Wednesday 2 April 2014

Pants is 7 and a half Already!!

Where has my little boy gone?
7 years in a blink of a eye 
it only seems like yesterday you were born and I dressed you, 
I struggled to get your arms in your clothes and was overwhelmed by the responsibility of becoming a parent. 
I see you now and I have forgotten the baby you, ive forgotten the toddler you its flown by. I see a little video and I am reminded of how funny you were, how you pronounced spaghetti with a b. 

Its looking at these photos I can see how much you have grown up, 
how much more knowing of the world you are. 
How cleaver you are you are, how much you are like me, how many bad habits you have picked up. 
Sometimes I see it as a reflection your parents evening could have been mine. It really makes me happy to see you excel at school. 

You have two loves in your life at the moment they are football and minecraft. 
You love to play at the park every day and then play and watch minecraft videos as much as you can.
It does our head in but you love it. 

I forgot how cute you were, you still are but in a 7 year old boy way more handsome now. You just had parents evening and you are doing well in all subjects except writing where it needs more attention. The teacher said if you wrote what you spoke it would be really good, you just need to concentrate and not get distracted. I found it amusing the teacher said you distract her with questions about other things and she ends up going of topic. I thought thats my boy always been a chatterbox. Your teacher was impressed with your maths almost working at level 3 work. Well done Pants.

So in 6 months I will have a 8 year old!!! how scary but I will try and enjoy you as a child. Turn of the tv and see you play. listen to your little role playing voices I love it so much. 
I love you being you.


  1. It is very scary how quickly they grow up isn't it? Mine are 4 & 5 now and everyday I wonder where the time has gone!

  2. Scary indeed. I have a 10 and a 12 year old. Hoe did that happen?

  3. Awww what a nice words to tell a child. Time flies that why I am trying to enjoy my time with my son too. Happy Birthday to Pants =)

  4. Ah! Time does pass so fast doesn't it. Glad he is enjoying school. Sounds like you are doing a fab job. ;-)

  5. Ahhh bless him. They really do grow up so very fast. Love all the little photos here. So happy so cute. You are doing a fab job my lovely. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me week 9. I love reading your post each week. #sharewithme

  6. lovely photos. The time flies by so quick. My eldest with be 10 this year - TEN! how did that happen!!!

  7. They grow up far too fast but man, he is a little cutie pie. Lovely photos Hun and thanks so much for linking up #madmidweekbloghop
