upset that she wasn't aloud out the pushchair to go on the beach. Its nice to be able to go down there when ever, its free and alot of fun.

I write about the beach alot its home to me, as a teenager my friends called me stig of the beach. I love that the nights are getting lighter I long for evenings down the beach, nothing but some spades and a ball and hours of fresh air joy. Roll on warm evenings!


  1. I'm a big fan of the beach - whatever the weather! Having six children I can guarantee that there is something to please everyone with a trip to the beach and a picnic. It sounds like you are in walking distance which is great and like you I wouldn't be able to resist. Thanks for linking up and sharing your beach fun with Country Kids.

  2. When we are lost of activities to do I just bring him to the beach and my kid is a happy kid! The beach has so much to offer and it never failed me yet in entertaining my son =) #countrykids
