Monday, 19 May 2014

Little bear your 6 months

Little bear you are Six months
I cant believe it, how fast time is flying by
my little boy is half a year 
you are growing up so so much 
Its time to slow down now and be my little baby

You love to be in the nude and laugh when having your nappy change
you are very happy alot of the time and have an infectious giggle
you have good hand eye coordination and swipe anything near you
you love to eat everything you get hold of too

You love bathtime and have one every night
you love to splash your sister and cry when she pours water on your head
you are always watching your siblings 
they are the funniest things you have ever seen

You love your food espcially fruit but also love what everyone else is eating
you love to feed your self your fave being broccoli
you reach out for peoples plates
and hate to be left out and sit in your bumbo at tea time

You sit confidently and hate to lie down
you recently learnt to shuffle and can move very slowly
your sister loves to try and help you roll 
you still dont like being on your front I dont think you feel safe

you slept through twice this month hurrah
things are on the up hopefully I dont mind getting up at 6 
if you have had a good night

You are a special little boy and chilling out more as you get older
We love you Little bear


  1. Ahhh bless him happy 6 months I can't believe how fast it has gone. It really has. And to think I started following you when you just had him. WOW he has grown up so much over the photos I love it. I love reading about him and seeing his HUGE smiley face. What a happy happy baby you have. Gorgeous. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

  2. He is so cute on these photos! Happy 6 months! I wish the next months is as fun as the first 6 ones =) #ShareWithMe

  3. Aw what a gorgeous little man!
    x x
