Wednesday, 25 June 2014

G is for Greying

When I met my husband he had a bit of grey coverage in his hair. Someone even asked me if he dyed his hair. I always liked it and he always said he was a silver fox. Marriage and 3 kids has caused that speckled hair to become the complete reverse. He now has 80% grey coverage, and looks rather handsome for it. Even his beard is going grey but it does look good against his olive skin. He always says "Grey hair is a crown of glory, gained by living a righteous life". Although playing football he gets a lot of banter about him being old especially when he grows a beard. I love him all the same my silver fox.

You can join in in the aphabet photo challenge by poping over toPodcastdove 


  1. ah, he's very handsome. My husband has very similar hair colour, although I'm convinced it's getting more grey now we have kids! x

  2. Crowning glory. I agree. We all earn our greys, one way of the other. Never dyed mine and don't intend to. #AlphabetPhoto

  3. Oh he looks great actually. My dad had white (not grey) in his 20s! My mom (who is the same age as he is) once heard someone say, my dad must be rich to have married someone so young! ;) #alphabetphoto.

  4. Awww some people really carry this color well. Your husband looks good in it. In our household I am the one whos got gray hair =P #AlphabetPhoto

  5. Hehe that's a good G although he's wearing his grey well! I've had a few grey ones appear so I keep pulling them out (I know you're not supposed to but I can't help it!). Great photos, thank you so much for sharing and joining in #alphabetphoto

  6. Fab Post! My husband gets ribbed from his friends for his speckled grey look! Your husband carries his colour really well!

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