Monday 28 April 2014

Medela - Breast Care Set Review

Medela - Breast Care Set Review

When you are pregnant you have 9 months to prepare for a new bundle of joy who will change your life and make your realise what love really means. For every parent there is the choice on how to feed there baby when they are born. For mums wishing to breastfeed this little set is perfect, in it contains everything you will need for those first few feeds (or first many feeds if your my babies). There is also a lot of pressure, so this set is aimed to relieve some of the pressure and help new mums. 

What is in the Set?

  • 1 Tube of Purelan 110 – this baby-safe cream protects nipples against any dryness during breastfeeding without the need to remove before feeding baby
  • 2 Hydrogel Pads – these cooling pads provide relief for and cracks or soreness of the nipples during these first few feeds
  • 15 Disposable Bra Pads - specially designed for excessive breastmilk leakage. The bra pads adapt to the shape of your breast and their thin breathable material gives added comfort
  • All of this comes in a pretty yellow makeup bag that you will want to continue to use beyond breastfeeding
The great thing about this little set as it can be put in the hospital bag all ready for when the baby comes, It is handy as its all in one place as I have found things end up all over the place in those first few weeks as tiredness takes over and before you know it your putting the remote in the fridge. The little bag can then be later used as a make up bag or even in your nappy changing bag. 

The products are small enough to get a good try before buying the product. Although the price is £15.99 available from Amazon, I think it would make a lovely gift for any new mum who wishes to breast feed.  


  1. Agreed - a lovely gift idea for a mom who wants to breast feed, because with all the gifts for baby, mom often gets left out.


  2. What a lovely little set, I loved their breast pump, great brand #TriedTested

  3. pretty little bag too, wouldn't look out of place in anyones handbag never mind a stressed out breastfeeding mummies bag! #triedtested

  4. What a lovely set! You're right would make a lovely gift for a mum to be x

  5. I tried this too and agree it's great for popping in your hospital bag as a starter kit. Pretty expensive though!
    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  6. What a lovely set! #TriedTested xxx

  7. This is such a lovely item and look at the pretty bag it comes in! #TriedandTested x

  8. What a great idea. My sister is due to have a baby in July- is the kit very heavy? She lives in Australia and I am wanting to out together a package to send over to her x
