Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Thats My Kids #Week 2

if you havent Linked up before Thats my kids is a linky to share and chat about your kids, what they have been up to good or bad! last week had 10 linkers! So join up and share the love!
We have had another quiet week not great weather keeping us in, tried to do something for fathers day but ended up at a local pub garden and take away pizza (husband enjoyed it)! they had a bouncy Castle and he and the kids played non stop for ages! Lovely moments to watch!

Anyway on to my superstars this weekend Pants had been a little ruffled! in one of those moods where everything they do is just to push boundaries! Im not very good with discipline really, id like to think that i was but not good at sticking with it! We used to do a jar where good behavior filled it with Skittles and the jar had lines on and if he filled it he got £10! but since Ami we have not really done it! we now do a three strike approach where he gets the three strikes then when they are gone no video games for 24 hours! Not overly effective! How do you discipline your children?

Ami she has been a little grumpy, especially around dinner time making it hard work to do any cooking, meaning having to wait till 6 or feed Ami and do dinner at the same time! no my ideal situation as she usually eats what we eats around the table but its just a phase, separation anxiety maybe! She has been good otherwise, such a funny girl loving to make us laugh!

welcome to the mummy madness

I love to hear from you so please comment! And if you If you like this blog then don't forget to subscribe to my blog so you never miss an update. .......}
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  1. Father's Day sounds nice and chilled. Discipline is difficult. We still threaten the naughty step & that is usually enough or straight to bed without quiet play time & story.

  2. You did more than us on Father's day! Just got back from Hols so lots of washing x

  3. Thanks for invite. I have linked up. It was from another link, but it's all about my Small Boy, so I think it's ok!
