Friday 4 April 2014

Ami your 20months

Ami Your 20 months

My little girl you are 20 months how has that happened
it seemed like yesterday you just turned one
now your nearly two 
you are learning so much each and every day

You have been making us laugh with your little mix match sentences 
you now say I support Arnel (Arsenal) 
and I love my daddy all obviously taught by your daddy
you love trying to say new words even if mummy has to translate alot

your love of climbing and been adventurous has reached a new level
suddenly running and jumping of thing is hilarious the photo above being the landing after you jumped of the ledge about 15 times
you also love running really fast especially away from mummy!!

You love being a sister to both your brothers and you are really bossy
you like to be in charge of your little games
and will not leave Pants alone until he plays with you

you love your food still and love to pinch everyone's "juice"
you also love mummy's makeup covering your self and the sofa 
making a mess is your favorite thing and you love lego stickers 
you love cuggles and still love to dance 
also now trying to sing its very cute

So another month has gone by my beautiful girl
another month closer to two

We love you our little girl x


  1. She's such a cutie! My twins were two in Februaty and they amaze me everyday how much they know and how quickly they learn new things! #binkylinky

  2. She really is adorable they grow so fast - enjoy this wonderful time. #binkylinky

  3. Ahhh... Isn't it scary how quickly time flies! :-( #PoCoLo

  4. Her smile is priceless =) #binkylinky

  5. It is a really fast time isn't it, they change so much between 1 and 2 years, my little ones is 26 months and already such a grown up little girl x

  6. I love these photos. I especially like the chessy grin on the last picture. You are very lucky! #binkylinky

  7. Such a cutie. Potato will be 2 I'm just over a month and I just don't know where the time has gone. I love that last photo!
    Thanks for linking up with #BinkyLinky

  8. Such a beautiful age, they grow so fast!

  9. She is so very gorgeous - such curly hair and that cheeky photo at the end! I bet she enjoys being a big sister. Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x
