Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The Gallery - Drink

Getting my too to Drink is so hard! Well not so much Ami she will gulp that milk down, Pants on the other hand if its not fizzy or unhealthy it will go untouched! he loves water but never actually drinks it! unless you keep reminding him he can go the whole day on just 1 or 2 drinks! my mum always comments on it!! rather annoying! So sorry did end up with any photos of the kids drinking!! Sure I  could find plenty of me with a drink (not always alcholic, who do you think i am!!) I do drink tons of tea! never a whole cup more half cups!

"What Drink Shall i go for?"

"If you dont hurry up and get me a drink, im going to eat this ketchup" 

"dont worry now, gunna play football instead!!"

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  1. Joshua is the same as pants and only drinks if we remind him!

    1. Such a pain I think its because i dont drink either!!

  2. My Amy is terrible at drinking enough. I think at 7 she has far to many other things she'd rather me doing. Great pictures.

    Herding Cats

  3. Aww the photo of your boy is really sweet. Although my boy is the same and has to be reminded to drink something. He loves juice though for a bit. Then blows bubbles in it!

  4. My two used to drink constantly which meant constant nappy changing or running of to the loo every two minutes!

    1. It did make potty training easier i suppose lol!

  5. My 8 yo is terrible at remembering to drink when she's at school. Not easy to make her do it when I'm not around!!
    I love the picture with the ketchup :)

    1. Thanks yes at Pants school he never drinks his water bit pountless taking it with him!!

  6. Lovely, my little man has a similar problem with fruit and veg! Far to healthy looking to be eaten x
