Wednesday, 2 April 2014

How to Start a blog? Part 1 Reasons to blog

I may not have all the answers to blogging I am still a newbie in a world of many blogs but many people ask me about blogging so I am starting a little series called blogging 101.

How To Start a Blog? 

There are many reasons to start a blog, blogs can be about anything from different hairstyles to places visited, each is unique and your very own place in the big pond that is the internet. For me its a place to escape and reflect on my children as they grow out, it challenges me to do more and also being part of a awesome blogging community is a help to continue writing. A blog can be anthing weather you want to just post pictures or even short stories its yours. Its also great to see what other blogs like your own are up to and find people with similar interests across the world.

Reasons to Blog


Blogging is a great way of getting whats in your head written down for example you may love gardening and every few weeks buying and changing the way it looks. Whatever you are into blogging can offer a place to write and reflect, to plan and create and share them with those that care

Making Community and Finding Friends

As a parent blogger I am often stuck indoors most evening and there is only so much tv one can watch before every night feels the same finding other parents going through the same issues as me has been great. In the year that i have been blogging I have been supported and encouraged by people I haven't met in person, nobody telling me I'm doing wrong all just wanting the best for our children. Finding other blogs in the same niche as your can be inspiring and encouraging. 


As a business it can be tough nowadays as information is everywhere. Business's can show there potential customers the latest products way before they are released and have involvement with there client base. 

Generate an income

Many bloggers are successful in creating an income from blogging (I am not I wouldn't know where to start). It takes years or a few lucky few a lot less to become an popular blog, alot of hard work, effort and even patience as you see others doing alot better. Although making money may be great writing about something that is your passion may be more rewarding if you write well and are unique then I am sure you can make money from blogging.

Small Business Sharing

You may have just started out a little hobby or started a new business such as cup cake baking, starting a blog can be a great way of getting new clients and even showing of your best work.

So If you are thinking about starting a blog where can you start? Think about why and what will you gain out of it. It can be highly addictive and incredibly time consuming but worth it looking back. If you enjoyed my first blogging 101 watch out for part 2 coming next week :) 


  1. that's a great intro to blogging. It is funny how I spent the first year feeling really 'new' and not a proper blogger and now I feel like I've always been blogging! (even though there is still loads and loads I don't know and am rubbish on the techie side of things). x

  2. I definitely think blogging needs to be done for you before your audience as your enjoyment and passion shines through

