Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Wicked Wednesday - birthday cake Pinterest fail

I have to admit I'm not the worlds greatest baker, so I thought it would be nice for me and Ami to make Asti's birthday cake. I saw the picture on Instagram and thought it looks rather easy. Oh dear I brought the wrong icing and everything just went tits up. He loved it though so I suppose that's some kind of win. Not a bake of win though that would be good.


  1. I have to confess I'm not too sure what it's meant to be but cake is cake....yes? #wickedwednesday

  2. I feel your pain. My creeper cake looked similar to be honest! I hate IG/Pinterest for this type of thing... #WickedWednesdays

  3. Oh no - I hate it when baking goes wrong, I get so upset #wickedwednesdays x

  4. Oh dear! This did make me laugh! (Sorry!) But we had a baking fail today too when my son wanted strawberry fairy cakes so I decided to put them in the actual mixture and all the cakes turned out mushy! Yuk. #wickedwednesdays

  5. hahaha! This made me chuckle....For my girls birthday last week I considered making this exact cake! She's a Minecraft fan too. I chickened out. lol #WickedWednesdays

  6. hahaha at least you tried x #wickedwednesdays

  7. I'm sorry. But this made me MEGALOL! Thanks so much for linking up and I look forward to see what you have got for us this week over at #wickedwednesdays! x
