Sunday, 8 June 2014

Learning to blow bubbles - The ordinary moments

I think as a toddler one of the most frustrating things is to try and blow bubbles. Atempt after atempt and still no joy. Bubble mixture is eaten, smotherd round face and even poured on the floor out of frustration, all to try and blow those bubbles. Somehow mum and dads bubbles do not compare to the ones you can do your self.

So blow 

after blow 

after blow.....

We got there! Ami learnt not to put so much in her mouth and reaped the benefits of trying to chase/ eat bubbles. For something so small is another milestone in growing up. Another stage towards becoming a little girl. What can seem so small, so normal is a massive deal for us parents sometimes. 

We have joined up to The Ordinary moments over with the lovely Katie from Mummy Daddy Me linky.


  1. Awww thats so cute! Congrats with this milestone. Shes ready for summer =) #ordinarymoments

  2. Aw so so cute! Love that the determination paid off, my biggest girl still struggles blowing them sometimes too! I have yet to meet a little person who doesn't like bubbles! x

    1. Yes who doesnt, I do still especially those machines, my fave job at work once was blowing bubbles for poorly children was great fun!
