Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Pregnancy week 15

Not the most interesting of posts but if you enjoy reading about pregnancy or love reminiscing about yours, or even givng advice read along!

Ok sorry guys not being going on about my pregnancy too much, mostly because I forget about being pregnant! So here i am week 15, 25 weeks to go exciting as that is. 5 weeks till we find out which sex will rule in our house! My husband would love a girl me a boy. Either im happy with a girl would be easier as we have all the clothes ready and Ami and baby number 3 would happily play barbies when older (like me and mu sister did).

 I don't seem have any pregnancy symptoms except find it so uncomfortable at night , with both the other pregnancies i had anemia so may explain why i feel so tired all the time!! I also don't have a bump yet just starting to look a bit plump! Looking forward to buying some maternity clothes as gave all mine away doh! didn't think we would need them so soon!! sadly i didnt loose all pregnancy weight from Ami so don't actually look much different! The other day i thought i felt a kick but surely its too early. I felt ami kick at around 16-18 weeks cant remember. Must start thinking im having a baby and make a midwife appointment next week!

I would show a bump picture but as there is none i will enlighten you with a bump from Ami This was me at 40 weeks!

I love to hear from you so please comment! And if you If you like this blog then don't forget to subscribe to my blog so you never miss an update. .......}


  1. Glad to hear that your pregnancy goes smoothly. Don't forget to take pictures of your bump! :)

    1. This is one of the only pictures i had taken with Ami for some reason!! i have none for pants! lol now im blogging maybe i have an excuse to take them!!!

  2. its good to hear that things are going well honey xx

  3. Aah lovely! Yes, get snapping those bump pics, it's the best thing I ever did!

    1. ha will have to get the husband to do it, i couldnt quite get the angle!!!

  4. Really pleased all is going well lovely, can't wait to find out what you're having xx

    1. no we cant either it will make it feel a bit more real lol!!
