Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Our Last day of Pants summer Holiday!

Before Pants went back to school we wanted to do something fun before the reading books come and the homework starts and soon we have forgotten about the summer and soon thinking about the winter. after much decision Pants decided he wanted to go to an arcades to spend some change he had saved. Im not a lover of arcades but he wanted to go so I thought why not. So of we went to Broadstairs so we could go to the beach and to a few parks also.

So off we went on the train the kids excited, Pants was having fun talking about how to escape the train if there was a fire! I was happy to be outside in the sunshine, I cant stand to be indoors on such a lovely day. I thought i would get it over with so we went to the arcades first and after some unsuccesful attempts on trying to win a toy on the grabbing machines, and winning a little toy on the 2p machines we went to the beach. The beach has become a little bit of a pain with Ami lately she just wants to explore and Pants wants me to help him dig a hole! It is a lot of effort with a baby who just wants to find some stairs and climb. We then walked into Broadstairs passing the arcades so I said why not try one more time, me on the peppa pig machine Pants trying to win a minion. I looked round and he finally won one! I made his day we have spend far to much money trying to win a silly teddy! So of we went looking round the shops in Broadstairs, we even came across a playmobil castle in a charity shop and made a note to go back but forgot and then it was closed.

We then went to a play park were of Pants went to play lego batman with whoever wanted to play with him, and me and Ami played (well I say play stopping Ami jumping off the apparatus and injuring her self!). She now can climb a ladder and get herself down the slide. Then she decided to get more daring and try things that were far to difficult which resulted in her running and jumping of a high part of the apparatus! scary but she didn't hurt her self and wanted to do it again. she doesn't have any fear. We then went to another park whilst waiting for a train where a dog went under the pushchair and took pants minion toy and ran round the park. The dog owners were so embarrassed as they tried to get it back (I found it rather funny). Was a lovely day with me and my little monkeys Im sad the holidays are over it went by far to fast.


  1. What a nice way to end the holidays x

  2. What a lovely post :) I'm also delighted to see that I'm not the only one with a frighteningly fearless child!x

    1. Thanks yes its really scary, she would wonder anywhere to!

  3. aww well done on winning the Minion Pants :)

    1. yes he was so proud, although it will be referenced every grabber macine we go past! "remember I won the minion!"

  4. A train ride and a sandy beach - every child's best day ever :)

  5. What a great way to end the school holidays in style, and with a MINION! Those minions have ALOT to answer for as all my kids whisper is "Baaanana!" >.< lol

    Thanks for linking up to this weeks #MMWBH hun xx

  6. What a fab way to end the holidays!! x

  7. great end to the holidays, they do always go too fast dont they!

    anna (intheplayroom)

  8. now this looks like a perfect end to what has been a super holidays xx

  9. It sounds idyllic. I could give the arcade a miss, but the rest sounds like a perfect last day to the summer. If he is anything like my children, you can bet your bottom dollar that it is the day he'll remember best from the summer, whatever you did the rest of the holiday.

    Found you through #PoCoLo

    1. me too, I hate the smell of money on my hands I just spend ages after looking for a toilet to wash my hands! yes our busy busy summer winded down to a lovely day!

  10. I know Broadstairs arcades - Fab! Bet he had a great time :). Loving the new look blog too :). Thanks for linking to PoCoLo x
