Thursday, 23 May 2013

Reasons to be cheerful week 12

Well what a week, crazy children, poorly dad and the rest! we are blessed with what we have life is a great gift! The reasons why im Cheerful are as follows (will try and keep it short lol, no promises!!)

1) After spending time in ITU with my dad, ive seen that life is so so precious and i need to make the most of it!!

2) My husbands gone of to Big church day out to set up some marques we join him on Sunday looking forward to it, we've been most years its always good fun! Looking forward to being able to leave housework whilst OCD husband is away!!!

3) Pants has been a good boy at school no teacher chatting to me after school for a while!! So lovely i always fear and pick up time when the teacher comes out is she heading for me... yes the person behind me instead!!

4) Can now take proper bites out of food with her two teeth no more messing around with just gums!! (we gave up on BLF ages ago time to start those finger foods again!

5) looking forward to half term no school runs for a while and a chance to hang out with my little family!!

Thats it for now maybe come back later with some more! as doing the morning school run and i havent done my hair yet!!! Rough mum alert!!!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

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  1. Yes, you are right.. life is precious and we really do need to make the most of it! Enjoy your half term.

  2. I am quite jealous of your half term break, we don't have them here in Canada. Hope you have a good one

    1. ha yes Pants sure does enjoy not having to do much!!

  3. Enjoy half term! I know I will x

  4. Oh yes, I can agree with all of those, especially half term. How you have a great time at big Church day out, wish I was able to get there

  5. Visit from fellow blog hopper! Sound like good reasons for cheerfulness, enjoy!

    1. Thanks for reading just edited the ones that didnt make sense! (dyslexic brain!!)

  6. Sounds like a great week. Hope all goes as well as it can for Dad.

  7. sometimes its good to remember what't important! enjoy big church day out and half term
