Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Q is for Quietness - Alphabet photo Challenge

When you have a toddler/ child/ husband you know that when it all goes quiet they are up to no good. Not all the time sometimes its because they are doing a little bit of craft or colouring and its all peaceful (one day maybe). So when it does go quiet I like to do a little search round to usually grab the felt tip of the husband toddler and try to salvage what ever mess they have made. The few times it is quiet it may be because they have all fallen asleep, I had put Little bear for a nap and when I came out everyone was asleep, well all expect Pants who was exploring the French Campsite on his bike.

Little Bear having a nap

Ami having a nap

Daddy having one too. 


  1. So true. When it all goes quiet, that is the time to head count. I have to add the puppy to the list too. If I can't see her and she's quiet, then something is being destroyed. #AlphabetPhoto

    1. Ha its so true, I bet a puppy is worse than a toddler at times!

  2. Ah that's brilliant! I loved scrolling down to find them all asleep! x #alphabetphoto

  3. Goodness this made me want to rest and I suddenly feel I need to recharge! #alphabetphoto

    1. yes me too although that is usally always i feel like that

  4. Haha so true, there's always that sinking feeling when it all goes quiet as you wonder what on earth they are doing! #alphabetphoto

    1. ha yes its happend and my toddler has covered her self in cream!!!

  5. I immediately worry when it goes too quiet :) Great post, love the sleeping photos x #alphabetphoto

  6. Yes I always panic when it goes quiet here as Monkey is normally up to no good. Now though it's quiet just because he has started school - a different feeling today #alphabetphoto

    1. yes I bet I did enjoy the peace and quiet of one less child thanks to school!
