Monday 23 June 2014

Britmums Live 2014

SO I did it, spent a whole two days carrying a baby round in a sling feeling such an idiot that I didn't have a pushchair, also meeting lots of people and learning some things with the hope of it improving the way I do some things. Thankfully I traveled up with some bloggers who lived by me Bex from The Mummy adventure and Sally from Faded seaside mama, I do not know if I would have made to or in the venue without them.

Overwhelming to say the the least, never felt such nerves for walking into a room, kind of like the first day at work. The hardest things seeing lots of friendship groups and not wanting to invade these, but so wanting to be part of it all. I mainly just followed people around and for that I am so glad I had Little bear with me who I could hide behind. Its funny I am so shy sometimes to the point of being scared to call someone on the phone! I know I a blooming nurse, but out of work where I dont have to be assertive I am a bit more quiet. I find it hard to approach people I know let alone people I do not know. I think I did alright spoke to alot of people and didnt make too much of a fool of myself (one hopes).#

As nerve wracking as it was I found my self wondering and missing a few sessions that I wanted to go to but oh well there is always next year. The few I did go to I learnt alot from learning about shutter speed and how to take a great photo to trying to wrack my brain around Google plus. I love to write/ ramble and generally find a outlet for the crazy in my head so to try and thats why I started this blog. To write about my family, our lives and our adventures, I dont want to loose that. I am dyslexic and really find this helps me write more clearly (sometimes I can be a bit all over the place) but thats me and reading my blog is buying into us If I dont get a huge following then I am me. See look I rambled there.

Learning about photography
One great thing was the community of bloggers that mainly support each other, and thanks to all those who helped me home Friday, you know who you are a real blessing. Little bear loved it and all the free food he got too! Will last us a while for sure. He was such a good baby and it was lovely to spend time just me and him, that never happens. My eldest son and daughter were looked after by my mum as my husband had work and they were really good and she enjoyed it and hopefully have them again soon. My son was chuffed with his new football and Maths book.

Argh Whats this google plus malarky

So here we are my first blogging conference over and I survived it with out hiding in the toilets, well expect the times Little bear had exploded out of his nappy. I made it home with all the goodies and woke with such painful legs and shoulders, why does London have so many stairs!! I enjoyed it and thanks to everyone who greeted me and made me feel not so like the little fish in a big pond. Excuse the crud photos I didnt take many my phone was playing up!!

I carried all this home on the train and tubes with a baby in a sling!


  1. Nice to get to say hello to you Sara, it was so busy this year. Mich x

  2. WOW first off it was absolutely lovely to meet you. I felt the same, lost in a sea of people I should know., should recognize but didn't. Can't believe you carried all that on the tube with a baby! You are super woman! I am glad you went and glad you both enjoyed it. It was so great to meet your baby too! Absolutely just as adorable in person or more! I wish I would have had a baby to hide behind at times. i did make a fool of myself a few times. Ooops. Or mixed names and blogs up, ooops again. But I think we are all in the same boat. Hope to see you again next year!!! I missed a few sessions I wanted to go to too! But learned a lot in a space of two days. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

    1. Ha thanks did feel it for days after! I am glad I went kind of a reward and tool for future blogging! great to meet you too :)

  3. Hi Sara!! I saw you but you were rushing from one session to another. Your little one is gorgeous :)

    1. Oh no should have said hi, I got over the moon when someone knew my blog!

  4. Was so nice to meet you Sara, and get to know you and your little man a bit more! It always seems a bit short and sweet... rushing between sessions... but it was nice to hang out in the garden a bit. Bring on next year!!

    1. yes it was nice Son bear enjoyed it has missed being carried round for 12 hours!

  5. Ah! Congratulations for doing it all with your happy little man strapped to you for two days!! It must have felt a bit overwhelming - everyone has said it was a really busy year - I would have found that intimidating too! Hope your new knowledge comes in handy! X #sharewithme

    1. Thanks was crazy, yes hopefully I can put it to practice!

  6. Brit Mums is huge, and I think even if you've been going for years and know lots of people it can still be daunting. You are braver than me, I've never taken a baby before!
    Will you go again?

  7. Glad you had a good time and well done for taking your little one with you, I bet it wasn't easy at times! #sharewithme
