Thursday, 10 September 2015

Finding Joy # 1

Its so easy to get wrapped up in life and forget the little things that make you happy. When I started blogging I used to take part in a little linky that was all about celebrating the things that made you happy and I loved it. It is so easy to forget what does make you happy, so from now on until I give up (highly likely I am such a flaker). I am going to post every Thurday about what makes me happy. A little list that makes me realise how grateful and how ruddy blessed I actually am.

Three Days home with the Kids

When I stated back at work I never really had many days off together I worked a pattern of one of one on, now I work in blocks meaning I have days of in blocks which I love. I love being able to spend a few days not feeling exhausted from work and not even thinking about work. I can be with my little children and do proper things with them, nothings rushed, nothings forced. My husband has been away this week which I secretly enjoy. The kids come into force and really look after each other and me.

Great Friends and Community Group

I dont mention it enough on the blog the fact that I am a Christian but I am, I go to a lively church and we absolutely love it. Which is why I was glad that our little small groups within the church have started back up. This may sound strange but actually hanging out with some other adults we had a wine and cheese night is rather fun. It means I get well behind on blogging and other things but my community group is such a laugh. I became a parent at such a young age I kind of missed this stuff its good that now again I can relive this stuff. I am not a lover of cheese but I do like the banter. Way hey.

Sunny Days

I will always love Sunny days, always. The fact is it is always sunny when I am at work. Not this week I have actually sat out in the garden and done some work its been bliss. Summer is by far the best time of the year for me, its a time of late nights and long days but I love it. I need to get down to watch a sunset before its too chilly, Autmn sunsets are just as beautiful but not like the summer when you can sit on the prom with a chilled cider.

Iron On Labels

Ok I have brought some of these from eBay this year for my son who has just gone into year 4! WHAT all those years I wasted sewing these take 20 seconds and done! I feel like I've wasted all that time. Ive orderd some more for Ami and Son Son for nursery.

Change and Happy Kids

This new school year brings my eldest into year 4 and my only girl into Pre school. Asti is happy with his new teacher but in his words "Hates" his new teacher assistant, funny story he said he never smiles and today at school she pulled his name out of the hat for a challenge and it was see who could smile for the longest. Asti said he was so embraced as she lost straight away, I thought it was hilarious. Ami has moved up into pre school, its not nursery anymore. I just want to be a fly on the wall to see what she gets up too. How she plays with her friends. Its always a strange feeling. Pre school in a years time actual school, that is scary.

So here we are a little list if things I am thankful for this week. Why not write your own you would be surprised at the little things.


  1. you are so right, we should regularly take the time to think about the things that make us happy, here's one from me...CHEESE! I love cheese, can I have your share of cheese please :)

  2. Some lovely things in your post! I liked the church nights and the baking:-)

  3. I agree sewing labels is a pain. We have a stamp now (stamptastic) and it is amazing. Takes me seconds to do it and I can just label the odd thing before we go out of the door in the morning.

  4. What fabulous things. I love that you embrace the change. I agree with we all need time out with adults,

  5. I could just dive right into that cheese board ;) We really do need to slow down and appreciate the little things don't we, it makes live so much better! It's a really lovely idea to do this, I may have to try it myself x

  6. I love this - such a nice idea to celebrate all the happy things, especially going in to autumn and winter. Yum to the cheese board!!

  7. Ohh the cheese and wine evening soudns nice. So important to have a good small group to connect with. Mich x

  8. aww this is such a lovely list! I'm all for celebrating the little things! So nice you now have chunks of time off, I agree it really makes the different doesn't it! x

  9. Celebrating the little things is soooo important. Having some time out with a great friends makes a big difference.

  10. I'm so with you on name labels! I've found some great iron on and sticker ones

  11. What a lovely idea to remember all the joy in your lives - I can't stop thinking about cheese now either. x

  12. I like to concentrate on the happy things, life is too short to mope about

  13. What a lovely list and some great reasons to find joy. We do this every night at the dinner table.

  14. Great list, and is always important to notice the joy in all the small things.
