Monday, 15 September 2014

After school at the beach

Now the evenings are pulling in and the weather is starting to cool down evenings at the beach are few are far between. So when the sun is shining and the wind not too chilly we are down the beach after school making the most of the warm evenings. It is something I really miss in the winter, when we are stuck indoors. 

We played in the sand, climbed up the slopes and ended the trip with an ice cream. I love going to the beach when it is quiet too, the visitors of the summer have died down and the main people at the beach are us locals. 

My children and their cousins had a lovely time down the beach, as we all grasp on the the last clutches of warmer evenings. The last few times of littering the carpet with sand and enjoying wasting the evening wondering on the sand.


  1. What a great post, we've been making the most of the sun at the beach with less tourists too! Don't forget to link up with Country Kids, this is a great post! Popping over from Magic Moments.

  2. Gorgeous photos, it looks like you got some really nice weather. And the shades are very very cool! :)

  3. This is what we do after school too. I am so scared of my son getting his school uniform dirty with sand and my son would torture me by playing in it =P Always fun to be there after a tiring day. #countrykids

  4. I agree the beach is a great place once the tourists leave. we have been making the most of the last few nice light sunny nights as well
    Love the great escape up the steps and that last picture is adorable, she is gorgeous.
    over from #country kids

  5. Great fun photos, I wish we had a beach nearby #magicmoments
