Wednesday 1 October 2014

U is for ultimate favourite - Alphabet photo challenge

There is something so beautiful about a tunnel photo I am not so sure why, maybe because you can only see the child in the tunnel I just dont know I like them alot. I like these photos because of the way the light comes in through the holes in the side and is on Ami's face. I added a black and white photo too because I just love black and white photos. (PS sorry I actually thought it was week T again but have limited time due to moving so changed it to Ultimate doh!)


  1. They work perfectly for U too! Love that last one the lighting is so beautiful

  2. I think Ultimate works perfectly! Love the sun pattern on her face, beautiful x #alphabetphoto

  3. These are beautiful pictures and a lovely word x #alphabetphoto

  4. Fab photos - love the light too.

  5. Love the black and white photo the light is fantastic.

  6. I really like how the light plays across her face in these photographs. Beautiful! #alphabetphoto
