Monday 30 June 2014

My Kitchen Story

Our kitchen is very busy and often messy. It doesn't matter how often it is cleaned two minutes later something gets spilt on the floor, one of the babies mash something on the cupboard and before you know it your back cleaning the kitchen. We only have a small kitchen but I dream of a house where I can have a large open kitchen with enough room for a table and I can watch the kids do there homework whilst I cook dinner, one day soon hopefully. I love to look in home magazines and really can not wait to make somewhere my own. My little kitchen does get used all the time though and I can't complain has lots of memories but sadly as our family gets larger so does the need for more space.

My children love to cook and help mummy in the kitchen. Especially Ami who loves to get a little brush and a bowl and scrub everything she can see. With all the helping and cooking means washing up is huge and although they love to lick the bowl it doesn't actually mean its clean. We were sent some Fairy dishwasher tablets to try, which were great in getting some caked on grease of most pans and dishes. Helpful in saving time with a wire brush using that special elbow grease your mum told you about. I love cooking and my husband says I love to make a man, not a pot or pan is left untouched when I am in my zone, I have never really been the wash up as you go type so its nice to get it clean with one little tablet rather than a long time stood at the sink washing up everything I have used.

 “This post is an entry for the “My Kitchen Story” Linky Challenge, sponsored by Fairy Platinum” and link to

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to see families enjoying kitchens and cookery. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part.
