Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Annual Blossom walk - 2014

Since my son was at nursery we walked down this road and shaked the trees and seen the blossom fall down. There is a lovely road not far from where we live that is laden with blossom trees and the road looks so beautiful every springtime. 

As my son is getting older these things sometimes do not compete with minecraft or other cool things that all 7 year olds do. This was one thing he loves maybe because it reminds him of sunny days walking home from nursery when it was just the two of us. One time a car beeped us thinking we were young people causing mischief I hid!

We had alot of fun shaking the trees, and Pants even filled my sleve with blossom so when I put it on there loads of blossom would fall out. I loved spending time with him outside we never spend time the two of us, with three kids sometimes my time is spread between the babies and less with Pants as he is self sufficient. He deserves my time and I must make more time for him.

So there we are annual blossom walk of 2014 if we are lucky we may manage to shake a few more trees before all the blossom falls.


  1. Wow, how fun is that! The blossom is beautiful and creates lots of fun like leaves do in autumn. Photos are great (capturing a moment!).
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

  2. Beautiful picture with the blossom falling :) #LetKidsBeKids

  3. SO much fun! I like blossom falling captured in photos.

  4. Sounds like fun, it's great this time of year with all of the blossom out #letkidsbekids
