Saturday 1 November 2014

The Sunday post round up #4

an not believe it is Sunday it has come round so quick. Our week has flown by and before we know it will be Christmas. Not complaining its one of my favorite times of the year.

Its time to roll up the winner of Blog Post of the week... Single Mother Ahoy with her post about moving so check that out. 

Share your posts with the hash tag #sundayroundup and I can then find you on twitter. 

Now here is the link up, you can link any post just remember to comment on others too after we all after some attention to our little blogs (I say little its just mine that is in comparison). I look forward to reading some awesome blogs.


  1. Woot, blog post of the week - get me! Thanks for hosting!!

  2. Hi Sara :) my first time on #SundayRoundUp. Thanks for running the linky!
