Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Y is for yuckiest

Living by the sea is rather cool but when you grow up by the sea you do become rather fussy ( well thats my case). We have moved a ten min walk from my childhood beach, which no other beach will ever compare to really too many happy memories to not love it so, even my husband knew this that's why he asked me to marry him there. This is our new beach it was rather yucky, we had to fight through swarms of flies to get to the yucky seaweed. Me and Little bear stayed on the slope (with the flies) whilst Ami explored the new beach. She then told me that Seaweed smelt like poo in which she did have a vaild point. 

Can not believe next week is week Z what will  I do every Wednesday soon! 


  1. Umm. That does look pretty yucky, not sure I'd've got so close! Wednesday's won't be the same will they?

  2. ooh yes, very yucky! Love muddy puddles and squelching in welly boots! x #alphabetphoto

  3. Oh dear, that is indeed yuck! But still makes a lovely photo though ;) #alphabetphoto.

  4. Oh, that does look quite yucky! #Alphabetphoto

  5. The perfect yuckiness for children!
