Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Asti you are 9 years old.

Nine, yes nine. My little boy is Nine. 
Seriously where has that time gone? 
I don't feel ready. 
I want to pause time and enjoy you as you are. 
Looking back at pictures of you growing up makes me realise, how much you have grown up. That you are very much a little teenager now, thinking you are older than you are. 

You have had a good year and been on some fab adventures.
You have been on holiday to France, Spring harvest at Butlins, Disneyland Paris, Camping at Big church day out, Camping at the Glo weekend, Lark in the park and Scripture union you have done it all. In a way you are such a privileged child. You learn to have a lot of freedom and are given some fab chances. You love to be outside and although you moan you arnt glued to a screen which makes your parents happy. 

You still love Minecraft and watch lots of videos. 
Sadly we still moan but you hardly play it now its more watching. 
You also love Fifa and like to trade cards. 
You went through a phase of watching the Disney Channel. 
You were forever watching Austin and Ally and listening to R5. 
You love video games and basically anything on TV. 

Its been a different year we moved house and you have finally got your own room. 
Although you do moan that its not the biggest. 
You love to read and would sit up for hours reading. You have been cross at us that you can't have a TV in your room but I like the idea of you reading. Like me as a kid I was always lost in some adventure in a book.

You love football and was part of a team. Thankfully we are no longer part of that team and just go to the soccer school, which suits the family better. That brought some unwelcomeed rejections that we didn't see coming. They were very mean but hopefully we did what was best. Now we can see that you enjoy football again,
You have done well at school but still interrupt and do not listen as well. You like the attention on you good or bad. You are always happy to answer questions and have a air and a confidence about you.

You have been really helpful around the house and usually always do something when asked. Sometimes we have to ask you a few times but always happy to help tidy up, weather you do it is a different question. 
You enjoy being an older brother when they aren't fighting you for the iPad.
Ami still adores you and Son son not so bothered. You like to play with son son but he wants to play with Ami it's like a little circle you all have going.
You do not like them waking you in the morning, you always have been a good sleeper shame your siblings did not follow suit there. 

You love your food and finish every plate.
Your favourite dinner is pie and mash and would eat a whole pie of we let you.
You also love sweatcorn we have seen you eat massive bowls of the stuff. We eat well and still prefer water to squash. You learned to cook an egg this year a big achievement next will be tea and our mornings in bed will be sorted. 

You love to be active and learned how to go down the big ramps at the skate park on a scooter and nmc. You have always been fearless. 
You loved the flames on holiday and loved racing down them. 
We loved seeing you enjoy every moment of holiday was really nice. Was nice to take you out on your own in the evening and spend one on one time with you. 

You deffo are a special boy. 
You are so grown up I really can not believe it. 
I miss you playing with toys and not just screens.
I miss your make believe voices and that awe and wonder.
I miss those sleepy cuddles and you beening light enough to carry. 
I miss getting you dressed and helping you.

Your an awesome boy, misunderstood and defiantly fun to be around. 
Your last year of being single figures 

We love you lots Asti. 

Your too cool for pictures now.


  1. My baby is only 7.5mths but I know all too soon I shall be writing a post about him being 9 as the time is flying by!

    Love all the photos, Asti looks like a very happy young man :)

    Sorry he had troubles with his footy but glad he is back to loving it x #bestandworst

  2. Lovely post. Children grow up far too quick don't they.

  3. Wow 9 years old! Bet it feels so odd. I have a 2 year old and feel odd. He looks like a lovely young man and is growing with his own preferences and things he enjoys! I do like the last picture! Sand in your FACE mummy. haha. Thanks so much for sharing with #bestandworst and please pop back x

  4. Wow 9 years old! Bet it feels so odd. I have a 2 year old and feel odd. He looks like a lovely young man and is growing with his own preferences and things he enjoys! I do like the last picture! Sand in your FACE mummy. haha. Thanks so much for sharing with #bestandworst and please pop back x

  5. What a lovely post. Things are certainly about to change for you in the coming years as Asti becomes a tween and then a teenager. My eldest is 11 now, it feels so strange, but I can see he's becoming a young man. He's more independent and loves it. I really did enjoy reading about Asti. xx #Sharewithme

  6. He is just the cutest kid and he is your complete double!! I hope he had a fab birthday! Thanks so much for linking up! #MMWBH x

  7. Ahhh what a lovely heart felt post to your little one. How fast does it come before Asti becomes a teenager or what's that between tween?! Eeek, it seems like life the older our kids get the faster it goes. Lovely photos. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

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