Sunday 16 March 2014

Little Bear you are 4 months

 Little Bear you are 4 months

You are 4 months already
no longer a tiny baby 
you are growing more and more each day 
you are filling out and turning into a little chubby baby like your sister

you have the best smile and even more cuter laugh
you either smile or cry generally getting more happy
you have learnt to grab and love to hold thing
 before there are pinched by your sister

your sleep has been varied sometimes 1 hour or sometimes up to 7 hours
you dont nap much in the day and sleep for no longer for 30 mins if at home
you love to be in the sling and close to mumma
you love to be held alot

You have learnt to sit unaided for short periods
mummy let your hand go and you stayed there
you are so so strong 
you can lift your head up even though you dont like being on your tummy

You are hungry alot and now take two small bottles a day 
along side feeding every 30 mins or sometimes longer stretches
Mummy loves having cuddles with you 
and enjoying you fall asleep on her
Daddy is loving you laughing at him
Pants and Ami enjoy you becoming more vocal 

So another month older
time is flying by
We love you so so much Little Bear


  1. Congrats on hitting 4 months... Blink your eye, you will say he is one already. They grow really faster, right? Cherish the moments!


    1. I know it makes me so sad how fast it is going!

  2. Crikey! Where did that 4 months go?! He is so gorgeous :) Thank you for linking to Magic Moments x

  3. Lovely, lovely pictures and such magical moments to have documented! xx
