Wednesday 11 June 2014

E is for Emotion - Alphabet photo challenge

These photos where taken over a really short period, my dearest little son does have a range of different emotions, one moment he is happy, the next frustrated, the next happy again. It can be so funny to watch. He is taking everything in from his older siblings, copying the noises they make and just wanting to be like them.

He makes me feel emotional too, every new milestone fills me with joy and pride. Even though he is my third it still doesn't change, that happiness I feel from seeing him do something new is as rife as it was with my first, I now just hope it doesn't come round so fast as it does!

You can join in in the aphabet photo challenge by poping over toPodcastdove 


  1. Super moments captured and you're right, each new milestone is just as special and momentous. I just wish they didn't grow quite so fast. xx

  2. Such an expressive face, beautiful photos

    1. should have gone for e is for expression! really couldnt think if a E word DOH

  3. Aww! How adorable! He is so expressive x

  4. Aww, he's adorable!! Love his expressions :)

  5. You'll be glad you captured those in years to come. Lovely series of photos. I was half expecting a crying one. Probably best left out. #AlphabetPhoto

    1. yeah he didnt cry for once his sister did whilst i took these!

  6. Too cute! And you can bet that you will be emotional when you look back on these lovely pics in a few years time too X #alphabetphoto

  7. A happy emotion is always nice to look at =) #alphabetphoto

  8. Brilliant idea for E and I love the photos - that first one especially is hilarious! Thank you so much for sharing with #alphabetphoto
