Saturday 29 November 2014

The Sunday Round up #8

So its week 8 of this little Linky and I wonder if its successful or not just a point. I like running it and reading all the awesome posts but then get sad when its slow to start. but Its all good :)

Share your posts with the hash tag #sundayroundup and I can then find you on twitter. 

Now here is the link up, you can link any post just remember to comment on others too after we all after some attention to our little blogs (I say little its just mine that is in comparison). You can Link up to 3 posts too. 

I look forward to reading some awesome blogs. 

Come and be commmunity comment and like other posts too :)


  1. Yay week 8!! Thanks for hosting #sundayroundup

  2. Finally got linked up, thanks for having me! xx
