Thursday, 16 May 2013

Reasons to be Cheerfull - Week 11

Ive actually woken up in a really good day, one of those days where you know its going to be a good day!! Im not sure whats in store but im sure its going to be good! Not had an overly busy week been very chilled but thats good sometimes. Im always being blessed nice to write down the little things and remember in time to come!

1) Pants has gone up another book band at school, he spent the whole of reception not wanting to do anything didnt want to read at home to loving learning in year 1! I am really proud of his achievements and how much he has learned this year!

2) Got told i may possibly be getting paid during June - August this year which has taken a huge financial burden of us as a family!

3) We had what i thought was a house evaluation (i was a tiny bit worried as we have strict landlords, i even took all our photos off the walls and painted over the holes) but it turned out just to be an evaluation ! Dont know what I was worried about!!

4) Its very sunny today so much so ive a little headache, but its ok i will deal with that nice to see the blue skies after all the rain and horrid wind!!

5) Ami has been making us laugh with the things she does, Saucy dancing (not sure where she has learnt this)   saying dadda in her sleep and just random things babies do that bring a smile to your face!

6) 6 more school days till half term, where is this term going .

7) We have another Womens Collective Ladies night on Saturday should be a good time to chill out with friends and make new ones!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

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  1. Wow, you've all been busy! How lovely to see your children progressing like that. Getting my boy to read at home has always been a hard slog too but all of a sudden it has really taken off for him too :)

  2. You always seem to have such a long list! I love reading it :-)

    1. Thanks i always think i dont have much then realise how blessed i actually am!!

  3. Love this. Just doing mine now! ^_^ x

  4. Great reasons, love the fact your little one talks in her sleep, so cute! x

  5. Gosh what a lot of reasons, lovely to read x #R2BC

  6. That's a very long list of reasons, I can see why your are feeling cheerful!

  7. Brilliant post hun and lots of lovely reasons.

    aura x x x

  8. Well done to your boy improving his reading and for passing the inspection. I'm so glad my parents are my landlords because I don't think any other landlords will be as tolerant of all the scribbling and ripped wallpaper :( Don't want to redecorate till they've stopped doing it and I'm so sick of them doing it :(

    1. yes its a huge pain! everywhere in our area prices have rocketing so its impossible to move anywhere with out forking out!! lol

  9. I hope the day turned out as good as you hoped it would. Mich x
